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Imagine: What would you do if ‘you’

Were like a SIM card…

Upgraded from body to body
As we upgrade to a new to phone ..
… Would you want the body you’re
going to get when you’re 20? 35? 50?

• The average Briton ‘eats less calories’ now than at any time in
the last 40years but ..
– The quality of food has plummeted!
Healthy Eating Facts:
– consumption of sugar has tripled in 50years
– Increased consumption of CALORIE DENSE food
– Consumption of energy compared to use of energy has increased.

• Inclusion of sugars, fats, preservatives, sweeteners, salt,

makes food ‘attractive’ to use – releases serotonin to make us
feel good, so we eat more – sugar stops us knowing we are
full, makes us want to eat more and we become conditioned
to need more

• Most recent research – that excessive amounts of sugar and

‘fastfood’s lead to increased likelihood of asthma and

• A former head of the USA FDA wants ‘cigarette warnings’ on

Sugar – “a prime cause of the obesity • Obesity comes from what you put in your mouths –
Occasional exercise alone is not enough

• Nationally, 1 in 5 children of secondary school age

are reported as obese
• Nationally, 6 in 10 adults are obese

• Obesity leads to
– Heart disease / liver disease
– High blood pressure
– Type II Diabetes
– Increased chance of cancer
– Injured joints / muscles – osteo-arthritis
– Poor quality sleep
– Reduced life expectancy – you die earlier
– Increased likelihood of asthma
• Increase in Teenage onset Type II Diabetes
Did you have Breakfast?
Did you have Breakfast?
• Breakfast eaters:
– Less chance of obesity
– More energy
– Better nutritional profile
– Better overall healthy diet
– Do better at school
Do you drink ‘monster energy drinks?
Do you drink ‘monster energy drinks?

• 1 can of Monster
contains 250calories –
about 10% of your daily
intake; enough for 1
hours of walking, 30mins
of jogging, or of cycling
• 14 cans = 1lb of fat.
Who is healthier?
A waiter , who does no formal
exercise, walks to work, and who
follows a generally healthy diet.


A Business-woman who does a

fitness class twice & plays netball
once a every week , and who
follows a generally healthy diet.
Who is healthier?
The waiter , who does no formal
exercise, walks to work, and who
follows a generally healthy diet.
Which is healthier?
An orange


A glass of orange juice?.

Which is healthier?
The orange

… the fibre in the fruit counter-

acts the effects of the sugar;
essentially is slows the rate of
Would you walk:
• 3 miles for a chocolate biscuit?

• Ten miles for a BigMac?

• A half-marathon for a Mars bar?

• From Piccadilly Circus to Heathrow for a

complete Chicken Tikka Masala meal?
Do you know …
• What’s actually in an economy burger or other
‘value’ foods?

• What’s actually in the big bottles of cola /

energy drink?
• For the first time ever, parents may well outlive
children (normally only happens in time of war!)
due to ill health.
• Now – poor quality of life, less able to learn and
remember, achieve less -> have fewer options for
the future
• This is also a “socio-economic issue”!
• Final point – one researcher suggested that perhaps
nothing needs to be done about obesity, as obese
people will wipe themselves out
What can you do?:
(Choose 1 or 2 as a target)
• Eat a healthy breakfast (ie cereal)
• Drink more water
• Eat plenty of ‘natural’ foods ie fruit and veg
• Avoid high sugar / energy dense food & drink like ‘monster’!
• Ensure you eat foods of different colours!
• Ensure you eat a balanced diet ie Take-away food,once a month not
twice a week! / chocolate bars once a week not every day – Avoid
‘value / economy burgers!
• Aim to do at least 60minutes of MOVING every day as part of your
daily life ie walk to school, cycle, plus PE, plus moving at
breaktimes, plus sports etc
• (teachers should be doing 30mins 5x per week / 10,000 steps per

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