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1BBP Owner Survey

April - 2024

04/05/2024 - 04/13/2024

© 2024
Executive Summary

Earlier this month, we initiated a survey of OBBP owners on the lobby renovation which garnered 158 responses,
each from a different IP address, which we believe is a very high level of engagement and a large enough sample size
to be representative of the building’s views.

While there is indeed some positive feedback, the overall sentiment is decidedly negative. On a 1-10 point scale,
with 1 being negative and 10 being positive, no weighted score on any question is in positive territory;
the highest score was 4.76, and some were significantly lower.

When asked how happy they are with the lobby project with 1 being “very unhappy” and 10 being “very happy,” nearly
half (48 percent) answered 1-3, compared to 18 percent who answered 8-10.

While the lobby renovation was originally intended to update the space and ensure our building values kept pace,
57 percent of residents say the new lobby design is NOT an improvement on the old one. Of the 43 percent who say
it is an improvement, many provided written comments about what they do not like.

In fact, when asked if the renovation improves the building’s property value, the weighted score was 3.69
(with 1 being not at all and 10 being greatly improves); an overwhelming majority (78%) answered 5 or lower.

2 © 2024
Executive Summary (continued)

On a question about how well the Board allocates funds for building improvements, with 1 being very concerned and
10 being not concerned at all, nearly 2/3 of respondents (62 percent) gave a score of 5 or lower.

When asked how well the Board communicated progress on the renovation, with 1 being "very poor" and 10 being
"very well," nearly half (47 percent) of respondents gave a score of 1-3, compared to 15 percent who gave a score
at the top end of the scale, 8-10.

But it’s perhaps the open-ended responses that tell the story best. We’ve included all of the comments as written, both
positive and negative, in this presentation.

Thank you for participating! We hope the data drives reflection and positive change in both the process and results
of our building improvements.

3 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with the results of the lobby improvement project, with 1 being very unhappy and
10 being very happy?
Weighted Score: 4.35 | (N = 158)
1 23%

2 12%

3 13%

4 5%

5 11%

6 9%

7 10%

8 8%

9 7%

10 3%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

4 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with the results of the lobby improvement project, with 1 being very unhappy and
10 being very happy?

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

1 36 1 23%
2 19 2 12%
3 20 3 13%
4 8 4 5%
5 18 5 11%
6 14 6 9%

5 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with the results of the lobby improvement project, with 1 being very unhappy and
10 being very happy? (Continued)

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

7 16 7 10%
8 12 8 8%
9 11 9 7%
10 4 10 3%
Total Responses 158
Weighted Score 4.35

6 © 2024
Do you think the lobby renovation is an improvement on the original design?
(N = 164)

Yes 43%

No 57%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

7 © 2024
Do you think the lobby renovation is an improvement on the original design?
Response Count (N) Percentage (%)
Yes 70 43%
No 94 57%
Total Responses 164

8 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10 How much do you think think the lobby renovation improves the building's property value, with 1 being
not at all and 10 being greatly improves.
Weighted Score: 3.69 | (N = 139)
1 28%

2 16%

3 13%

4 6%

5 15%

6 4%

7 4%

8 6%

9 5%

10 2%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

9 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10 How much do you think think the lobby renovation improves the building's property value, with 1 being
not at all and 10 being greatly improves.

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

1 39 1 28%
2 22 2 16%
3 18 3 13%
4 9 4 6%
5 21 5 15%
6 6 6 4%

10 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10 How much do you think think the lobby renovation improves the building's property value, with 1 being
not at all and 10 being greatly improves. (Continued)

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

7 6 7 4%
8 8 8 6%
9 7 9 5%
10 3 10 2%
Total Responses 139
Weighted Score 3.69

11 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign?
Response No. Answer text
4 The new reception desk and more seating
5 The mail room.
6 The mail area.
7 Front desk.
8 More open flow with the pillar seating removed. Column color and tiles. Grey wallpaper.
9 Artwork
10 I like that there is seating and walls are re-done. Execution might not be ideal
11 Nothing
12 Not at all
13 Nothing. Original was far more coherent and functional
14 I think the lobby design is clean, elegant and sensible for its functionality.
15 Bigger desk and storage areas, art work

12 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
16 A complete waste of funds
17 Artwork, lights, removing the orange pattern,
18 It is horrible and made the lobby feel down market
19 Brighter, less orange/yellow/drab tones. I disliked the circular column seating.
20 Nothing
21 I like the new color palette in the mailbox area and that the lobby desk is smaller.
22 I do like the seating being moved to the sides to add space. Also like space for carts
23 I think the concierge desk is nice.
24 The ceiling and lighting are fine.

13 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
25 Symmetry , sophisticated clean lines. Front desk.Removal of carts. Better air and heat.
26 I like that the round benches are gone from the columns leaving more space for traffic to flow.
27 More modern design; artwork
28 Fine not great
29 Nothing
30 The desk area
31 Nothing
32 Front desk. No more orange. Wallpaper in mail room.
33 The front desk
34 nothing
35 Not impressed with anything.
36 the lights not dangling as if about to fall due to vents blowing

14 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
37 The front desk and room for carts.
38 Eliminating the circular playground seating, the dark wallpaper, the front desk area
39 Actually was just a remodel of the same look and feel from my perspective. Poor use of condo $
40 The plants
41 It’s brighter. that it’s not orange, also that they removed the seating around the columns
42 Much cleaner look and more user friendly.
44 Only the tiles on the columns and the front desk
45 I like the idea of where seating was placed but what was chosen was awful
46 Nothing, really

15 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
47 It’s a bit boring but functional. Definitely not much to talk about in terms of aesthetic.
48 The front desk countertop
49 The cleaner design. Removing the orange.
50 The front desk
51 The carts are hidden
52 To be honest, nothing
53 I like the black and white wallpaper in the hallway. I like that the desk has moved back.
54 The seating, the new lobby desk, the brightness
55 I like the tiled columns, the new reception desk, pink couch, artwork and lighting.
56 Clean and elegant
57 New desk for staff, side north south lobby entrances
58 Nothing

16 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
59 nothing
60 Nothing
61 Improved seating, better flow around columns.
62 I didn't like the orange of the original lobby, good the color scheme changed (although not ideal)
63 Some individual pieces are nice but overall, I hate it.
64 Wallpaper on the hallway by elevators. Couch by stairs
65 The dark wallpaper and new desk.
67 Maybe the lighting was an improvement the rest was not
68 New concierge desk, bench seating, textured dark brown wallpaper
69 Art
70 Nothing
71 Front desk area

17 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
72 The lights, the openness
73 Neutral tones are a clear improvement over the prior design.
74 Update of lobby was due. But design is disjointed and cheap looking
75 The lighting and new concierge table.
76 Everything
77 I like that it looks clean.
78 I love the new stone work on the desk, the travertine wall paper, the light green paint, the leather
79 The ceiling, the leather seating, the new front desk
80 The art
81 I ithnk it is bland and looks cheap. All of the rich materials have been removed

18 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
83 The new front desk and countertop, the overhead lights, and the new package pickup area
84 Improved mailroom capacity
85 better cart management. mail area.
86 The reception counter is an improvement and is made with quality materials.
87 Basically nothing. The concierge desk is it.
88 Made it somewhat easier to walk through after the circular benches were removed.
89 The art on the walls.
90 The dark wallpaper. Also liked the ceiling changes with the glass globes (unfortunately removed).

19 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
91 Less orange, more light, more open space with fewer carts in plain sight
92 .... It's finished? Maybe the leather couch but the old ones were better.
93 Concierge desk, dark wallpaper by elevators, mailroom area
94 Removed orange color pallet which was dated. Replaced the front desk with a sleeker design.
95 Opens up the space, the colors and the lights
96 Front desk and removal of seating around the columns
97 The brighter nature of colors
98 More open, lighter lobby in general, some finishes are nice

20 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
99 I like the new sofa at the front of the lobby and the carts are no longer visible from the lobby
100 Newness, and removing those benches around the columns
102 The nice, neutral colors with the pop of the hanging art. The hanging lights. The beautiful desk
103 It's emphasized the space- and beauty of the simple structure
104 new and fresh, things were looking too old/falling apart

21 © 2024
What do you like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
105 Bright clean lines. Got rid of stairway panel and replaced with lively art.
106 Absolutely nothing.
107 Removing the benches around the columns created more space, better seating

22 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign?
Response No. Answer text
4 Doesn’t look professional. The sealed window where Prestige once was is just awful. Bathroom tiles.
5 Seating. Color scheme. Tile. Wallpaper. Lighting.
6 The banquette seating. The ceiling lighting.
7 Furniture, seating, area, ceiling, columns, everything else
8 Mismatched colors of the furniture, lack of cohesion in the style elements.
9 It’s a hodgepodge, no flowing theme. Green color is horrible. Wallpaper is generic, front desk 👎🏻
10 Wish the floors were cleaner. Don’t love the new rug

23 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
11 No sense of unified design, poor material choices, uninspired color/finish palette
12 Not cohesive at all. Sad atmosphere, not welcoming.
13 Cheap, disjointed, uncomfortable and completely lacking in aesthetic value of any sort
14 Some things clearly still need to be addressed, - plants, the new rug and the dry cleaning window.
15 Very cold tones, lack of color and warmth, lack of surface texture, ceiling lighting, furniture,
16 I don’t like anything of the new design

24 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
17 Sofas look tired and uncoordinated. Could have brought in some amazing furniture
18 all cheap and disjointed. all done by people who have no idea about design.
19 The furniture: the rug and couch and brown seat covering for the bench
20 Everything
21 EVERYTHING ELSE. The vast majority of the design elements do not look cohesive at all.
22 Many design elements are confusing and not cohesive and looks cheap
23 The shoeshine bench + the utter lack of cohesion and thought. Pure ugliness.

25 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
24 That the floors weren’t redone; browns and greys together; couch and rug; tiered desk
25 Little dark. Unfinished seating / plants area .more art needed
26 Nothing matches. Wallpaper tacky. Benches look like car dealership. Furniture mismatched not to scal
27 That it was apparently not good enough that I have to fill out surveys like this one
28 Furniture
29 Everything
30 Nothing matches or makes sense together. Certainly not the couch or rug or the light green columns.

26 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
31 The look. The only merit would have been the mailroom relocation, but it didn't happen.
32 Wallpaper is side hallway is vile. Lights look unfinished. Couch shape terrible-should be bigger
33 Doesn’t look classy. Doesn’t match. Color scheme poor. Quality of materials poor.
34 everything
35 Nothing is in harmony.
36 I don’t care for both sitting areas and the permanent stains left from the circular seating
37 The couch, the rug, the artwork, the fake plants and the banquette. Nothing works together.

27 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
38 Baggage area wallpaper, not changing the flooring, the mashup of browns that don't work, theseating
39 Like front sitting idea but poor layout. Brown leather bench…really?
40 Faux wood wall behind the bus stop banquet bench. The floating rug/sofa. Lighting. Columns paint
41 The orangish couch.
42 Would have liked higher quality materials on the bench by the mailboxes.
43 Everything looks cheap- lighting, artwork, banquette, furniture and use of color
44 The art, the colors, the couch, couch placement; rug, lights

28 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
45 Hard to say in 100 characters - not happy with any of it nor the cost
46 It just doesn’t have the “wow” factor. Interesting choice of color themes.
47 The red couch, the green carpet and the artwork… it all seems to compete with each other.
48 Everything else - we look cheap and ikea like without any cohesion.
49 The pink couch, animal print rug, and Brooklyn Bridge wallpaper.
50 Nothing matches- the seating areas are not cohesive. The Brooklyn bridge wallpaper looks cheap
51 Furniture in front & art work above stairs.

29 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
52 Looks random and cheap; took out cool design elements (the wall, the circular seating)
53 The floors are still ugly. Bench Cushions, sofa, rug, etc. We need seating this doesn't do it.
54 The lighting, the Brooklyn bridge wallpaper
55 I think the rug should be larger, and I don't love the Andy Warhol wallpaper.
56 Waiting for the art and new coffee table
57 Everything in lobby except new entrance desk. The space is not cohesive and looks poorly designed
58 Pretty much all of it
59 everything

30 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
60 Wall benches are cheesy, sofa looks out of place and is too small for the space, artwork too Small
61 I would go with something more plain or geometric pattern versus the Brooklyn Bridge wallpaper.
62 Feels scattered and not 'tied together' organically
63 Lack of cohesion, it looks sloppy. This does not reflect a high-end luxury building.
64 Color and material of couch by mail room
65 The couch, bench, tiled columns, painted green on columns, black & white wallpaper and the entry lou
67 Is not clean , the art work and sofa doesn’t make any sense

31 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
68 New couch is like from a porn movie.
69 Seating
70 It is bland and cold (with strange color pops and uninviting furniture) rather than warm/welcoming
71 The rest
72 It doesn’t seem like it flows. It’s like a bunch of colors and randomness thrown together
73 The hot dog couch looks cheap and is poor use of the space. The overheard lighting is very poor.
74 Color scheme is all over the map. Should have stuck with subtle grey tones.
75 The furniture and art selection. The seating capacity also appears to be less than before.
76 Nothing

32 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
77 Nothing really bothers me that much. Not the biggest fan of the rug but it's fine.
78 I didn’t like the burnt wood table thing.
79 The (preexisting) floors, the rug/sofa combination
80 Looks great
81 Bown paint replaced real wood, globes missing from hanging lights. no warmth or richness
82 Rug
83 The rug, couch, black wood side tables (are these still here?). The art is not appealing either.
84 Materials and colors are incongruous, as if chosen at random. Design lacks cohesion and looks cheap.
85 overall design language, seating, colors

33 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
86 Everything apart from reception counter. Looks cheap. Sofa with the rug are really atrocious(sorry!)
87 Everything (sans desk). The horrible 70s track lighting, cheesy wallpaper/art, horrid rug, bench etc
88 There’s no cohesive aesthetic or style. It’s just different, not better. I expected more change.
89 Not cohesive, unfinished light fixtures, not enough seating, failure to fix floors, dark ceiling
90 Lacks cohesiveness. The column tiles and bridge wallpaper are worst. Halls are boring; need color.

34 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
91 Aesthetically it's totally fine, but perhaps the space is still not well-utilized
92 Color scheme, pictures, tiles, light fixtures, layout (why did they do all the work to the corridor?
93 Furniture! All the seating is unattractive.
94 Cheap couch and rug in the front. Uncovered unfinished lights from ceiling. Cheap Wallpaper choice.
95 The cost and the seats
96 Too many elements. Looks too busy and less elegant.
97 The art, walls next to mailboxes
98 Light green paint, abstract bk bridge wall paper and pendant light fixtures

35 © 2024
What do you NOT like about the lobby redesign? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
99 I do not like the color scheme, tiles, wall paper, lighting. Reminds me of a awful dentist office.
100 New bench is too high; the art "paintings" is very unattractive and overall a bit too eccletic
101 No cohesion in the design: flower art, the pink couch, animal print rug, green columns
102 The Brooklyn bridge wall art in the cart hall
103 The fact that the design and paint does not continue into the door ways leading to the hat AC ge
104 The corner seating area and new foot stools seem off spacially. Also the Brkln Bridge wallpaper

36 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, are you concerned about how the Board allocates funds for building improvements, with 1 being very
concerned and 10 being not at all concerned?
Weighted Score: 4.76 | (N = 147)
1 16%

2 15%

3 14%

4 7%

5 10%

6 9%

7 5%

8 7%

9 6%

10 12%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

37 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, are you concerned about how the Board allocates funds for building improvements, with 1 being very
concerned and 10 being not at all concerned?

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

1 24 1 16%
2 22 2 15%
3 21 3 14%
4 10 4 7%
5 14 5 10%
6 13 6 9%

38 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, are you concerned about how the Board allocates funds for building improvements, with 1 being very
concerned and 10 being not at all concerned? (Continued)

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

7 7 7 5%
8 10 8 7%
9 9 9 6%
10 17 10 12%
Total Responses 147
Weighted Score 4.76

39 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how well did the Board/Building do communicating progress about the lobby construction and design
over the past 3 years, with 1 being very poor and 10 being very well?
Weighted Score: 4.32 | (N = 146)
1 15%

2 17%

3 15%

4 8%

5 16%

6 5%

7 9%

8 5%

9 7%

10 3%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

40 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how well did the Board/Building do communicating progress about the lobby construction and design
over the past 3 years, with 1 being very poor and 10 being very well?

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

1 22 1 15%
2 25 2 17%
3 22 3 15%
4 11 4 8%
5 23 5 16%
6 8 6 5%

41 © 2024
On a scale of 1-10, how well did the Board/Building do communicating progress about the lobby construction and design
over the past 3 years, with 1 being very poor and 10 being very well? (Continued)

Response Count (N) Value Percentage (%)

7 13 7 9%
8 8 8 5%
9 10 9 7%
10 4 10 3%
Total Responses 146
Weighted Score 4.32

42 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Response No. Answer text
4 The board needs to stop using volunteers. Hire professionals.
5 The building no longer has its own aesthetic.
7 I think the only thing that was very dated in the old lobby was the use of logo and orange
10 I think people are spending way too much time on this in general
11 The lobby renovation is emblematic of the Board’s poor priorities and lack of transparency
12 Want to know the breakdown for lobby renovation fee
13 Resources are misallocated and diverted from functional causes. Facilities for children is one examp

43 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
18 The original ceiling and light box was beautiful and warm
19 The board did a decent reno with <$1m, which is unheard of, especially w inflation.
20 I’m hoping with future renovation projects the owner residents will have a say
21 I used to enjoy going through the lobby. Yes, it needed an update, but now it’s mostly just ugly.
23 The results and mistakes reflect poor oversight. I didn't like old lobby; unbelievably this is worse
24 It looks terrible.

44 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
25 It’s taken a long time. But I love it and was offered twice what we paid for apt. Criticism unfair.
26 Perhaps we should have spend some money on the elevator??
29 We need a new board
30 Thank you for doing this
31 Owners could have got themselves more involved before bad things happened.
32 For a million dollars, the lobby should look way more put together and not slapped together.
33 I think id have good design aesthetic to make it classy and functional. Similar to nearby buildings

45 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
38 The Board probably spent too little, not too much, given how discordant the design elements ended up
40 There should be seating in the mezzanine; allocate $ to build a party room in space above Iris Cafe
41 We are impressed with how little the construction impacted living in the building and its speed
42 Overall satisfied.
45 At very least should have automatic doors on both sides. We have enough children/pets to require
47 It’s really too bad that the glass bulb that came with the lights did not fit on the fixtures.

46 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
49 What’s done is done. We should be looking towards how to work together to improve the rest building
50 If we can improve the seating areas and repaint the mint columns to a neutral color it can help
Rather than spend more money, we should remove items that seem to just cheapen the lobby
52 The rationale for changing the lobby--need for larger mailroom--seems like a false one.
53 I highly recommend joining the board meetings and reading the notes.
54 Ive found the rudeness and negativity on the Facebook group to be disappointing.

47 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
Very disappointed, worried about impact on pretty value and concerned w minimal board
63 The lack of transparency is the most concerning.
66 Chill! Its fine!
67 It just looks cheap overall
70 Can we please include an automatic door on the right side exit? Would be so helpful.
74 A lot of money was spent with very little upgrade. Whoever picked furniture poor choices
76 No
77 I will be upset if funds are taking away from other improvements/our common chargers are increase

48 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
79 It would be nice if they could install the lighting covers that were originally planned
81 the renovation was supposed to provide more package space, but just removal all the quality
85 I'm concerned about the progress and communication regarding the elevators
86 The lobby renovation looks nothing like the renderings that were published before the start of work.
87 It's horrible. I dislike each elements independently & together it completely lacks cohesion & taste

49 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
89 Once the project was under way, the Board hid complications and costs and amended designs
90 There may not be a budget for remediation, but modifications should be done to enhance the design.
91 There will never be a unanimous opinion on aesthetics. The need for this survey is more concerning.
92 I ran out of space saying what I didn't like.
93 Replace the bus-looking seating and velvet couch without spending a fortune for custom furniture
94 The lobby needed renovation but the details matter — and choices made in details cheapened the look

50 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
95 We were never given the ultimate total cost of the project.
98 We need to coordinate the finishes better
99 I would like to know the final cost of the lobby. Also what happened to unspent funds.
101 During christmas, the poinsettias in the lobby are excessive.
103 It's very very hard to design anything by committee
105 No. Great questions.
106 The lack of transparency and the spending of a $1mm 4 a horrific renovation is extremely suspect
107 Seems like there are better ways to increase the property value than the lobby

51 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
112 I think a more cohesive aesthetic redesign is sorely needed. it feels antiquated
113 Why are owners not surveyed about what improvements are needed and what should be prioritized?
114 No
115 priority should be given to fixing the elevators, updating the gym and the children's rooms
117 Please more seating. There's space under the stairs and near the two elevators at the end. please.
119 Worst ever
122 I would aim for a lobby that is classy, sleek and modern.

52 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
125 Unqualified Board and poor governance and process led to this result and are the overarching issues.
127 Feel like the package room situation wasn’t really worked on as much as it should have been.
128 lobby is slightly improved
129 Unqualified designer used materials not appropriate for public spaces, cobbled it together. Awful.
130 Need to still see finished product. Especially sitting area. Mostly don’t like the long bench
131 The board needs new life. They never allow anyone new on the board and it’s a Dictatorship

53 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
132 I live on 2nd floor and our hall really need some help
133 As a designer - I think the quality of materials and choices need to improve
134 This was a frivolous use of money in a time when finances are stretched for some of us.
137 So sad the money spent and the outcome. nothing at all warm and inviting
139 #6: concerned, yes; but think they are in excellent control of the $
140 The goal was to make us modern and on par with other buildings which the reno did NOT accomplish
141 As always, more communication is better
142 NA

54 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
Stop complaining unless you volunteered your time for the reno. Too many other problems in the
144 Each lobby area looks like a different designer did it. Very unsophisticated overall.
145 Board initially laid out a more collaborative plan than they actually followed
146 No
147 The seating is awful, and we can’t have a full sized Christmas tree.
148 I think it’s fine
150 waste of money
151 Why don’t we use the old package pick up window by the back of the lobby

55 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
153 Board has No transparency, no governance, no culpability, board loves to spend $ w/o repercussions
154 Armed guard 24/7
155 Can we replace the couch and rug when you first walk in?
156 Unnecessary and money would've been better spent on new carpeting throughout building
160 Why weren’t we shown an actual rendering of this? That is very easily done! Property value killer!
162 The original design was well communicated with the presentation in lobby. Req’d modification less.

56 © 2024
Is there anything else you would like to add? (Continued)
Response No. Answer text
164 The design is not cohesive. The lighting is poor. All the elements seem very random and lack vision.
165 while we dislike the current state of the lobby, we are also wary of spending a lot more to rectify
166 Hire a professional interior designer
167 i've yet to hear any update on the budget given that much of the structural work wasn't done

57 © 2024
Would you like to be part of a non-Board group of owners communicating regularly about the lobby and other building
(N = 155)

Yes 27%

No 73%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

58 © 2024
Would you like to be part of a non-Board group of owners communicating regularly about the lobby and other building

Response Count (N) Percentage (%)

Yes 42 27%
No 113 73%
Total Responses 155

59 © 2024

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