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The Effects Of Carbon Monoxide On The

dangers Circulatory system

of Carbon monoxide prevents the blood

system from effectively carrying oxygen
Smoking around the body, especially to vital organs
such as the heart and brain. This means
that high doses of CO can cause death
from lack of oxygen to the brain.
As well as this, carbon monoxide
combines with haemoglobin in red blood
cells which reduces their capacity to carry
The effects of nicotine on the body Problems caused by the tar in cigarettes
There is approximately, 1mg per cigarette.
Nicotine is very addictive but it introduces
Tar describes a collection of solid particles
several problems for the body. For starters it
that smokers would inhale when a cigarette
increases the heart rate, blood pressure and
is lit. It’s a mixture of many chemicals, a
blood glucose. Nicotine consumption leads
large amount of which can cause cancer. Tar
to the release of dopamines which leads to a
forms a sticky, brown residue that stains
feeling of euphoria. Whenever someone
smokers’ teeth, fingers and lungs. Hot
smokes a cigarette, it travels through the
smoke and tar from smoking damages the
body in the bloodstream and heads directly
cilia. So smokers cough to move the mucus
for the brain by default. It is able to do this
and are more likely to get bronchitis.
in as little as 7-15 seconds. At this point the
dopamines and the adrenaline is released
which makes the user breathing, rapid and
The role of cilia and mucus in a healthy The damage caused to the cilia by
non-smoker smoking and the consequences of this
Cilia are small thin hair-like structures that damage
extend from nearly all cells found in a Smoking even one cigarette can slow cilia
mammal. Motile (moving) cilia are found in growth for hours. This reduces the number
your lungs, respiratory tract and in your ears. of cilia and therefore there are fewer cilia to
They keep the airways clear of mucus and clean your lungs. Your lungs and airways
dirt. This allows us to breathe easier and have more mucus which means the mucus
without irritation. As well as this cilia is used stays in your airways, clogs them, and makes
to propel sperm. you cough. Cigarette smoke paralyses and
Mucus is a slippery liquid made by mucous destroys the cilia. When tar is able to
membranes. It destroys bacteria and viruses, penetrate further into your lungs it can do
traps particles such as dirt, prevents water even more damage than it did before.
loss, humidifies passageways, lubricates the
movement of materials, and protects
surfaces from damage. The membranes line
the passageways in our bodies that connect
to the outside environment.
In the airways of the lungs, where the cilia
lies, mucus traps inhaled particles and
humidifies the air. The cilia beat in a
coordinated pattern, sweeping the mucus up
to the back of the throat, where it's
swallowed or released into the nose.

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