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IP Address and Subnetting

Every device (machine) has a unique IP address that allows it to be identified

across network and hence allows for smooth data transmission.

IP Address is a 4 octet(set of 8 bits) scheme

Eg: 10000000.11000000.00100001.00010000 (Binary Octet) (Decimal equivalent) (for ease)

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
What is Subnetting
A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network. Subnetting is
the process of breaking large network into smaller networks known as
subnets. Through subnetting, network traffic can travel a shorter
distance without passing through unnecessary routers to reach its

Pizza Analogy
Why Subnet
● Security (Allows to apply network security policies
at the interconnection between networks)

● Organization(Different Departments)

● Performance(smaller networks faster networks)

Subnet Mask
● Subnet mask is a way to differentiate between the network ID and
the host ID part of an IP address

● A subnet mask is like an IP address, but for only internal usage

within a network.

● Routers use subnet masks to route data packets to the right place.
Network Classes
Class Name IP Range Subne

● Class A 0-127 /8

● Class B 128-191 /16
● Class C 192-223 /24
● Class D 224-239
● Class E 240-255
Network ID and Host ID
Class A

Class B

Class C (IP Address) Class C Network mask)

No. of hosts possible are 2^8=256

Hosts can range from -

The first address is reserved for Network ID and last

for broadcast , rest all are hosts in that network
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