Intriduction of Nutrition

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 The term nutrition is derived from latin
word ‘nutritious’.
 Nutrition can be considered to be foundation
of good health and freedom of the disease.
Definitions of health -
 Health is a state of complete physical mental
and social well being and not marely as an
absence of disease or infermity.
 Health is the condition of being sound in body
mind sprit ,especially freedom from physical
disease or pain.
Definitions of nutrition -

 It is defined as a science of food and its

relationship to health .it is concerned with the
part played by nutrients in body
growth ,development and maintenance .
 Nutrition is the process of consuming ,absorbing
and using nutrients needed by the body for
growth ,development and maintenance of life.
 Nutrition is the science of how the body use
food that studies the interaction between living
organisms and food.
 Malnutrition is defined as imbalance between
the body’s need and the intake of nutrients’
which can leads to nutritional disorders.
 Malnutrition is the condition that develops
when the body does not get the right amount of
the vitamins ,minerals and other nutrients its
needs to maintaining healthy tissues and organ
functions .
 Its is a pathological state due to either access or
deficient intake of one or more of essential
nutrients .
Types of malnutrition
 Under nutrition -
 Deficient energy or nutrients intake .
 Deficiency of one or more essential nutrients.
 Its resulting from inadequate consumptions
poor absorptions ,or excessive loss of nutrients
 Over nutrition –
 Excess energy or nutrients intake .
 An excess of a nutrients or nutrient.
 As resulting from overreacting or excessive
intake of specific nutrients.
 Obesity-
 Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat accumulates to
the extent that it may have a negative effects on health leading to reduced
life expectancy or increased health problems .
 Marasmus-
 The term marasmus is derived from the greek word marasmus while
means withering or wasting ‘its includes inadequate intake of protein and
calories and is characterized by emaciation .
 Marasmus is a state of malnutrition characterized by gradual wasting or
somatic fat and muscles stores and preservation of visceral protein
 Kwashiorkor –
 It is the disease of the weaning child is an extreme protein deficiency
which is characterized by inability to gain weight ,diarrhea ,lethargy and
a swollen belly .kwashiorkor can leads to coma as well as death.
Roles of nutrition in maintaining health -
 Nutrition is a basic elements of health nutrition
influence the health from birth to death .
 Growth and development .
 Specific deficiency disease .
 Resistance of infection .
 Mortality and morbidity .
 good nutrition is a essential for attainment of normal growth and
development during fetal life and childhood physical
growth ,intellectual development ,learning and behavior are
affected by malnutrition ,
 Adequate nutrition is needed for adult life maintenance for
optimum health and efficiency .
 Elder people needs special nutrition due to their physiological and
chroncological changes .
 Pregnant and lactating mother require more proteins and
nutrients to prevent absorption ,premature and growth
retardations and low birth weight babies and provide adequate
breast feeding for their babies .
 Specific deficency disease-
 the most common deficiency find in indian are protein energy
malnutrition ,blindness ,goitre ,anemia ,beri-beri,rickets etc.
 There is increased incidence of abortion prematurity ,still birth
and low birth weight babies is malnourished mother .
 Good nutrition is essential to prevent nutrition is essential to
prevent nutritional deficency disease.
 Resistance of infection-
 A well balanced nutrition prevent infections like tuberculosis
good nutrition enhances wound healing improves resistence of an
individuals towords infections.
 Mortality and morbidity –
 Malnutrition leads to increased death rate infant mortality rate
still birth and prematurity is the major causes of deaths.
Factors affecting food and nutrition -
The following factors affects food and nutrition-
 Basal metabolic rate .
 Weight
 Age
 Climate and environment
 Physical activities
 Physiological state
 Socio economic factors
 Cultural factors
 Lifestyle and food habits
 Foods fads
 Child rearing practices
 Religion
 Traditional factors
 Food productions and distributions
 Nutrients are chemical compounds in food that are used by the body
to functions properly and maintain health.
 Macronutrients
 Micronutrients
1. Macronutrients –
Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in large quantities that
provide us with energy .
EXAMPLE – carbohydrate ,proteins ,fats .
2. Micronutrients –
Micronutrients are the nutrients we need in small quantities that are
equally important but consumed in very small amounts of our body .
EXAMPLE – vitamins & vitamins .
 Organic nutrients –
The nutrients that contains carbon in their structural makeup are
refered to as organic nutrients the organic nutrients are
carbohydrate lipids proteins and vitamins .
 Inorganic nutrients – the nutrients that do not contain
carbon are called in organic nutrients its include water and
minerals .its also includes plant nutrients include such as calcium,
iron ,and pottasium .
 Its necessory for bone health
 Its also regulations of fluid balance
 Its also nerve impulses transmission muscles contractions and the
transport of substance across the cell membrane .
Energy yielding nutrients
 The energy yielding nutrients are
carbohydrates ,lipid and protein these
macronutrients can be broken down in the
body to provide energy to fuel all the body’s
 Excess of these nutrients can be converted to
storage compounds to provide energy reserves
for later on when energy supplies might be low

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