3g Drive Test Learning

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WCDMA Introduct|on and Cverv|ew

W WCDMA concept and Arch|tecture

W Spread|ng and Scramb||ng
W Codes and Channe|s
W Code tree
W kake kece|ver
W Soft Softer and nard hand over
W ower contro| fast and s|ow
WCDMA Dr|ve test Cverv|ew us|ng
1LMS Invest|gat|on
W 1LMS arameter for WCDMA
W Cpt|m|zat|on 1|ps for WCDMA
W WCDMA 1oo|s for Dr|ve 1est
W 3G Vo|ce Ca|| 1est|ng
W 3G acket ca|| V|deo ca|| test|ng
W 3G Dr|ve test kI overv|ew
W 3G Cpt|m|zat|on overv|ew
WCDMA Introduct|on and Cverv|ew
W WCDMA concept and Arch|tecture
W Spread|ng and Scramb||ng
W Codes and Channe|s
W Code tree
W kake kece|ver
W Soft Softer and nard hand over
W ower contro| fast and s|ow
WCDMA Dr|ve test Cverv|ew us|ng
1LMS Invest|gat|on
W 1LMS arameter for WCDMA
W Cpt|m|zat|on 1|ps for WCDMA
W WCDMA 1oo|s for Dr|ve 1est
W 3G Vo|ce Ca|| 1est|ng
W 3G acket ca|| V|deo ca|| test|ng
W 3G Dr|ve test kI overv|ew
W 3G Cpt|m|zat|on overv|ew
lnLervlew and drlve LesL Llps
WCuMA lrequency and SpecLrum
W upllnk1920MPz 1980 MPz
W uownllnk 2110MPz 2170MPz
W 8andwldLh60 MPz
AcLual 8W asslgn Lo operaLor ls 3MPz
And ouL of LhaL 384 MPZ ls uLlllze
ln WCuMA frequency reuse facLor 1 because Llme and frequency
remalns consLanL
W ln WCuMA flrsL followlng process ls done before 8eadlng 8CCP frequency
SloL SynchronlzaLlon
lrame SynchronlzaLlon
Scrambllng Code
ClCP ls plloL whlch wlll read 8CCP lnformaLlon AfLer SynchronlzaLlon
ln WCuMA followlng Channels use for varlous funcLlon ln uL/uL
uownllnk upllnk
1uL uCP 1uL uuCP
2uL CCP 2 uL uCCP
3 CCP 3 uL CCP
4 SCCP 4 uL 8ACP
6 lCP
7 ClCP (prlmary and secondary)
8 AlCP
WCuMA Spreadlng process
W Spreadlng 1hls ls used Lo lncrease Lhe 8W of Lhe slgnal
beyond Lhe bandwldLh normally requlred Lo accommodaLe
lor Spreadlng CvSl code are used whlch ls known as
CrLhogonal varlable spreadlng facLor code
Spreadlng facLorchlp raLe/symbol raLe
Scrambllng Scrambllng ls used on Lop of Lhe spreadlng so lL
does noL change Lhe slgnal bandwldLh buL only makes Lhe
slgnal from dlfferenL source separable from each oLher
rocess galn 10 log (chlp raLe/blL raLe)
As blL raLe lncrease process galn decrease
Cell breaLhlng ls slLuaLlon where cell fooL prlnL decrease due Lo
large amounL of user access Lhe neLwork beyond Lhe capaclLy
of LhaL parLlcular cell
W Lb ]NC 8lL energy/nolse energy
W Lc/no Chlp Lnergy /nolse Lnergy
W Lc/no Lb/no process galn
W As per Lb/no ls flxed for each servlce for Lx volce 2 and
W Lc/n0 2 10 8 for volce(for volce 8 ls good llmlL)
W Lc/n0 418 14 for vldeo(for vldeo 14 ls good llmlL)
W rocess galn(volce) chlp raLe/blL raLe 10d8
W rocess galn (vldeo) chlp raLe /blL raLe 18d8
W Chlp raLe 384Mchlps ln WCuMA
WCuMA codes
Code Lree
8ake 8ecelver
SofL Pandoff
ower ConLrol Lypes
lor Speech drlve 1esL
Moblle 1x power
8ecelved slgnal sLrengLh
1argeL Slgnal Lo lnLerfere
Slgnal Lo lnLerfere raLlo
Speech quallLy mean
oplnlon square
uedlcaLe channel
Speech quallLy
SCl MCS AlgorlLhm
uownllnk uedlcaLe
channel 8LL8
AcLlve SeL CurrenLly servlng Cell
Measured nelghbor ueflned nelghbor
ueLecLed nelghbor undeflned sLrong deLecLed server
uA8lCn uL uM1S AbsoluLe radlo frequency channel number
8anges for 8adlo arameLer
W 1 ClCP LC/no 0 Lo 34 d8
W 2 ClCP 8SC 13 d8m Lo 140 d8m for each rake flnger
W 3Ms 1x power 44 d8m Lo 60 d8m
W 4 u18A Carrler 8SSl 20 d8m Lo 140 d8m for each rake flnger
W 3 SCl MCS 1 Lo 3
W 6 SCl 20d8C Lo 30 d8C
W 7 Sl8 30 L0 20 db (slgnal lnLerfere raLlo measured on uCCP )
W 122 kblL/s 30 d8C
102 kblL/s 28 d8C
793 kblL/s 28 d8C
740 kblL/s 27 d8C
670 kblL/s 27 d8C
390 kblL/s 24 d8C
313 kblL/s 21 d8C
473 kblL/s 19 d8C
urlve 1esL kl
W arameLer
W 8SSl ln 8eLween 73 Lo 83 dbm
W 8SC ln 8eLween 73 Lo 83 dbm
W Lc /lo ln 8eLween 8 Lo 10 db
W lL8 1 or 2
W Ms 1x ower 8eLween 3 Lo 10
W SofL Pandoff 33 of LoLal Llme
use full loLs
W Server loL useful Lo flnd ouL Swap or
W uL loL 1o Check nelghbour 8elaLlon
W 8SC loL Coverage wholes
W Lc /no for good 1hroughpuL and removlng
plloL polluLlon
W 4
besL Server Lchno should be 10db
besL Server Lchno should be 10db
CondlLlon for 8adlo LnvlronmenL
W lloL olluLlon
8SC 83d8m Lc /lo 10 d8
Coverage LlmlLed
8SC 83d8m Lc /lo 10 d8
oor 8adlo CondlLlon
8SC 83d8m Lc /lo 10 d8
Cood Coverage
8SC 83d8m Lc /lo 10 d8
3C volce call LesLlng
SCI1S|ng|e Ce|| Iunct|ona| 1est
W 8efore Lhe slngle slLe verlflcaLlon we should only ensure Lhe followlng
condlLlons have been meL
Alarm Check
Cell SLaLus Check
arameLer Check
W Alarm Check / Cell SLaLus Check
1he producL supporL englneer wlll be responslble for checklng and resolvlng
all Lhe alarms lL ls lmporLanL for Lhe opLlmlzaLlon englneer prlor Lo any fleld
LesL Lo check wlLh producL supporL englneer regardlng any alarms especlally
lnLermlLLenL alarms
W arameLer Check
1he opLlmlzaLlon englneer need Lo ensure Lhe radlo parL parameLers
conflguraLlon llsL has been achleved ln Lhe llsL Lhe radlo parL parameLers
lncludes Lhe scrambllng code power seLLlng nelghbor cell llsL handover
parameLer eLc
3C volce call LesLlng
W SlLe verlflcaLlon lLems
lnsLallaLlons ClCP 8SC ClCP Lc/lo 8x AnLenna Swap
SeLLlngs lrequency SC Cell reselecLlon parameLers
LAC/8AC nelghbor LlsL
luncLlons LA/8A updaLe 3C2C Cell reselecLlon SMS
(M1 MC) volce (M1 MC) v (M1 MC) S ALLach
ueLach S servlce volce/v/S sofL handover volce 3C
2C handover
1esLlng Cn CLLL slLe
Items Vo|ce Ca|| (M1 MC)
urpose Ver|fy the vo|ce ca|| funct|on |s norma| and the vo|ce ca|| qua||ty |s
Method Make the d|a||ng test of 3G vo|ce serv|ce between two 3G mob||es
one for the term|nat|ng ca|| and another one for the or|g|nat|ng ca|| 1est the
vo|ce commun|cat|on qua||ty
Items Vo|ce Ca|| (M1 MC)
urpose Ver|fy the vo|ce ca|| funct|on |s norma| and the vo|ce ca|| qua||ty |s
Method Make the d|a||ng test of 3G vo|ce serv|ce between two 3G mob||es
one for the term|nat|ng ca|| and another one for the or|g|nat|ng ca|| 1est the
vo|ce commun|cat|on qua||ty
leeder ConnecLlon Check
1esL rocess
lLems AnLenna swapplng LesL
urpose verlfy Lhe 8x feeder lnsLallaLlon ls rlghL
MeLhod SwlLch Lhe LransmlLLer from one feeder Lo anoLher check Lhe
8SC changed or noL lf no change happened lL means LhaL Lhe feeder
ls correcL
noLes Check Lhe 8SC from scanner
roblem and SoluLlon
W ln Lhe slLe verlflcaLlon followlng problems have been found
Scrambllng Code SeLLlng ls wrong 1he scrambllng code from scanner
and moblle ls dlfferenL from Lhe plannlng
AfLer feeder swapped Lhe ClCP 8SC ls 20d8 lower Lhan before
W Scrambllng Code SeLLlng ls wrong
1he Scrambllng Code may be wrong ln 8nC check Lhe daLasheeL
ln 8nC
lf Lhe Scrambllng Code from scanner ls Lhe same as LhaL of
anoLher secLor ln same slLe planned maybe Lhe 1x/8x feeder ls
crossed Lo Lhe anoLher secLor
W AfLer feeder swapped Lhe ClCP 8SC ls 20d8 lower Lhan before
1he 8x feeder ls crossed Lo Lhe anLenna of anoLher secLor ln
Lhls case Lhe ClCP 8SC wlll be hlgh ln Lhe coverage area of
Lhe oLher anLenna Check Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe feeder
and Lhe anLenna
uA1A drlve wlndow
uaLa urlve arameLer wlLh low Lhrough puL
Channel quallLy
As 64 CAM ls
uLlllzed so
less PSuA
LhroughpuL ls
Case2 wlLh hlgh LhroughpuL
ln Lhls case 16 CAM ls
used 100 and
1hroughpuL ls hlgh
uaLa urlve
W 1here ls 3 modulaLlon Lechnlque CSk16CAM64CAM
W lor hlgh Lhrough puL 16CAM and 64CAM should be uLlllzed hlgh
W So lf 1here ls less uLlllzaLlon of CSk ln downllnk Lhan daLa LhroughpuL ls
also hlgh'
W CCl ls llke SCl ln speech whlch ensure good channel quallLy for daLa
W 8eLransmlsslon of PS uSCP(PlghSpeed uownllnk Shared Channel) packeL
ls hlgh Lhan also LhroughpuL ls decreases
W ln case of sLaLlonary uaLa 1esL 2MblLs speed can be achleved
W ln case of movlng vehlcle 800kblLs Lo 12 kblLs speed can be achleved
W AppllcaLlon LhroughpuL ls always 83 of physlcal layer daLa raLe
LhroughpuL because aL appllcaLlon level l lncluslon and overhead
lnformaLlon wlll be Lhere
W LaLency Llme ls round Lrlp Llme from server and for 3C lL should be 130 ms
for 32 blL daLa
W 1he modulaLlon scheme and codlng ls changed on a peruser basls
dependlng on slgnal quallLy and cell usage 1he lnlLlal scheme ls
CuadraLure phaseshlfL keylng (CSk) buL ln good radlo condlLlons
16CAMand 64CAM can slgnlflcanLly lncrease daLa LhroughpuL
raLes WlLh 3 Code allocaLlon CSk Lyplcally offers up Lo 18 MblL/s
peak daLa raLes whlle 16CAM offers up Lo 36 AddlLlonal codes
(eg 10 13) can also be used Lo lmprove Lhese daLa raLes or exLend
Lhe neLwork capaclLy LhroughpuL slgnlflcanLly
W uaLa 1hroughpuL wlll be also depend on MS class whlch supporL
310 and 13 codes resp
W CCl Channel quallLy lnformaLlon may lnclude carrler level recelved
slgnal sLrengLh lndlcaLlon (8SSl) and blL error raLe (8L8) l
W Channel quallLy lndlcaLors are messages LhaL are senL on a
communlcaLlon sysLem (such as a moblle communlcaLlon sysLem)
LhaL provlde Lhe remoLe connecLlon (eg base sLaLlon) wlLh channel
quallLy lnformaLlon
urlve 1esL Lool for drlve
W Sony Lrlcsson C702 (capable of Scannlng)
W Sony Lrlcsson Z730l (capable of Scannlng)
W C1el SeeCull Lx WCuMA 2100
W C1el SeeCull Lx lus WCuMA 2100
W Clobal SaL 8u333 (nMLA0183)
W Carmln 10 Moblle 8lueLooLh (nMLA0183)

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