Chapter1 Lecture1

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Chapter1 (Lecture1)

The Systems Development

Chapter Objectives
 Define information systems analysis and design.

 Describe the role of the systems analyst in information systems

 Describe the information systems development life cycle (SDLC).

 List alternatives to the systems development life cycle, including

a description of the role of computer-aided software engineering
(CASE) tools in systems development.

Chapter Preview
 Systems Analysis and Design is a proven method to help business
utilize information to its fullest capacity.
 As a system analyst you will enjoy a rich career path that will enhance
both your computer and interpersonal skills.
 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is central to the
development of an efficient information systems.
 Four key SDLC steps:
• Planning and selection
• Analysis
• Design
• Implementation

Chapter Preview (continued)

What is Information Systems
Analysis and Design?
 A method used to create and maintain systems that perform basic
business functions.
 Major goal of Systems Analysis and Design:
• To improve employee efficiency by applying software solutions to
key business tasks.
• To improve organizational systems by developing or acquiring
application software and training employees in its use.
 A structured approach should be followed to ensure success (SDLC).
 Systems Analysts perform Systems Analysis and Design based upon:
◦ Understanding of organization’s objectives, structure and processes.
◦ Knowledge of how to exploit information technology for advantage.

Systems Analysis and Design:
Core Concepts
 Application software (or a System): Designed to support a specific
organizational function or process.
The goal of application software is to turn data into information.

 Examples include spreadsheets, word processors, and database

management systems.
 In addition to application software, the information system includes:
• Hardware and system software.
• Documentation and training materials.
• Job roles associated with the system.
• Controls to prevent theft or fraud.
• The people who use the software to perform their jobs.

Systems Analysis and Design:
Core Concepts

Software Engineering Process

Software Engineering Process
 Methodologies:
◦ A sequence of step-by-step approaches that help develop the information system.
Incorporate several development techniques.
 Techniques:
◦ Processes that the analysts follows to ensure that their work is well thought-out,
complete, and comprehensible to others on the project team.
◦ Examples:
◦ Conducting thorough interviews with current and future users
◦ Planning and managing the activities in a systems development project
◦ Diagramming how the system will function
 Tools:
◦ Computer programs that aid in applying techniques.
◦ Ex.: Computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

These three elements work together to form an organizational

approach to systems analysis and design.
 A group of interrelated procedures used for a business
function, with an identifiable boundary, working together
for some purpose.
 A system exists within an environment.

 A boundary separates a system from its environment.

 A system has nine characteristics.

Characteristics of a System
 Components: An irreducible part or aggregation of parts that makes up a system;
also called a subsystem.
 Interrelated Components: Dependence of one part of the system on one or more
other system parts.
 Boundary: The line that marks the inside and outside of a system and that sets off
the system from its environment.
 Environment: Everything external to a system that interacts with the system.
 Purpose: The overall goal or function of a system.
Interfaces: Point of contact where a system meets its environment or where
subsystems meet each other.
 Constraints: A limit to what a system can accomplish.
 Input: A system takes input from its environment in order to function.
 Output: A system returns output to its environment as a result of its functioning and
thus achieves its purpose.
Characteristics of a System

Important System Concepts
 Systems analysts need to know several other important
systems concepts:
• Decomposition
• Modularity
• Coupling
• Cohesion

 The process of breaking the description of a system down into
small components; also known as functional decomposition.
Allows the systems analyst to:
◦ Break a system into small, manageable and understandable
◦ Focus on one area at a time, without interference from other areas.
◦ Concentrate on component pertinent to one group of users without
confusing users with unnecessary details.
◦ Build different components at independent times and have the
help of different analysts.

 Modularity: direct result of decomposition.
 Process of dividing a system into
modules of a relatively uniform size.
 Modules simplify system design.

 Subsystems that are dependent upon each
other are coupled.
 Desired: loose coupling.

 Extent to which a subsystem performs a
single function.
 Desired: high cohesion.

Decomposition, Modularity,
Coupling, and Cohesion Example:

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