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A Paradigm Shift for 21st

Century Education
Group 1
Before 21st Century Education
• Time-based
• Focus: memorization of discrete facts
• Lower order thinking skills in Bloom's Taxonomy, such as
knowledge and comprehension
• Textbook-driven
• Passive learning
• Learners work in isolation and confined in the classroom (walled
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• Teacher-centered: teacher is dispenser of knowledge, information
and attention.
• Little to no student freedom.
Before 21st Century Education
• Discipline problems — No trust between educators and students.
Little student motivation.
• Fragmented curriculum
• Grades taken from formal assessment measures entered in the class
record for reporting purposes
• Assessment is for marking purposes and placed as part of lesson
plan structure
• Low Manager
expectations. What students
receive is
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what they get.
• Teacher is judge. No one else sees student work.
• Outputs are assessed using structured metrics.
• Curriculum is irrelevant and meaningless to the students
Before 21st Century Education
• Print is the primary vehicle of learning and assessment.
• Student diversity is ignored.
• Students just follow orders and instructions while listening to
teacher's lecture.
• Literacy is the 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic).
• Factory model, based upon the needs of employers for the
Industrial Age of the 19th century
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21st Century Education
• Outcome-based
• Focus: what students Know, Can Do and Are Like after all the
details are forgotten.
• Higher order thinking skills (metacognition), such as application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation Research-driven
• Active learning
• Learners work collaboratively with classmates and others around
the world
(global classroaom).
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• Student-centered: teacher is facilitator/ coach of students' learning.
• Great deal of student freedom.
21st Century Education
• No "discipline problems" — Students and teachers have mutual
respect and relationship as co-learners. High student motivation.
• Integrated and Interdisciplinary curriculum
• Grades are based on students' performance as evidence of learning
• Assessment is important aspect of instruction to gauge learning
• HighManager
expectations that students
succeed in
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learning to high
• Self, peer and others serve as evaluators of student learning using
wide range of metrics and authentic assessments.
21st Century Education
• Curriculum is connected to students' interests, experiences, talents
and the real world.
• Performances, projects and multiple forms of media are used for
learning and assessment.
• Curriculum and instruction address student diversity.
• Students are empowered to lead and initiate while creating
solutions and solving problems.
• Multiple
literacies of the
21st Century
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aligned to living
working in a globalized new society.
• Global model based upon the needs of a globalized high-tech
The following are eight attributes of 21st Century education
and their implications:

01 Integrated and Interdisciplinary.

Technologies and Multimedia 02

03 Global Classrooms.

Creating/Adapting to Constant Personal and

Social Change and Lifelong Learning.
The following are eight attributes of 21st Century education
and their implications:

05 Student-Centered.

21st Century Skills. 06

07 Project-Based and Research-Driven.

Relevant, Rigorous and Real World. 08

The Characteristics of a 21st Centur y Teacher

The Century teaching-learning environment becomes more complicated

brought by technological changes. Therefore, teachers should be able to cope
with and adapt to these changes.

Thus, teachers must be equipped with attributes, knowledge \and skills

critical to 21st century education so that they may be able to integrate them
in their teaching. 21st Century teachers are characterized as:

1. Multi-literate. Teachers know how to use various technologies in teaching.

2. Multi-specialist. Teachers are not only knowledgeable in the course

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subject they teach but also in other areas so that they can help the learner
build up what they gain in the classroom and outside the school and make
sense of what was learned.
The Characteristics of a 21st Centur y Teacher

3. Multi-skilled. Teachers cope with the demand for widening

learning opportunities by being skillful not just in teaching but also in
facilitating and organizing groups and activities.
4. Self-directed. Teachers are responsible for various aspects of school
life and know how to initiate action to realize the learning goals of the
students and the educational goals of the country, at large.

5. Lifelong learner. Teachers embrace the ideal that learning never

ends. Therefore, teachers must be constantly updated on the latest
information related to their subject and pedagogic trends. They should
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also share what they are learning with their students and colleagues
with a high sense of professionalism.
The Characteristics of a 21st Centur y Teacher

6. Flexible. Teachers are able to adapt to various learning styles and

needs of the learners. They can facilitate learner-centered teaching
with flexibility using alternative modes of delivery.
7. Creative problem solver. Teachers create innovative ideas and
effective solutions to the arising problems in the field, be it in the
classroom, in the school or the profession as a whole.
8. Critical thinker. Teachers are critical thinkers as they encourage
students .to reflect on what they have learned, and rekindle in them
the desire to ask questions, reason out, probe, and establish their own
knowledge and belief.
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The Characteristics of a 21st Centur y Teacher

9. Has a passion for excellent teaching. Teachers possess passion in

the teaching profession to ensure that students are motivated to learn
under their guidance and care.
10. High Emotional Quotient (EQ). Teachers do not just have the head
but also the heart to teach. Teaching is emotionally taxing but an
influential job as it involves interaction with human beings

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Group 1

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