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Learning Objectives
 Apply the aspects of holistic development to

 Identify the aspects of holistic development that

makes oneself unique from him/herself and from
the others.

 Create a Self Portrait Puzzle that showing the five

aspects of holistic development of persons
Q u e s t i o n:
E sse n t i a l

a k e s y o u a
What m
h ole p e rs o n ?
r i o u s
The Va
c t s o f
A s pe
H o l i s t i c
o p m e n t o f
De v e l
P e r s o n s
Various Aspects of Holistic Development
of Persons
Physiological e

Social Spiritual
 Or the physical attributes
including the five physcial
 Or the intellectual functions
of the mind, thinking,
rcognizing, reasoning,
analyzing, projecting,
synthesizing, recalling and

 Or how thinking, feeling, and

behaving interact and happen
in a person.
 Or the manner by which an
individual interacts with other
individual or groups of
individual, and
 Or the attribute of a person’s
consciousness and beliefs,
including the values and virtues
that guide and put meaning into
a person’s life.
y o u t h i n k
What do
p ec t s o f
are the as
h o list ic
m en t o f
Q u e s t i o n:
E sse n t i a l

a k e s y o u a
What m
h ole p e rs o n ?
l A c t i v i t y :
e l f - P o r t ra i t
Create a S o
r e s p o n d s t
Puzzle that s
“ W h a t m a k e
t h e q u e r y,
y ou w h ol e ? ”
d u a l A c t i v i t y :
In div i
Create a Self
rt ra it P uz z l e
at r e sp o n d s to
u e r y, “ W h a t
th e q
s y o u w h o l e ? ”
Criteria 20 19-17 16-14 13-11 10-below
Creativity and Design is Design is Design is good; Design lacks Lack many
Originality of unique, and expressive; has some individuality. designs
Work displays has some unique features Evidence of element or
elements that unique and some are copying ideas. interest. Not
are totally their features. copied ideas. much attempt

i d u a l A c t i v i t y : own. Evidence to show

In div
or detail, individuality.
pattern or
Understanding Student Student Student Student Student didn’t
and Application demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrate
of the topic full knowledge knowledge with knowledge with knowledge but knowledge on

e a S e l f -
with explanation explanation with little his artwork.

Cre at
explanation and elaboration and applied it explanation
and elaboration and clearly through his and somehow
and clearly applied it artwork. applied it

it P uz z l e
applied it through his through his

Po rt r a
through his artwork. artwork.

n d s to
Idea & The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s

at r e sp o
Knowledge artwork artwork artwork artwork barely artwork did not

displayed a displayed a displayed a conveyed a clearly convey
very excellent very good good concept. clear idea. his idea.

“ W h a t
concept. concept.

th e q u e r y, Effort Time and effort

are very much
Time and effort
are evident in
Work falls short Not much effort
excellence. is seen to
No additional
effort is seen to

evident in the the execution create a complete the

o u w h o l e
execution of of the piece. presentable piece.

mak e s y
the piece. piece.
Time The student The student The student The student The student
submitted his submitted his submitted his submitted his submitted his
artwork artwork 1 hour artwork 2 hours artwork within artwork
perfectly on after the after the the day of the day/days after
time. allotted time of allotted time of designated the designated
submission. submission. deadline deadline.
T han k you!

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