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Cityside case study

Cultural diversity in the organizations

 While this sounds to be a good approach in order to build a
clientele which is understood by the retail employees it does
create tension between the Retail team and External deposits
 The main issue here is the class of the clientele which both
sectors have been dealing. The External deposits team have the
rich white privileged clientele which is offered various
premium services by the company while the Retail department
Overview of the case
was composed of black employees while the External deposits
department had an All-white code with exception of one black
individual who was due to get promoted. He was transferred to
the retail department for promotion. The case study provided a detailed insight on how a
diverse cultural workplace works and what
 This is a clear case of not only a diverse workforce but a resistances and issues can arise with the passage of
diverse mindset. time. Since Cityside financial services were in a
 The mindset of each class in the departments has different shifts neighborhood of African American majority, the
and their approach on collaboration and promotions in the Retail team was more centered on the African
company are greatly influenced by the color of their skin. American hiring.

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Purpose of the report

Cityside Financial services case study

The main aim of this report has been to address the issues
which hinder the collaboration between the two departments.
• This report will analyze and recommend ways in which the cultural
diversity in the company could be modified and the diverse employees
could be provided with better opportunities to excel in the company
regardless of their color.
• By answering all the queries, the recommendation, time needed to
implement them and the resources needed to implement them will be
provided (Brislin, 2008).

Answering the questions

1. How could these units work collaboratively in the 2. If you integrate the functions would this solve the
future? problems?
• Both teams need to have proper cultural representation. Rather than • This will allow the employees form both cultures to understand each
having black employees in retail and white in External deposits, both other’s perspective and culture at work. It would be a great way to bring
classes should be divided in both departments in proper amalgams. more tolerance in the workplace while crating a sense of trust. This
trusts will be the key in order for the team to collaborate and work
• Using the Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimension model, it is important to together. It is suggested to ensure that the roles and responsibilities for a
break the ice and address the issues. The company norms need serious culturally diverse team to be set precisely allowing the cultures in
modification in order to address the cultural restraints. minority in the team to get proper representation and opportunities to
• By making teams culturally mixed and redefining the norms of the excel in the team. Besides that, with face to face interactions, the
company, the collaboration can be increased. The integration of black employees will be able to communicate well at work.
and white employees in both teams will bring more trust, understanding
and cultural perspective in both employees classes allowing them to
work more collaboratively (Geert Hofstede, 1984).

Answering the questions

3. Would a top-down restructure highlight that there was real • This way the employees can easily relate to each other and understand
racial tension in the organization, waiting to explode? each other’s perspective as well. Personal histories experience could be
• A top down restructure will potentially avoid the racial tension by used in order to change the culture of the organization as well. With a
making the ethnic groups to understand each other’s perspective and culturally diverse team, the overall culture can be changed. These
collaborate with each other on a daily basis. With a top down mentoring sessions will bring more collaboration, overall
restructure, the potential explosion could be avoided. communication and cooperation in the team while creating more
opportunities for each ethnic group in both situations (Martin, 2014).
• The main aim of the entire process is to ensure that proper awareness
about cultural narratives is created. This will go down in the process of 5. If you integrate the functions would this solve the
creating a culturally diverse workplace and teams, providing equal problems?
opportunities to each individual to get to the top without any • The creation of a hiring board is not going to take a long time. The
discrimination on the basis of the color (Amaram, 2007). company at the higher management level needs representation from
both the cultures. This would take a hiring board of 5-6 individuals
4. Faced with this situation, what would you do to change which would tale a month of intensive hiring.
the culture in the organization?
• In order to change the culture in the team, the best way is to follow the • For mentoring, there will be a need to carry out session and seminars on
Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni where he addressed regular basis. This mentoring session strategy can be carried out in both
that that best way to break the walls between the employees is by teams on a regular basis fortnightly or monthly. The interactions could
increasing the face to face interactions. be increased in these sessions as well (Marlene G. Fine, 1990).

• Mentoring at the employee level will allow bringing more
diversity in the company and will hold every individual
accountable for their work. With proper mentoring in a diverse
team, the whole organization could be made diverse in terms of
gender and culture. With no African American or white
representation at the top level, many decisions of the financial
development can be biased and lack proper results since
expansion will only be possible if the target market attracted is
• The executive management must set examples to make sure
that they have a diverse executive board. In the case of Kevin
Johnson who is in the executive board of Starbucks, he refused
to fill in his position at the board until and unless the board was
equipped with gender and culturally diverse representation. The
executive board members must bring diversity by examples in
Cityside Financial Services (Dencker, 2008).


• Besides that, there must be a company policy in place to

set a ratio for the diverse representation at the employee
level as well as each department and staff level. This will
allow bringing more ideas, creativity and individual
characteristic from the diverse people who will become a
part of the organization (Kalev, 2006)
• It must be a part of the policy that the leadership at the
senior level acts as a mentor for the organization while
propagating diversity and better manager accountability.
With a diverse set of employees in the staffing, it will be
easy to get the diverse groups to be a part of the financial
services as clients since they would be able to associate
better with the company (Marlene G. Fine, 1990).

• Amaram, D. I. (2007). Cultural Diversity: Implications For Workplace Management. Journal of Diversity
Management, 2(4), 1-6. Retrieved from
• Brislin, R. W. (2008). Working with Cultural Differences: Dealing Effectively with Diversity in the Workplace.
Greenwood Publishing Group. Retrieved from
• Dencker, J. (2008). (2008). Corporate restructuring and sex differences in managerial promotion. American
Sociological Review, 73(3), 455-476.
• Geert Hofstede, M. H. (1984). Hofstede's Culture Dimensions: An Independent Validation Using Rokeach's Value
Survey. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 15(4). Retrieved from
• Kalev, A. K. (2006). Best practices or best guesses? Assessing the efficacy of corporate Affirmative Action and
diversity policies. American Sociological Review, 71(4), 589-617.
• Marlene G. Fine, F. L. (1990). Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Public Personnel Management, 19(3). Retrieved
• Martin, G. C. (2014). The Effects Of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace. Journal of Diversity Management, 9(2), 89-
92. Retrieved from

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