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.Analysis of Saunders Research Onion

:Presented by
Ali Abdelhady Ali
:Under supervision of
Dr/ Rasha Wahieb

.This analysis shows the stages involved in the creation of research objectives

.Explanation of the stages of a research process is provided by onion layers

When using a study onion, saunders observed that one must move from the outer to
.the inner layer

Each layer of the onion represents a more through stage of the study process as seen
.from the outside

The study process is like peeling an onion layer by layer in order to see the inner layer,
.the outer layer must first be exposed

Saunders research onion, which he developed and explains the various choices you will
.have to make while creating a research methodology

You will have to make a variety of decisions as you move inside from the outside of the
.onion, ranging from high level and philosophical to tactical and practical in nature

.It at the very least clarifies the choices you must take regarding your research design
Layers of the saunders research onion

 Research philosophy.

 Research approach.

 Research strategies.

 Research choices.

 Research time horizon.

Research philosophy
Research philosophy is a set of assumptions about how the reality under
.investigation works

.Explanation of what knowledge is

Research project’s chosen research philosophy is determined by the kind of

.knowledge being examined

There are three primary philosophical approaches are crucial to the research

 Ontology. Epistemology. Axiology.

Types of research philosophy

 Positivism. Realism. Interpretivism. Pragmatism.

 Positivism: generates testable research topics and hypotheses that can be

examined, and can be used to quantified explain general knowledge about the world.

 Realism: relies on the idea of independence of reality from the human mind, and this
philosophy is based on the assumption of a scientific approach to the development of

 Interpretivism: based on assumption that reality is subjective, multiple and socially


 Pragmatism: is a philosophical movement that includes those who claim that an

ideology or proposition is true if it works satisfactory.
Research approach

.The second layer of the research onion

Knowing the purpose of the research and its constraints is crucial since the previous
.layer of the onion has an impact on this one

Two types of approach

 Deductive Approach

 Inductive Approach
Deductive Approach

The deductive method creates a hypothesis or set of hypotheses based on an existing

.theory before formulating a research strategy to test them

It is defined as the progression from general to specific: first, the general theory and
knowledge foundation are developed, and then the particular knowledge obtained
.through the research process is compared to it
Inductive Approach

In contrast to the deductive method which requires you to adopt an established theory,
.the inductive method lets you develop your own theories

.The inductive method is distinguished by a shift from the particular to the general

Since there is no structure that guides the data gathering In This method, the research
.focus can be determined after the data has been gathered
Research strategies

.Describe how the researcher intends to carry out the work

The strategy can include a number of different approached such as

 Experimental

 Action research

 Case study

 Interviews

 Surveys
 Experimental: the method of developing a research procedure that compares
experiment outcomes to anticipated results is known as experimental research.

 Survey: one of the best and most affordable research methods, can gather detailed
and trustworthy data.

 Case study: this tactic is concentrated on a single person or group of people. Can
provide insight into the particulars of any example and demonstrate the significance
of culture and context in the variations among cases.

 Action research: In fields like teaching or nursing, where practitioners can analyze
how to better their professional approach and understanding, this type of research is
Choice to saunders research onion
Is a term used to describe the fourth layer of the research onion. This layer enables you
to determine if using either one approach or a combination of quantitative and qualitative
methodology is appropriate. There are three choices

 Mono. Mixed. Multi method

 Mono: you must only collect one sort of information, either quantitative or qualitative
when using this methodology.

 Mixed: this technique is able to integrate quantitative and qualitative approach in a

study to produce precise data.

 Multi method: this method similar to mixed methodology in a study, but they yet differ
in some ways. Multi doesn’t combine methodologies to establish a specific set of data.

Time horizon to saunders research

.Describe the required time for the completion of the project work

:There are two types of time horizons within the research onion

• Cross sectional. Longitudinal.

 Cross sectional: is the one during which data collection is required. When a
specific phenomenon at a certain period is being studies as part of an
investigation, this method is used.

 Longitudinal: when examining change over time is a key component of the

research, a longitudinal time horizon for data collection is used, which involves
collecting data periodically over a lengthy period of time.
Analysis and Data collection


 Secondary data

 Observations

 Interviews

 Questionnaires
Types of data collection

 Secondary data: derived from the work or opinions of other researchers.

 Observations: by observing behavior, events or physical traits as they occur in the wild,
observers can gain information.

There are two types of observations: overt and covert

• Overt: everyone is aware they are being watched.

• Covert: no one is aware they are being watched, and the watcher is hidden.

 Interviews: two or more persons participate interviews, one of them is the interviewer who asks
the questions.

 Questionnaires: the purpose of questionnaires is to collect informations from respondents about

their attitudes, experiences, and opinions.

This study has been able to describe the different layers of the research onion by

Although surface, the study critically examines the onion layers and how it can used
.as a guide to successfully develop a research work

Assignment Help UK (2017) Research Onion – Made easy to understand and follow. Retrieved

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