CP - World Safer Internet

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The 6 of February is the international day of
security in internet, so we are going to talk about
some safety meaSURES to be more safe.SAFER
It’s very important to follow these rules to be
completely fine and safe in your whole life. These
are basic rules that will be very useful from now
to the rest of your life.
- Don’t trust anybody. In oN THE internet, IT is very easy to lie, because you’re not
seeing a person at all, they’re behind a screen, maybe you think you’re talking to
someone, but actually you’re being deceived about their true identity.
- Don’t send nothing ANYTHING about yourself if it is not necessary, it’s very usual
that a lot of apps or webs asks about your private information, but if you don’t pay
attention, you may be sending your information to a dangerous site or person.
- Don’t install or access things/webs of dubious security, you can get easily fooled.
- One important thing as well is to choose a good password. If your password is
difficult, it would be more hard to guess for other people. The password is one of the
main thighs that maintain you safe.
- Control what you post on THE internet. Remember that all the things you say or
publish will be permanent on the net. Be sure that you don’t post anything too

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