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Course Name: International Marketing

Course Code: 16SMGB222

Market Entry
Instructor Name: Hamsa Sarhan
Student’s Name: Abdulazeez
Sri lanka
Student ID No:
Pearl of Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka

Why Set Up Your Business in Sri Lanka?

Holistic view of the country, with insightful

analysis of current and future issues.
International Strategy
1. A c c e s s t o u n t a p p e d m a r k e t

2. A c c e s s t o u n i q u e s k i l l s a n d t a l e n t
3. I n c r e a s e d b u s i n e s s g r o w t h

4. E n t r y M o d e - J o i n t V e n t u r e ( + / - )
Specialize Talent

1. D e m o g r a p h y

2. G e o g r a p h y You can edit this

text for your
3. S o c i o c u l t u r a l

4. P s y c h o l o g i c a l
Target Market

Growth of Market Frozen Yogurt Market Comparison

Secondary Market
Promotions &
• Active presence on social media platforms

Pasting mouthwatering pictures of our products
Running promotions and discounts for students
• Special days sales to be given in charity
• Creating loyalty programme

HRM Plan Managing Director

Senior Manager Senior Senior Manager Senior Manager

Finance Manager HR Operation Marketing

Manager Finance Manager HR Manager Operation Manager Marketing

Supervisors Executives Supervisor s Team Leaders

Executives Executives Executives

• Geocentric staffing approach will be followed. It uses HR efficiently and ensures to build strong culture and management
• Senior HR Manager:-
 Individual with background experience of Kuwaiti culture and well versed with local market
 Set good labour policies and rules ensuring safety of workers and business operations
 Policies supporting company's mission and vision
 Placement of good incentive system to ensure employee motivation and good generation of sales revenue
 Ensuring to have diversement in recruitment.
 Making sure to have people with required skills and would bring profit and save cost for the company
• HR Manager:-
 Ensure recruitment of right team member with open and can do approach towards organization goals
 Ensure to implement programmes in place that will improve skills of employees and increase their knowledge on job
1. Joo, H. et al. (2021) “HRM’s financial value from obtaining more star performers,” The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 33(21), pp. 4179–4214. Available at:
2. Camilleri, M.A. (2018) “Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the airline product,” Tourism, Hospitality & Event
Management, pp. 69–83. Available at:
3. Gunaratna, R.B. (2020) “Relationship between power orientation and small enterprises growth a study on Sri Lankan
entrepreneurs,” Sri Lankan Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2(1), pp. 1–193. Available at:
4. Chandrakumara, A. and Budhwar, P.S. (2019) “Doing Business in ......Sri lanka,” Thunderbird International Business
Review , 47, pp. 95–120. Available at:
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