The Essay Different Types and Thesis Statement

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The essay

Essay focus
• The essay is a group of paragraphs that develops one central idea stated in the
thesis statement.
• Thesis statement states the purpose of the essay and indicates how it will be
Essay structure
I. Introduction (thesis statement)
II., III. IV. – Body
V. Conclusion (thesis restated)

Thesis statement – usually the last sentence; states what the entire essay will be
Explanatory essays
• Comparison- contrast (similarities – differences)
• Cause – effect ( what happened and why)
• Problem to solution (explain problems of a certain situation and propose
ways to solve them. Who is resposible for solving the problem.
• Discuss differences and similarities between school bullies and bullying

• How has a relationship with an important person affected your life?

• Today we throw away too much rubbish. What can we do to recycle waste?
What do you think is the best way to do this.
• Advantages-Disadvantages (do not persuade the reader but simply gives
• For and against/ pros and cons (addresses opposing views on an issue)
• Opinion
• Argumentative (persuasive, thesis statement includes SHOULD)
• What are advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet?
• Some people claim that parents should treat their children as friends, others
• Are school-leaving exams necessary?
• At school, English should be obligatory since for the first grade.

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