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trength W
eakness O
pportunity T hreats
• The origins of the SWOT analysis technique is credited by Albert Humphrey,
who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s
using data from many top companies.

• The goal was to identify why corporate planning failed.

• Humphrey and the original research team used the categories “What is good in
present is Satisfactory, good in the future is an Opportunity; bad in the present
is a Fault and bad in the future is a Threat.”
Swot Analysis was earlier
known as SOFT Analysis.

Where F was for Fault ; which

was replaced by W for Weakness

In 1964 Urick and Orr at a conference changed the F to a

W, and it has stuck as that, soFt to sWot
• The SWOT analysis is great for developing an understanding of an
organization or situation and decision-making for all sorts of
situations in business, organizations and for individuals.

• The SWOT analysis approach headings provide a good framework

for reviewing strategy, position and direction of a company, product,
project or person (career).

• Doing a SWOT analysis can be very simple, however its strengths lie in
the flexibility and experienced application of a swot analysis.
Remember the SWOT capture is only part of the picture.
A SWOT analysis can be used for:

 Workshop sessions
 Brainstorm meetings
 Problem solving
 Planning
 Product evaluation
 Competitor evaluation
 Personal Development
 Decision Making
… A process generates information that is
helpful in matching an organization or
group’s goals, programs, and capacities to
social environment in which it operates. Note
that in itself is only a data capture – the
analysis follows.

• Positive tangible and intangible

attributes, internal to an organization.

• They are within the organization’s


• A good first step before a more in-depth

analysis or good summary of detailed
• Uncontrollable
S • Strong follow-through

• Clear

• Writes well

• Balanced work-life perspective

• Multi-interested (e.g., work, recreational

activities [e.g., curling, golf, etc.])

• Ambitious
W eaknesses

• Factors that are within an organization’s

control that weaken from its ability to
attain the desired goal.

• Slow revenue growth from key

geographic region

• Which areas might the organization

• Strong need to “get things done and off my
list” with consequence of getting it done right.
W away, thereby undermining the benefits of
more careful deliberation over time.

• Compulsiveness sometimes causes me to be

jealous being given tasks, i.e., stress of many
tasks and need to do each carefully can lead
me to think unkindly about the people
and/or circumstance creating the task .

• Can be impatient, i.e., not tolerate those

do not understand (“suffer fools poorly”) .

• Time pressure causes stress and can lead

to emotional “hijacking” .

• Do not handle multiple

O pportunities

• External attractive factors that

represent the reason for an
organization to exist and develop.

• What opportunities exist in the

environment, which will boost the
organization? Identify them by their
“time frames”
• To engage others in providing feedback

O about their experience of me.

• To receive coaching in service of

improving my leadership skills.

• To learn from others in similar roles to


• To enhance my ability to manage the need

to complete task quickly in order to be able
to deliberate more carefully .

• To enhance my equability about work-

related tasks.

• External factors, beyond an

organization’s control, which could
place the organization mission or
operation at risk.

• The organization may benefit by

having contingency plans to address
them if they should occur.

• Classify them by their “seriousness”

and “probability of occurrence”.
• Time pressure, which can derail my plan for

T self- improvement because it catapults me

back to my “usual” habits.

• The multitude of everyday demands, which

against self-reflection.
• The concept of determining strengths,
weaknesses, threats, and opportunities is the
fundamental idea behind the SWOT

• SWOT matrix is only a graphical representation

the SWOT framework.

• The given is a schema of how SWOT works

• You start at the top level and go down to details.

When this is filled with content, it gets the shape of
a matrix
1.SO strategies—use a firm’s internal strengths to
take advantage of external opportunities.

2. WO strategies—are aimed at improving internal

by taking advantage of external opportunities.

3. ST strategies—use a firm’s strengths to avoid or

reduce the
impact of external threats.

4.WT strategies—are defensive tactics directed at

reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding external
• Unique products • Price
• Customer loyalty • Incompatible with
• Innovation other OS
• Style / Brand / Image • Patent Infringements
• Consumer friendly • Vendors Lock in
Image • Less Service Centers

Strength Weakness

Opportunity Threats

• High demand for iPad • Emerging new

,iPhone, Mac smartphones like
• i-TV and Watch launch Samsung
• Obtaining partners • Price Pressure
through acquisition • Limited
Lets Do Swot Analysis of MindQuad & Our Self
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