Time Machine

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Let’s take a trip through time into the past and back to
Time machine
the future!

Olivia Dolan
We talked about films and learned
some new words to talk about a film.
This week.

We will take a trip in a time machine and learn about We will also think about what the future might look
different periods of time in the past. like.
A time machine
[tīm məˈSHēn]

(in science fiction) a machine capable

of transporting a person backwards ( 向
后 ) or forward ( 向前 ) in time.

They can look very different depending

on who is imagining this machine.
Time machine 时光机

■ I would like you to invent ( 发明 ) your own time

machine that would make you disappear ( 消失 ) and
reappear ( 再现 ) in a different time.
What do you think
your time machine
would look like 会
是什么样子 and
how would it work
它会如何工作 ?
Talk with the person
next to you.
Who would you like to meet from
the past?
Here are some
famous people
from the past.
• This is Einstein( 爱因斯坦 )
he was a famous scientist
( 科学家 ) from the past.

• What kind of questions

would you like to ask him?
Famous people from the
•This is Elvis ( 猫 王 ), he was a
famous musician( 乐师 ) from the
•What would you like to ask him?
Famous people from
the past.
• This is Michael Jackson
( 迈克尔 · 杰克逊 ). He’s a
famous musician from the
1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

• What would you like to ask

This is Confucius ( 孔子 ) he
was a famous philosopher ( 哲
Famous people
学家 ) from the past.
from the past.
What questions would you like
to ask him?
Talk with the person
How do you thinknext to you.
Would you like to
What do you know
people lived in those travel to the past or
about the past?
times? to the future?
What do you think this
time period was called?

This was the Stone Age 石器

时代 and it was 3.3 million
to 5,000 years ago

prehistory 史前 stone tools 石

What about this
time period?
This was the Bronze
Age 青铜时代 and it
was 5,000 to 1,400
years ago

marked the first time 标志着第一次

metal 金属
Bronze tools and weapons 青铜工具和武器
What do you think this time
period was called?

■ This was the Iron Age: 1,200 BC

to 500 BC. 铁器时代
■ During the Iron Age, people
across much of Europe, Asia
and parts of Africa began
making tools and weapons
from iron and steel.
iron and steel 钢铁
a period of cultural decline. 文化衰落的时期。
What do you think this time
period was like?
This was the Classical Era: 500 BC
to 500 AD. 古典时代
In the history of western music, the
classical era is a time period
between roughly 1730 and 1820,
when composers like Mozart and
Beethoven developed new styles
and forms of music.

cultural history, 文化史,

Mozart and Beethoven 莫扎特与贝多芬
styles and forms of music. 音乐的风格
What about this time

This was the Middle Ages : 500

AD to 1500 AD. 中世纪时代 .
The middle ages, the period in
European history from the 5th to
the 15th centuries.
It started with the fall of the Roma
n Empire and ended with the Renai
ssance and the Age of Discovery
What about
this time in
the past?

This was
Modern Era:
1500 AD to
1800 AD. 近
Stone Age: 3.3 Bronze Age: 5,000 to
million to 5,000 years 1,400 years ago

Timeline of the Periods in History

ago. (1,200 BC)

Iron Age: 1,200 BC Classical Era: 500

to 500 BC. BC to 500 AD.

■ What did you

Medieval Era: 500
AD to 1500 AD.
Early Modern Era:
1500 AD to 1800 AD. learn about each
of these periods
of time from the
You have been given a time
machine( 时光机 ) and you can
travel back to the past( 可以回
到过去 ). But you can only
travel to one of these time
periods( 这些时间段之一 ).
Which one would you most like
to travel to and why?
Need some help?
I would like to go to the
I would like to go to the The classical era is really
Middle Ages, I think I
Modern Era, I think it interesting for me, I would
would really like meet
would be the most civilised love to meet Mozart and
some knights on their
maybe. Beathoven.
You can now travel to the future in your time ( 乘坐时光机前往未来 ) what do you think it
will be like there?
Maybe there will be flying
cars ( 飞行汽车 ) and
maybe you can teleport
( 传送 ) yourself from one
place to another instantly.
Useful vocab.

■ Cyborgs 机器人
■ Planets 行星
■ space travel 太空旅行
Need some help?
• I think the future will be very different to how things
are today. Probably there will be flying cars and
maybe we will live in the sky.

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