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Using Excel to Summarize Data

By Hamza Wazir Khan

Slicing and Dicing Marketing Data
with Pivotable
Excel pivot tables enables you to quickly summarize and
describe your data in many different way.
• Examine sales volume and percentage by store, month and
product type
• Analyse the influence of weekday, seasonality and the overall
trend on sales ate your favourite bakery.
• Investigate the effect of marketing promotions on sales at
your favourite bakery
What % of sales occurs at each

• Define your headings

• Place your curser anywhere on data sheet
• Click on pivot table
• Check the range
• Press OK
• Drag store in Rows and Price in Value zone
Row Label : Field dragged here are listed left side of the table
Column Label : Field dragged here have their values listed
across the top row of the PIVOTTABLE.
Values : Fields dragged here are summarized mathematically
in the pivot table.
Value field setting to change the setting.
Report Filter : you can easily pick any subset of the field values
• Now show in percentage breakdown of the sales by store.
• Open value field setting
• Click show values as
• In dropdown select % of column Total
Summarizing by Month
• Drag the month field to row label and price field to the values
• Drag the price field again in value label to have both
percentage and value.
• Remove the store field if it is in row label
• Change the headings of table % of sales by Month and Total
• Now right click on Total Revenue Field and change number
format into currency.
Calculating Revenue for Each
• Drag the product field to Row label
• Drag the Price field to Value zone
• Change the heading name Revenue and show in currency
• Apply sorting by clicking on Row Labels – A to Z
The Pareto 80 – 20 Principle
• The famous Pareto 80 – 20 Principles dtates that for most of
the companies 20 % of their products generate 80% of their
Other examples of this principle
• 20% of the population has 80% of the income.
• Of all possible customers can have, 20% of the problems
cause 80% of all complaints.
Determine a % breakdown of sales
by product
• Click on dropdown arrow at row label mention cell.
• Select value filter then change 10 to 80
• Change item to percentage.

You can clear the filter to get back to previous display of

The Report Filter and Slicers
• Drag Month field to the Row Labels zone
• Store field to Column label Zone
• The price field to the value label Zone
• The product field to the Report Filter Zone.
Apply Slicer
• Click on the PivotTable Analyze Tab
• From ribbon select insert slicer
• Select product check box
• Select the product and for multiple selection press the CTRL
and select the products of your own choice.
Analyzing Sales at La Petit Bakery
• Apply formula = weekday(Date first cell,2)
• Apply weekdays = vlookup(weekday cell, select given table, 2)
• To name the range daylook simply select range and type daylook in
the Name box (the box directly to the left of the function Wizard)

• Days of the week

• Month of the year
• An upward (or downward!) trend over time in sales
• Promotions such as price cuts
Summarizing the Effect of the Day of
the Week on Bakery Sales
• Summarize the average daily number of each product sold
on each day of the week
• Create a line Chart
• You can also apply filter – look at your chart lower left corner.
Analyzing Product Seasonality
• As a marketer, you must determine the presence and
magnitude of seasonality to more efficiently plan advertising,
promotions and manufacturing decisions and investments
For example
Amazon’s fourth quarter renvenue are approx. 33% higher
than an average quarter. This is because of spike in sales
during Christmas.
Determine the La Petit Bakery
• Drag the Data field to the Row Labels zone.
• Drag products field in Value Zone and change the entires
product to average sales
• To Group dates into month, click on any date in pivot table
then right click.
• From menu select month and press okay
• Now create line chart
Data Analysis
• Smoothies sales spike in summer from Jun to Aug
• Trim the advertising budget in month of April till august
• Increase the labor force and make sure the availability and
delivery of ingredients needed.
Analyzing the Trend in Bakery Sales
• Amazon has lower sales every January than the previous month due to
• To better analyze this type of trend is to compute and chart average
daily sales for each year

• Drag each product field at value zone and change the method pf
summary to average.
• Drag Date field to row zone and group it yearly
• Add a line PIVOT Table
• Trending Upwards
Analyse the effect of Promotions on
• To get a quick idea about promotion affects on sales
• Determine the average sales of each product on the days of
promotion and do a comparison with the days promotion
was not on.
• Drag product fields in value zone
• Promotion field in Row label zone.
• Add a line Chart
• Sales are higher when promotion is on
• Final Conclusion regarding promotion increases sale much
ADJUST after keeping in mind other factors like
• Promotion occurred during summer days
• Seasonality effect – need promotion or not
• Cost of promotion outweigh the benefits
Analyzing How Demographics affect
• You need to analyze type of person who likely to purchase
before advertising products.
• Now open new Data of ESPN
• Read the data first and develop your understanding accordingly.
• Create a Pivot Table
• Drag the Age Field to the Row Labels and age field to value zone.
• Change the value zone into count for Age field.
• Now change value field setting to percentage to show percentage
breakup by age. In value setting select % of column total.
• Select the Group with 10 or 15 year increments.
• Add a Cluster Column Chart option
Analyzing the Gender of Subscribers
• Drag the Gender field in column labels zone
• Drag the Gender field in value zone.
• Show in percentage (% of Row Total)
• Add PIE CHART - Make necessary changes to get a PIE CHART
• Do the Analysis
Describing the Income Distribution
of Subcribers
• Drag income in the row labels and income field to the value
• Apply count in value field seeting
• Apply group of 30,000 increments
• Show percentage of subscribers.
• Create Pie Chart and Cluster column Chart.
Describing Subscriber Location
• Drag location in the column labels and location field to the
value zone
• Apply count in value field
• Show percentage of subscribers.
• Create Cluster column Chart.
Constructing a Crosstabs Analysis of
Age and Income
• Marketers required break down customer demographics
simultaneously on two attributes. It is call CROSSTABS
• Perform Age and Income – Crosstab Analysis
• Drag Age field to the column label zones and Income field to
row and Income field to the Row Labels and Value Zones..
• Value field settings to % Row Total
Cross Tab Analysis
• 28% of the subscribers in the 54-78 bracket are in the age of
28-37 age group.
• Crosstab enables companies to identify specific combinations
of customers
• Right and precise allocation of their marketing resources
such as advertisement and promotions.
• Determines where firm should not invest i.e. in previous
exercise shows that there hardly subscribers in 78 or older
income above 229.
Create appropriate charts

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