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Negotiation Skills

1. Communication
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Planning
4. Value Creation
5. Strategy
6. Reflection
How to Add Value in the Negotiation
1. Built Trust
2. Find Uncommon Ground
3. Be Agile
Steps for a Strong Negotiation Strategy
1. Define the role
2. Understand the Value
3. Consider the counterpart vantage point
4. Check in with yourself
-understanding the role common
-value their offer and advantage goal
Negotiation Matrix negotiation matrix
Two Main Factor in Negotiation
1. Importance of the outcome
2. Importance of relationship in negotiation
Negotiation Matrix- is a useful tool to
help choose the right negotiation
The tool was developed by Roy Lewicki and Alexander Hiam in
the their book entitled “Mastering Business Negotiation”
5 Negotiation Styles
1. Avoiding – outcome and relationship low importance
2. Accommodating – relationship high importance and outcome low priority
3. Competing- outcome high importance and relationship low importance
4. Collaborating – outcome and relationship high importance
5. Compromise – want to meet goal and preserve relationship

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