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Environmental Engineering

Lecture no. 1
Environment is the surroundings or conditions in which
a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
Our environment, the world in
which we live and work, is a mirror
of our attitudes and expectations.

Earl Nightengale
What Environment means to us!!!
What is Environmental Engineering/

We are concerned with the quality and availability of

environmental resources and with the waste streams
that impact them
Science…improve our understanding of natural

Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is the contamination of the physical and biological
components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal
environmental processes are adversely affected
Pollutionis the result of the action or
presence of a pollutant in a part of the
environment where it is considered to have
harmful effects.

 EnvironmentalPollution is considered as
the unfavourable alteration of our

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Types Of Environmental Pollution
There are three major types of environmental
 Air pollution
 Water pollution
 Soil / Land pollution
Air Pollution
• Smoke from chimneys
• Automobile exhaust
• Burning of fossil fuels
• Forest fires and open pile
Water Pollution
1. Effluent outfalls from factories and refineries
2. Oil spills
3. Bathing and washing in rivers
4. Throwing food wrappers and other wastes
in the water bodies
Soil / Land Pollution
• Pesticides and human-made
• Improper disposal of waste
• Leaching from landfills
Primary vs. secondary pollutants

Primary pollutant - discharged

directly into the atmosphere (e.g.,
automobile exhaust)
Secondary pollutant - formed in
the atmosphere through a variety of
chemical reactions (e.g.,
photochemical smog)

CE 326 Principles of Environmental Engineering, Copyright © 2008 Tim Ellis, Iowa State University
Air Pollution:
i. Acid rain
ii. Haze
iii. Effects on wildlife
iv. Ozone depletion
v. Global warming
vi. Diseases in humans like lung cancer, asthma,
Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat,
reproductive systems and other respiratory ailments.
Acid rain
Green house Effect & Global Warming
Effects on humans
Water Pollution effects:
i. Effects the marine life (death of marine
animals like fishes, turtles, whales,
ii. Effects the human life (Water-borne diseases
like typhoid, cholera, dysentery)
iii. Eutrophication
Effects on marine life
Effects on Humans
Land Pollution effects:
i. Leaching from landfills
ii. Foul odor and breeding ground for mosquitoes
iii. Reduces soil fertility
Leaching from landfills
Effects on animals
Effects on humans
Noise Pollution
 Noise pollution is excessive, displeasing human,
animal or machine-created environmental noise
that disrupts the activity or balance of human
or animal life. Noise pollution results in anger,
irritation and anxiety.

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Noise Pollution Picture

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Causes of Noise Pollution

 Traffic Noise
 Air-craft Noise
 Noise from construction and civil
engineering works.
 Noise from the Industries.
 Noise from other sources.

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Effects of Noise Pollution

 High Blood Pressure

 Stress
 Sleep Disturbance
 Colour Blindness

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How to Avoid Noise Pollution
 Airports must be away from residential area.
 Do not use car horns unnecessarily especially in silence
zone areas like hospitals and campuses
 Avoid loud music, which hurts your ears
 Firecrackers are extremely loud. So don't try and burn
them unnecessarily.
 Motors, machines and vehicles also produce loud noises
when not maintained properly. Proper maintenance should
be carried out for better performance
 If you are working in an area where there are loud
noises, you must wear earplugs to prevent loss of
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Radio-Active Pollution
 Despite the Advantage of nuclear as a
clean energy, the big concern is the
resulted from nuclear reaction, which is a
form of pollution called Radio active
 Nuclear radiations can penetrate body and
cause irreparable damage to living cells

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Radio-Active Pollution

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Causes of Radio-Active Pollution
 Nuclear power plants
 Nuclear weapons
 Disposal of Nuclear Waste
 Uranium Mining

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Effects of Radio-Active Pollution
 Blood in cough
 Swelling of bone joints
 Lung Cancer
 Skin Cancer
 Bone Cancer
 Eye Problems

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How to Prevent of Radio-Active Pollution
Avoid Using Nuclear Weapon
Have Proper Treatment for Nuclear Waste
Avoid mining for Uranium to a minimal
Properly dispose atomic reactors

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