Access Query

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A database query is a question that allows the user to

extract or retrieve targeted information from a data
file in a readable format.

The retrieved information may be generated as results

returned by SQL or as pictorials, graphs, or complex
results, e.g., trend analyses from data mining tools.
1. Language: A database query extracts data from a database and
formats it in a readable form and must be written in the language
the database requires. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a
domain specific language used in programming and designed for
managing data held in a relational database management system.
SQL format is the most common language used by database
management systems.

2. Purpose: Database queries enable the manipulation of data.

They make it easier to view, add, delete, or change data in a
database. Queries allow the user to inquire about the data in the
tables and locate specific data quickly, calculate or summarize
data, and automate data management tasks. Businesses use queries
to sort through data and make decisions based on the answers
Examples of queries that a business might use are: a.
What are total sales by product?
b. What are total sales by region?
c. What is the customer retention rate?
d. What is the average amount of time that inventory
is held?
e. What is the average collection period for customer
f. What are seasonal sales patterns?
g. What coupons and special offers would be best for
targeting customers?

Select query and action query are the main types of

database queries.

1. Select Query: A select query is a primary query

type that conducts a data retrieval operation. A select
query extracts data from a table or makes calculations
and returns the result set in the form of a datasheet,
without changing the data. the data. A total query is a
type of select query that groups and summarizes data.
2. Action Query: An action query is a primary query
type that copies or changes data, or deletes data. An
action query asks for additional operations on the
data, such as insertion, updating, or deletion. Types of
action queries include the following (they are
identified by an exclamation point (!) in the
Navigation Pane):
a. An append query is a query that takes the set
results of a query and “appends” (adds) them to an
existing table.
b. A delete query is a query that removes all records
in an underlying table from the set results of a query.
c. A make-table query is a query that creates a table
based on the set results of a query.
d. An update query is a query that allows for one or
more field in a table to be updated.
3. Parameter Query: A parameter query is a query that
imposes a value or condition upon another type of
query in order to retrieve the results the user desires.
When using parameter query, the user may pass a
parameter (limit) to a different query, such as an
action query or a select query. The parameter tells the
other query what to do

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