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Review The

Effectiveness of
Internal Control

Pertemuan 7
By Eliyanora
1. Responsibility for 2. Process Review 3. Business Objectives

-Policy Review
-Survey & Interview
-Application Control
-General Computer Control
-Extend of Testing
-Evaluation Control
-Reperforming Control Procedures

4. Risk Identification & 5. Identification of 6. Monitoring of Control

Assessment Appropriate Control
Who Responsibility
for Reviewing?
Board of

“The Board should consider the
most appropriate forum for
undertaking the detailed review.”
Penatalaksanaan Review: Dapat didelegasikan kepada
Audit Committee/Risk Committee and Safety Committee
Board Directors need establish:

The rigour and Whethe the entire board

Term of Reference comprehensiveness of can satisfy itself and
the review process proposed statement is
factually correct
2. 4.
1. 3. 5.

How key business risk What evidence the

are identified, evaluated board has gathered to
and managed support the statement
Apa yang  Policy Review

direview? 

Survey & Interview
General Computer Control
 Observation
 Reperforming Control
 Reconciliating
 Application Control
 Extend of Testing
 Evaluation Control
■ identify its business objectives;
■ identify and assess the risks which threaten
the achievement of those objectives;
■ design internal controls to manage those risks; review
■ operate the internal controls in accordance with
their design specification; and
■ monitor the controls to ensure they are operating correctly.
■ directors’ should review the effectiveness of the
system of internal control; and
■ report to shareholders that they have done so.
Proses Review
Bisnis Objectives

Dewan Direksi harus dapat mengidentifikasi

semua tujuan bisnis strategis yang menjadi
kunci keberhasilan perusahaan.
Teknik-teknik untuk mengidentifikasi

01 02 03

Analisis PEST (Political, Analisis Lima Kekuatan Analisis SWOT (Strengths,

Economic, Social, and (Five Forces Analysis) Weaknesses,
Technological): Opportunities, and
Contoh Case study - Risk identification

In addition to the risks threatening the achievement of the strategic objectives

identified above, VIP’s management used the PEST analysis technique to identify
risks threatening the business objectives. Part of their PEST analysis in respect of
the relocation of the Scandinavian operation to the Czech Republic is set out
Threats Opportunities Opportunities
Political Economic
Cost of
Volatile political Potential Low wage rates
redundancy in
environment Government
Grant to
Poor infrastructure
Non EU country relocate
- potential supply
chain breakdown
Threats Opportunities Technological
Threats Opportunities
Language barrier Strong work
ethic Poor IT links E-commerce
Training needs/ Low grade

re-education technology


Cultural issues
Table of Guide Value
Tanpa memandang teknik yang dipilih,
direktur harus:

■ menggunakan format analisis yang terdefinisi dengan baik;

■ menilai baik probabilitas terjadinya risiko maupun dampak yang mungkin terjadi;

■ menerapkan analisis penyebab untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab risiko; dan

■ menyadari bahwa risiko dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa penyebab serta satu atau
beberapa dampak. Ketergantungan antara risiko ini dapat menjadi kritis dalam
mengidentifikasi dampak nyata dari risiko, dan oleh karena itu analisis cost benefit harus
diterapkan pada mitigasi risiko tersebut.
“The Board must decide whether to
accept the risk or withdraw from, or
reduce the level of activity concerned.”
Identification of Appropriate Control

1. Menentukan tindakan atau langkah-langkah pengendalian yang tepat

untuk mengurangi risiko atau ancaman yang mungkin timbul

2. mengidentifikasi kontrol atau tindakan pengendalian yang dapat

membantu mengurangi atau menghilangkan risiko tersebut.
Monitoring of Control

 control self-assessment reviewed and tested (at

least to a limited extent) by head office/internal

 internal audit visits on a cyclical basis

 special reviews by external auditors or specialists

on a cyclical basis
Efektivitas Internal Control:

1 The board’s review of effectiveness

2 Regular review process

3 The annual review exercise


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