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Almighty and loving Father, creator
of heaven and earth, we praise and
adore You, You are the king of Kings.
We humbly ask your forgiveness for
our sins, have mercy on us oh, Lord.
We are gathered here today for our
face to face classes, to study and
learn new things from our teachers.
Send us your holy spirit to be our guide
and give us the strength and wisdom to
understand every topic that we are
going to discuss.
Enlighten our minds and let Your love be
upon us, may our face to face classes
bring success and growth to our lives.
We thank you Father for this precious
time that you have given us. Continue to
bless each and everyone especially the
All this we pray through our Lord Jesus
Christ, Your son who lives and reigns
with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit
one God for ever. Amen.
Welcome to TLE
(Handicrafts -
Macrame and

At the end of the lesson, you should be

able to:

1. Discuss the types of decorative design.

2. Enumerate the requirements for a good
structural design.
3. Give other considerations in adding
“Q and A”

Answer the following

It’s a method of using the
weaver and represents the
complete movement in any
particular type of weaving.
What kind of craft that
uses weaving?
What thicker canes used as
a foundation for weaving in
basketry making?
It can be based on existing
baskets, photos of historic
types, a particular purpose or
use for the basket, or a size
and shape required for
practical uses or desired for
decorative ones.
What do you call a finer canes
woven between the stakes to
form the body of the basket?
“What does
the pattern
What can you observe about these photos?
What are the different designs used?
Are there any differences between all
“Determine the
The students will determine
the patterns to be shown by
the teacher, they will choose
from naturalistic,
conventional, abstract or
geometric design.

Despite being red, Mercury is the

Mars is actually a cold smallest planet in the Venus has a beautiful
place Solar System name. It’s terribly hot
Mars Mercury Venus

2010 2013 2016

Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Naturalistic Conventional
Abstract Geometric
Planning a Design
of Basketry
Product- Part 2
Four requirements to fulfill for a good structural
design (Goldstein and Goldstein 1996):

1. Besides being gorgeous, it is suited

to its purpose.
2. It's very simple.
3. It's well-proportioned.
4. It is appropriate for the material
from which it is made and for the
processes to be followed when it is
Goldstein and Goldstein (1996) also emphasized that
consideration must be given to the additionof

2. The decoration
1. The must be placed at
decoration the structural
shall be used points and the
shape of the
in moderation.
object must be
Goldstein and Goldstein (1996) also emphasized that
consideration must be given to the additionof

3. There must be
enough 4. The surface
background space pattern or
to give the design design should
an effect of softly cover the
simplicity and surface.
Goldstein and Goldstein (1996) also emphasized that
consideration must be given to the additionof

5. The shapes of
6. The decoration
the background
must be suitable
should be
for the material
carefully studied
and must be
and as beautiful as
made for the
the pattern placed
against them.
Therefore, the proper
planning of the
design of the project
to be carried out and
the consideration of
different factors are
essential for the
construction of a
handicraft project.
Naturalistic design
Naturalistic patterns look
like pictures, usually of
flowers, fruits, animals,
or nature scenes. When
the motifs are chosen by
nature and reproduced
exactly, they are called
naturalistic decorative
Conventional design/stylized design

Stylized patterns do not look like

pictures of natural objects; they
are typically condensed and
conventionalized, often
blurred. In stylized designs, the
shape of the trees, the flowers,
the animals, the fruits are
used, but they are
conventionalized and stylized.
Abstract design
A mixture of lines, stripes,
etc. are known as abstract
designs. Plaids, dots, stripes,
checks and geometric
patterns in textiles are
examples of abstract design.
These designs may be of a flat
nature or may convey depth,
with two or three dimensional
figures and objects.
Geometric design
Geometric patterns are
based on pure shapes of
circles, rectangles,
triangles, stripes, dots,
checkpoints, plaids, etc.,
while countless variants and
combinations of them are
used to construct patterns.
Geometric design
Their beauty derives either from
the elegance of the proportions
or from their arrangement in
comparison to the other types in
the composition. Geometric
patterns are commonly used in
crockery, floor coverings,
wallpapers, chairs, wall
mountings, paintings, etc.
“Paper Weaving”
Materials Needed:

• Colored paper or
• Scissors
• Ruler
• Pencil
• Glue or tape
“Paper Weaving”

1. Cut the colored paper or

cardstock into strips of
uniform width using scissors
and a ruler. The width of the
strips can vary depending on
the desired size of the weaving.
“Paper Weaving”

2. Instruct students to
alternate weaving the paper
strips over and under each
other, creating a woven
“Paper Weaving”

3. Ask students to share

insights they gained about the
principles of design and
balance through the process of
paper weaving.
Can you provide examples of
specific everyday products or
scenarios where integrating
principles and skills from basketry
design could enhance
functionality, aesthetics, and
overall user experience?
Can you give examples of how
designers make sure that the mix
of structural and decorative
elements in their designs improves
how users interact with and enjoy
physical objects, printed materials,
or digital interfaces?
Write T if the statement is TRUE and
write F if FALSE.

1. There must be 2. It is suited to

enough the material of
background which it is made
space to give an and to the
effect of simplicity processes which
and dignity to a will be followed in
design. making it.
Write T if the statement is TRUE and
write F if FALSE.

3. Abstract design- Stylized motifs

do not look like pictures of natural
objects; usually the lines are
simplified and conventionalized,
sometimes they are distorted.
Write T if the statement is TRUE and
write F if FALSE.

4. When the 5. The decoration

motifs are selected must be placed at
from nature and structural points
reproduced and it should
exactly it is called strengthen the
naturalistic shape of an object.
decorative design.

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