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BJT: Small Signal Model

Louis WY LIU
Background: Amplifier without DC biasing is not going
to work
In the circuit on the right,
IS = 5x10—16 A
Ic = - Vout / RL
Vout = - RL IS( exp( VBE/VT) -1)
• Lets assume that the signal is about 10 mV. But the
typical value of VBE is 0.7V. The signal voltage is simply too
small to make circuit work.
• In order for this amplifier to work, VCE >= VBE. We need to
guarantee this condition is satisfied.
• By calculation, Vout = RL * 2.35x10 -16 . No value of RL
will end you up with Vout=0.7V

Conclusion: As I have pointed out in the last lecture, we

Derivation of Small Signal Model
Obviously, we need DC biasing is to provide voltage and current so that the
transistor can amplify. One simple way to realize DC-biasing is as follows:

Here, the total input voltage to the BE port is VBE=VBE0 + ΔVBE

Likewise, the eventual collector current will be IC=IC0 + ΔIC
VBE0 is the original DC bias voltage for the BE port of the transistor. ΔVBE
Derivation of Small Signal Model
Derivation of Small Signal Model
In the absence of any signal, the collector current will become:
Derivation of Transconductance
The input signal is normally cascaded with a bias to make up a voltage VBE that is large
enough to amplify the signal.
Our ultimate objective is to amplify v(t). We need to disregard the large signal elements
that is not relevant to v(t). One way to do it is to focus on the derivative of circuit
1) Transconductance
To obtain the transconductance, lets find the derivative of IC with respect to v(t).



= (3)
g is known as transconductance.
Class Example

Example, IC= 1mA. What is gm? Ans: gm=1mA/26 mV = 0.04 S

Explanation of How Small Signal Model Works
Let Vin = Vm sin(ωt) and the bias voltage for base-emitter is V0
VBE = V0 + Vin
Ic ≃ Is exp ( VBE/ VT) = Is exp ( V0/ VT) exp ( Vm sin(ωt)/ VT) ----------(1)
When x is small, exp(x) ≃ (1 + x)
Using Taylor series, equation (1) can be rewritten as:
Ic ≃Is exp ( V0/ VT) [1 + Vm sin(ωt)/ VT ]
= Is exp ( V0/ VT) + Is exp ( V0/ VT) Vm sin(ωt)/ VT
= Is exp ( V0/ VT) + IC0 Vm sin(ωt)/ VT where IC0= Is exp ( V0/ VT)
= Is exp ( V0/ VT) + gm Vm sin(ωt) because gm = IC0 / VT
= Ic0 + gm ΔVBE
Large signal Small signal
BJT Models
• Large Signal Model
IC0 is the collector current when
VBE is biased to V0.
I C = β IB

• Small Signal Model ( aka Pi Model)

Δ IC = β Δ IB => iC = β iB
v π = Δ VBE
rπ = Δ VBE/ Δ IB
= β Δ VBE/ Δ IC
= β /gm
In reality
• In the active region, the collector current IC is NOT truly independent
of VCE
ro due to the Early effect

The Early effect can be accounted for in a small-signal circuit model

(such as the hybrid-pi model) as a dynamic resistance r0 between the
collector and the emitter where

By inspection, the slope is IC/(VA+VCE). Therefore,

If the transistor is good enough, we have VA >> VCE, and r0 can be

approximated as:
Early Effect
As the collector–base voltage VBC varies, the collector–base depletion region varies in size.
An increase in the collector–base voltage leads to a greater reverse bias across the CE
junction, increasing the collector–base depletion region width.
Widening the depletion region means thinning of the base.
Narrowing of the base width has two consequences:
1) There is a lesser chance for recombination within the "smaller" base region.
2) The charge gradient across the base becomes more abrupt. Consequently, the current of
minority carriers injected across the emitter junction increases.
Both factors increase the collector or "output" current of the transistor in response to an
increase in the collector–base voltage.


Where VA is the Early voltage (typically anywhere between 15V and 150V.
Further manipulating Equation (7) leads to
Derivation of π-Model to consider Early effects
π-Model with Consideration of Early Effect
gm =IC0’/VT * (1+VCE/ VA)
v π = Δ VBE = vBE
rπ = Δ VBE/ Δ IB
= β Δ VBE/ Δ IC
= β / gm
ro = VA / IC0’

where IC0’ = idealized collector current

when VBE is biased to V0.

iB = Δ IB ; iC = Δ IC ; iE = Δ IE
The junction capacitance for BE and BC
junction for high frequency condition
Rules for constructing a small-signal circuit
Components Treatment
Homework Q1
Given that the early voltage VA is 100 V. Construct the small signal
model for the whole circuit. Make sure your answer includes the circuit
Numerical Answer:

gm= 40m
rπ = 2.5k
r0 = 100k
Homework Q2
Given npn-BJT with β 100 and V 100V. Bias current IE= 1mA, VCC=-VEE
=10V . RB=100k, RC=8k, RS=5k, RL=5k
Construct the small signal model for the following circuit. Make sure
your answer includes the circuit diagram.

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