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Pakistan International School, Jeddah

Cambridge Curriculum Section (CCS)

(Session 2023-24)
First Term
Subject: Islamiyat
The Pillars of
Book page. 253
Table of Contents
01 02
Objectives Introduction
Meaning and importance

03 04
Preparations for Types of Prayers
To know and understand the main details of prayer

To carry out a group work research exercise

To learn from other groups and write an

examination essay on this topic using
information learned
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam

It is the first act of worship that was made obligatory during the Miraj in 10 th year of

“ O Muhammad! The order is not changed. These five are equivalent to the fifty.”
Prayer (Salat)
● It literally means ‘To supplicate’ and ‘to pray’.
● Prayer in Islam means to worship Allah five times a day,
as taught by Prophet PBUH
● It is obligatory on every Muslim
Allah Almighty say_
“ Verily I am Allah there is none
worthy of worship but Me, so
worship Me and establish prayer
for My remembrance.” (20:14)
Importance of

The importance of Prayer in Islam is great as it is the
fore most duty of the Muslims, and the chief of the
pillars on which the structure of Islam stands. It is the
first thing that was made obligatory on Muslims and
the first thing they will be questioned about on the
Day of Judgment.
• Obligatory act
• The word Salah occurs 67 times in Quran

• Prophet Pbuh said’ “ The pact between us and them

is prayer, whoever abandons it is a disbeliever.”
• Last words of Prophet PBUH “Prayer, Prayer, and
what your right hand possesses.”
Importance of Salah
“Lo! Worship preserves from lewdness
and iniquity, but verily, remembrance of
Allah is more important.” ( Al Ankabut
Benefits of Salah
● Individual Benefits:
● Shield against evil deeds
● Punctuality and Regularity
● “ Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon believers” (Al
Nisa 4:103)
● Self discipline and self control
● Sense of accountability

● Physical Benefits:
● Cleanliness and Purity
● “ Salah washes away all sins. Ablution washes out physical dirt
while prayer wipe out spiritual.” (Agreed)
● Exercise and Movement
● Mindful Meditation
● Prophet Pbuh said, “ Verily, a man may return from his prayer,
and nothing good is written for him but a tenth of his prayer, or
a ninth, or an eighth, or a sixth, or a fifth, or a fourth, or a third,
or a half.” (Sunan Abu Dawood)
● Spiritual Benefits:
● Obedience and Humility
“Successful Indeed are the believers who are humble in their prayers”
(Al Muminun 23:1)
● Piety and Taqwa
“Establish regular prayers, for it restrains from shameful and unjust
deeds” (Al Ankabut 29:45)
● Refreshes faith
● Humbleness
● Social Benefits:
● Patience and Perseverance
● “Therefore, be patient with what they say and celebrate the
praises of your Lord before the rising of sun and before its
setting.” (Taha 20:130)
● Discipline in Muslim society
● Cooperation and brotherhood
Preparation s for Salah
• Wudu: washing of hands, mouths, nostrils, face, arms, across the
head, ears, back of the neck and feet.

• Satar: proper dress code i.e. from navel to knees men must be
covered and for women whole body except hands, feet and face

• Qiblah: facing the Ka’bah

• Niyat: intention of prayer

Timings for Prayer
1. Fajr: from dawn until just before sunrise
2. Zuhr: after midday until afternoon
3. Asr: from afternoon until just before sunset
4. Maghrib: after sunset until the end of daylight
5. Isha: from evening until just before dawn
Islam encourages believers to keep their bodies clean especially when
some impurity is discharged.

Generally bath is of three kinds: Obligatory, Sunnah and desirable

Conditions of Wudu
Method of Wudu
• Tayammum is the divine order to satisfy one’s daily practice and habit of using water for
• Tayammum highlights the significance of Islam as the natural religion which helps every
individual in every situation.
• Tayammum is to ease the problem of people suffering from shortage of water

Conditions of Tayammum
• Intention
• Lack of water or impossibility to use it
• Clean earth, sand or mud
Method of Tayammum
Conditions of Tayammum:

1. If water is not available,

2. If the individual is bedridden due to illness or injury,
3. If a part of the body can not be washed due to injury, surgery, etc.
4. The Quran says, "If you are ill or on a journey... And you find no water, then take for
yourselves clean sand or earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allah does not
wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean." (5:6)

Method of Tayammum:

5. Recite the Tasmiah.

6. Make the intention for Tayammum.
7. Then, both hands should be placed on clean and pure earth, sand or stone. A brick or
earthen pot may also be used.
8. The excess of sand should be blown away from the hands.
9. Both hands are then rubbed against the face like the face is washed in wudu. For men
who have
beards, fingers are passed through the beard.
10. Hands are placed back on the clean earth, sand, or stone and the excess is blown off.
11. Then the hands are passed over the right arm up to the elbows and in the same way the
left arm.
• Call for Azaan is the divine anthem of Islamic belief.
• Azaan carries the complete message of Islam.
• Azaan is a symbol of Islam and unity of Muslims all over the world.

• Significance of Azaan
• Iqamat
Conditions of Salah
● Introduction (Wudu)
● Intention
● Time
● Purity from Major and Minor impurities
● Satr
● Qibla
Times of Prayers
1. Fajr: from dawn until
just before sunrise
2. Zuhr: after midday until
3. Asr: from afternoon
until just before sunset
4. Maghrib: after sunset
until the end of daylight
5. Isha: from evening until
just before dawn
• After saying the niyat, worshipper stands still with his hands on his
sides and feet on the ground, only slightly apart
• Then he raises his hands up to his ears and says Allah u Akbar
• He then folds his hands on the navel and recites the Sana followed
by Tasmia and the Qirat
• He then bows down in ruku by placing both his hands on his knees
and says: “Glory to the God, The mighty” thrice
• He then stands erect, hands by his side, in wuquf
• After saying Allah u Akbar again, the worshipper prostrates by
touching his forehead on the ground
• In this position, he says: ”Allah is the highest” at least thrice
• He then sits up in the jalsa position and the prostrates again
• The second prostration completes one rakat
Witr Prayer
Witr prayer means three Rakaat compulsory prayer offered at the
end of Isha prayer.
It is only Witr prayer, other than obligatory prayers which must
be offered again. Qadha if missed.
Witr prayer may also be offered after Tahajjud prayer.

The Significance of the actions involved in the performance of

• Begin with Allah o Akbar ( clear, eloquent and forceful
affirmation of Allah’s Greatness)
• Inculcate humbleness, subordination, humility, obedience
• Reduces pride and arrogance
Congregational Prayer
● Introduction
● Conditions of congregational prayer
● Precaution for women
● Imam’s traits
● Row formation
● Late comers
● Method of congregational Prayer
Friday Prayer
• Take place of the Zuhr prayers of Friday
• Cannot be offered as qaza
• Must be offered in congregation
• Obligatory on all adult men
• Women, slaves, minors, sick are exempted
• 2 azaans
• Sermon (Khutba) is delivered
• Listening to it is obligatory
• While the sermon is being delivered no conversation is allowed, not even
reciting the Quran
• The sermon consists of 2 parts
• In the first part the Imam recites and explains Quranic passages and then after
a short rest stands up again to deliver the 2nd part which includes general
prayers for the welfare of Muslim Ummah
• 2 obligatory rakat are offered after the khutba
Eid Prayer
• 2 eids in one Islamic calendar
• Eid-ul-Fitr on 1st Shawal
• Eid-ul-Azha on 10th Zilhajj
• A day of thanksgiving when Muslims assemble in a brotherly atmosphere
• Congregational prayer for men only
• Women, minors, travelers, sick are exempted
• Can be offered from sunrise to noon
• Offered in large empty grounds
• No replacement of any other prayer
• Cannot be offered as qaza
• Consists of 2 rakats
• After rakats, imam delivers khutba in two parts which focuses on Sadqah tul Fitr in
Eid ul Fitr and importance of sacrifice on Eid ul Azha
• Muslims exchange greetings after offering prayers
• Take alternate routes while coming and going to meet as many people as possible
• A place where believers get
together for religious
• Educational, political and
social centres of society
• House of Allah
• One should enter the
mosque with respect, in
clean clothes and footwear
must be removed.
• Indulging in wordly affairs is
not allowed in mosque
Masjid means the place for prostration (sajda).
2 Mosque remains the center of the Islamic community.
3 Towns have been built around mosques in all of Islamic
Some common features of mosques:
a. Domes and Minarets (can be seen from a distance)
b. Mihrab: a niche in the wall to show the direction of the Ka’aba
c. Mimber: a tall chair from where the Imam can deliver the sermon
(present on most mosques)
d. Calligraphy of the Prophet ‫'ﷺ‬s and Allah's 99 names.

e. Intricate designs known as, arabesques.

f. Big courtyards to accommodate large congregations.

g. No portraits/paintings of people or animals or statues are allowed
in mosques, this practice is forbidden in Islam.
Delayed Prayers
• If a Muslim misses an obligatory prayer, he must make up for
the loss
• These qaza prayers must be offered as soon as possible
• Only Farz and Witr can be offered as Qaza
• Conditions in which it is allowed to miss a prayer:

1. In battle field
2. Taking care of seriously ill patients
3. If a person sleeps with necessary arrangements but fails to wake up
on time
4. If a person is sick or injured
1. If one fails to offer their prayers at the appointed time, they are
allowed to offer Qaza prayers.
2. Failure to offer prayer at the appointed time is sin unless there is a valid
reason to do so.
3. Women in the period of childbirth, menstruation, mentally insane individuals,
people in the state of unconsciousness are exempted from offering the
prayer in the appointed time.
4. While making the intention of prayer, the word Qaza is added.
5. If multiple prayers are missed in a day, the Qaza for these should be
offered in the sequence that they are missed and then the timely prayer
should be offered.
6. If the number of missed prayers is too much and there is not
enough time to offer all of them, then the present prayer should be
offered first.

7. Qaza is offered for Farz and Witr prayers alone.

8. No Qaza is offered for Sunnahs except for the Fajr prayers which should
be offered before the sunset of the same day.
Shortened (Qasr) Prayer
● Introduction
● Conditions of Shortened Prayer
● Duration of Journey
● Imam is traveler
● Imam is resident
● Distance
● Conditions of Combined Prayers (Salat ul Jamaah)
● Travelers
● Bad weather
● Sickness
● Threat to life, property and family
● Types of combined prayer
● Advanced combination ( Jamah Taqdeem)
● Delayed Combination (J amaah Takhir)
Funeral Prayer
● Funeral prayer is called Salah tul Janazah
● It is performed when a person dies
● Duty of every Muslim
● Fard e Kifayah
● Great reward is promised to those who perform funeral prayer
● Body is washed and shrouded with coffin
● Who take part in funeral should perform wudu
● The bier is placed in front of congregation in open place
● Can be performed in mosque in case of rain or some other reasons
● Can also be held for absent deceased
● Imam stand in front row
● All face Qibla, consists 4 takbeers, no Ruku or Sujood
● The prayer is finished with the supplication for deceased
Private Prayer
• No Qiblah
• No wudu
• No satar
• No fixed language
• No Niyat
• Not obligatory
• Allah says, “And He gives you of all that you ask for.”
• (Surah Ibraheem 4:34)
Best timings to offer Supplication
● While travelling
● While sick or visiting the sick
● Late night (last third of night)
● Whilst in sujood
● Prophet Pbuh said, “The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in prostrating to
Him, so make supplication in this state.” (Sahih Bukhari)
● Between the Adhaan and Iqama
● While experiencing injustice and oppression
● At the time of encounter of armies
● At the time of Panic
● At dawn
● When parents make dua
● On Day of Arafat
● During Ramadan (During Nafl or fast)
● The Prophet Pbuh loved to repeat his supplication three times, and pray for
forgiveness three times . (Abu Dawood)
Difference between daily regular prayer and personal prayer
(a) Write about the preparations made for the
two ’Id prayers and say how they are
performed. [10]
(b) What in your opinion is the importance
of celebrating the two’ Ids? [4][J2017]
a. Why should meeting for congregational
prayers be more advantageous than
performing prayer alone? [4](2016)
b. Describe the particular features of
congregational prayers, both daily and on
Fridays (Jum 'a prayers). [10]
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