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Sort, Filter and Pivot Tables


Data in the worksheet can be arranged in ascending or descending order. Ascending order lists data
from A to Z, while descending order lists data from Z to A. Data in a worksheet can be sorted on one
or more rows or columns.
(1) Select all cells in the table, except the titles.
(2) Go to Sort & Filter  Custom Sort. A sort dialogue box will appear.
(3) Select one or more row or column to sort by.
(4) Select the order of sort (ascending or descending).
(5) Click OK.
Auto filter

When we create a large worksheet with data, sometimes we want to find all the data matching some
criterion. Rather than manually going through the worksheet and searching for the data matching
the criterion, the spreadsheet software has a feature that allows us to filter the records.
(1) Click on any of the cells in the list.
(2) Go to Sort & Filter  Filter. Small arrows will appear beside each fieldname.
(3) Click on the arrow beside the fieldname. A drop down list appears. You can now filter the list
using a criterion.
(4) Notice that the arrow has changed, to indicate the auto filter is turned on.
Advanced filter

Sometimes after creating a large spreadsheet, we want to extract or filter and display the information
that meets some criterion in a separate section. The Auto filter only allows you to display records in
the same position by removing the rest of the data that does not meet the criterion. The advanced
filter allows you to display records in a separate section.
(1) List range: This is the table from which information will be extracted.
(2) Criteria range: This is where you set the criteria. The criteria range contains the column headings
and the criteria under the correct column heading. This contains two or more rows based on the
number of criteria you set.
(3) Copy to range: This is where the records that meet the criteria will be displayed.
(1) Copy and paste the column headings to a blank area of the worksheet and set the criteria range.
(2) Select Data  Advanced. You will get the advanced filter dialogue box.
(3) Click inside the list range and select the range.
(4) Click inside the criteria range and select the criteria range.
(5) Check ‘Copy to another location’ button.
(6) Click inside the ‘Copy to’ box and select a cell or cells where you want to display the results of the
(7) Click OK.
Pivot Tables

See videos uploaded to Google classroom.

Class Activity

Employee Gender Salary Age

Allan Male 5600 26
Mary Female 3500 20
Peter Male 2500 31
Triko Female 6000 19
Mohan Male 8000 28
Susan Female 3500 22
Vick Male 5400 28
Tota Male 4500 32
Amrita Female 6500 35

(1) Create the worksheet above.

(2) Sort the data by ‘Gender’ in ascending order, and then by ‘Salary’ in descending order.
(3) Using auto filter, filter the data to find all Male employees who are over 25 years and who earn more
than 5000 in salary.
(4) Using advanced filter, find all employees who are Female and who earn less than 5000 in salary.
(5) Create a Pivot table to show Employee name and Salary.

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