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EED 06

Assessment in Learning 1

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• 1. Clarity of Learning Targets
• 2. Appropriateness of Assessment Methods
• 3. Properties of Assessment Methods
3.1 Validity
3.2 Reliability
3.3 Fairness
3.4 Practicality and Efficiency
3.5 Ethics in Assessment

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• Principles of assessment will
serve as a guidelines to ensure that
the test is useful, appropriate,
effective, and plausible.These
principles are crucial to be taken into
consideration because assessment
is an important aspect of educational
process which determine the level of
accomplishments of students.

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1. Clarity of Learning Targets
Assessment can be made precise, accurate, and
dependable only if what is to be achieved is clearly
stated and feasible.
- Learning Targets needs to be stated in
behavioral terms.
-SMART format

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Knowledge Student’s mastery of

the content.
Reasoning Student’s ability ot use their
Skills Student’s ability to demonstrate
what they have learned.

Products student’s ability to

Affects student’s emotional

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a. Cognitive Targets- (Blooms Taxonomy)
- clearly stated and feasible (behavioral terms)

b. Skills, Competencies, Abilities Targets

-Skills refer to specific task or activities that a
student can
proficiently do.
- Skills clustered together to form competencies
and then
- can be categorized into ; cognitive, psychomotor
affective abilities

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c. Products, Outputs and Projects Targets

- concrete and tangible evidence of a student

- need to clearly specify the level of workmanship of
such projects using indicators–

expert level, skilled level or novice level.

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the facts and concepts we want students to know.


the ability of the students to use their knowledge
to reason and solve problems.

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the ability of the students to demonstrate achievement
related-skills like conducting experiments, playing
basketball and operating computers
the ability of the students to create achievement-
related products such as written reports and art
this refers to attainment of affective traits such as
attitudes, values, interests and self-efficacy. it aims to
improve students’ attitudes about school and other
related aspects.
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• Assessment can be made precise,
accurate and dependable only if what
are to be achieved are clearly stated
and feasible

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Principle 2:

Appropriateness of

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• These are strategies, techniques, tools and
instruments for collecting information to
determine the extent to which learners
demonstrated the expected learning

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• Assessment methods have to be
appropriate all the time. This is
not a choice but a MUST in order
to make assessment valid.

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• In order to provide evidence that
educational outcomes are met,
different forms of assessment are
conducted whether it is the
traditional paper-pencil tests, or
alternative forms, it will always
rely on the objectives of the

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Assessment method can be categorized according
to the nature and characteristics of each method.
1. selected- response
2. constructed-response
3. Performance Test
4. teacher observation and student self-

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-students select from a given option to answer
a question or a problem.
-it can easily be graded. The teacher can assess
and score a great deal of content quickly.
-Objective tests are appropriate for assessing
various levels of the hierarchy of educational
-These can be multiple choice tests, true-false,
or matching type test..

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-this format is more useful in targeting higher
level of cognition.
-it is also subjective because it demands that
students create or produce their own answer in
response to a question, problem or task.
- brief constructed response item
- essay item/assessment
- oral questioning

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a. Brief -constructed response
(Objective supply) items require only
short responses from students.
Examples include sentence completion
where students fill in a blank at the end of
the statement; short answer to open-
ended questions, labeling a diagram, or
answering a math problem by showing
their solutions.

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b. Essay tests
involve answering by writing
series of sentences or paragraph to
satisfy a given question or
-is a powerful in the sense that it
allows students to express
themselves and demonsrate their
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1. Restricted essay- limits both the
scope and response
2. Extended essay- the writer has the
freedom on the length of the essay and
he has freedom to select whatever
necessary to be included in the essay
based on the given theme or topic.

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c. Oral Questioning (Socratic method)
is a form dialogue discussion between
individuals based on asking and answering
questions to stimulate critical thinking and to
draw out ideas and underlying presumptions.
is appropriate when the objectives is to assess
the students stock knowledge and to determine
the students’ ability to communicate ideas in a
coherent verbal sentence.
In oral questoning, several factors need to be
considered susch as the students’ state of mind,
feelings, anxiety, and nervousness in making oral
presentations which could affect students’ true
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3. Performance Task
-requires a student to perform a task,
create a product or both.
Learning and doing, learning by doing.
-This can be more valid indicators of
students knowledge and skills than other
assessment methods as this is known the
direct measure of skills or competence.

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Performance Tasks are called authentic or
alternative assessment because students are
required to demonstrate what they can do
through activities, problems and exercises.
Performance tasks provide opportunities for
students to apply their knowledge and skills in
real world context.
It can be product-based or skills oriented, this
means that students have to create or produce
evidence of their learning or do something and
exhibit their skills.

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-Examples of products such as book
reports,maps, projects, poems, portfolio,
audio-visual materials,charts,diagrams,
worksheets, reflection papers, journals
and other creative endeavors.
-Examples of skills include singing,
dancing,reporting, playing basketball, role
play, and others creative endeavors

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A scoring Rubric containing the
performance criteria is needed when
grading performance tasks.
-these are tools that state the specific
criteria and allow teachers and students
to gather information and to make
judgments about what students know
and can do in relation to the outcomes.

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a. Product rating scale contain list of the
expected behaviors alongside with the
rating scale such as between 1 to 5.
- use to rate products like book reports,
maps, charts, diagrams, essays, and
creative endeavors of all sorts.

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b. Performance test checklist
- use to determine whether or not an
individual behaves in a certain (usually
desired) when asked to complete a
particular task. (Checklist)The teacher
will check if what particular behavior is
presented when an individual is

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4. Teacher Observation
basically record the frequency of student
behaviors, activities.
Activities of students such as responding to
oral questions and behavior during individual
and collaborative activities.
These details help educators plan activities,
experiences and interventions.
This assessment method can also be used to
assess the effectiveness of teaching strategies
and academic interventions.

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d. Oral Questioning
- is an appropriate assessment method
when the objectives are; to assess the
student’s stock knowledge and to determine
the student’s ability to communicate ideas in
coherent verbal sentences. (When using this
option, you have to consider the student’s
state of mind, feelings, anxiety, and
nervousness which could mask the student’s
true ability).

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Intended Learning Outcomes
• (Insert Intended Learning Outcomes

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• (Insert text, image, graphs, tables, etc. here)

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• (Insert summary)

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• (Insert references in APA style)

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