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c o n c e p t s o f

a m a a n d t h e
Dr a m a t i c
s t r u c t i o n o f
play O e d i p u s
Table of contents
01 Introduction
02 Definition of Concepts of

03 Conclusion
04 Oedipus Analysis

Drama, as an art form, transcends mere

entertainment; it serves as a reflection
of life, compelling us to confront truths
and navigate the complexities of the
human experience. Drawing from
Aristotle’s foundational theories, Victor
Hugo’s insightful perspectives, and the
elucidations of subsequent scholars, we
explore the intricate concepts that
constitute the essence of drama.
Fatma Mahmoud
The team Ahmed Adel Abdelfatah
Abdelrahman 120220355 Hassan 120210166

Eyad Magdy Gaber Khedr Aliaa Abobakr

Hussein 120210152
Elshiekh 120210151
1. S e l e c t i o n
w e r o f s e le c t io n
m o f d r a m a , t h e po
In the real a t i o n . I t i s th e
e a r t o f a r t i s ti c cr e
lies at the h c t s
a m at i s t t h a t e x t r a
e y e o f t h e d r
discerning s t t a p e s t r y o f
e n t s f r o m th ev a
poignant m o m
to n a r r a t iv e s t h a t
s h a p i n g t h e m i n
life, s e le c t i v e
d i e n c e s .T h r o u g h
resonat e w i th a u
n n e l s t h e e s s e n c e
l , t h e d r a m a t is t ch a
portraya l i n g it i n to
c e , d i s t il
of human existen
e s t o r y t e l l i n g .
2. Information 3. Condensation 4. Illusion

Central to the dramatic

Victor Hugo’s metaphorical
Within the framework of experience is the suspension of
elucidation of drama as a
drama, information serves as disbelief, wherein audiences
”focal crystal mirror”
the building blocks of narrative will?ingly immerse themselves
underscores the concept of
construction. It encompasses in the illusionary realm crafted
condensation. Like a prism
the intricacies of character by the dramatist. Coleridge’s
refracting disparate rays of
backgrounds, plot insight elucidates that the
light into a cohesive beam,
developments, and thematic potency of dramatic illusion
drama condenses the
underpinnings. Just as a skilled lies not in its verisimilitude but
multifaceted facets of life into
craftsman meticulously in its ability to evoke emotional
concentrated moments of reve?
arranges raw ma?terials into a truths. Through skillful
lation. Through judicious
coherent structure, the manipulation of perception,
compression, the dramatist
dramatist orchestrates drama transcends mere
amplifies the impact of
information to captivate, imitation, offering audiences a
storytelling, imbuing it with
enlighten, and provoke transformative journey into the
depth and resonance.
thought. realms of imagination.
5. Will 6. Obstacles

Bruneti`ere’s seminal law posits that Intrinsic to the manifestation of will

the essence of dramatic conflict stems within drama are obstacles, the
from the clash of wills, each driven by formidable barriers that impede the
distinct desires and motivations. At the protagonist’s path towards realization.
core of every dramatic narrative lies Whether external or internal, these
the relentless pursuit of objectives, be impediments serve as catalysts for
it personal, societal, or existential. The character development and narrative
dramatist harnesses the dynamism of tension. Through the strategic
will to propel the narrative forward, placement of obstacles, the dramatist
infusing it with tension, intrigue, and engenders conflict, resolution, and
thematic depth. catharsis within the theatrical tapestry
8. Anticipation and
7. Conflict 9. Acting and
Uncertainty Audience
William Archer’s delineation of drama Central to the dramatic experience is Integral to the realization of drama is
as a representation of individual wills the interplay between anticipation and the symbiotic relationship between
in conflict underscores the inherent uncertainty, wherein audiences are actors and audience. The actor
tension at the heart of dramatic propelled along a narrative trajectory breathes life into the dramatist’s
narratives. Conflict serves as the fraught with twists, turns, and vision, embodying characters with
crucible wherein characters are revelations. Just as in life, the nuance, depth, and emotional
forged, tested, and ultimately dramatic journey is rife with resonance. Conversely, the audience
transformed. It is through the crucible unpredictability, keeping audiences on serves as the crucible wherein
of conflict that the true essence of the edge of their seats and engrossed dramatic alchemy occurs, as their
human nature is laid bare, inviting in the unfolding drama. reactions, empathy, and engagement
audiences to ponder the intricacies of elevate the theatrical experience from
morality, agency, and fate. mere performance to profound
In essence, drama transcends the confines of mere entertainment, serving as a mirror
to humanity’s triumphs, struggles, and aspirations. Through the interplay of selection,
condensation, illusion, will, obstacles, conflict, and the dynamic relationship between
actors and audience, drama emerges as a potent medium for exploring the complexities
of the human condition and illuminating the enduring truths that bind us all.
Oedipus Analysis


Oedipus Analysis


Oedipus experiences his moment of downfall. Distraught by the
tragic revelations, Jo?casta, his mother and wife, retreats to her
chamber and takes her own life. Overwhelmed by guilt and
despair, Oedipus, in a fit of anguish, blinds himself with the
brooches from Jocasta’s robe to escape the unbearable truth of
his actions. Resigned to his fate, Oedi?pus beseeches Creon, his
brother-in-law, to care for his children and ensure Jocasta’s
proper burial. This poignant resolution underscores the
inevitability of fate and the tragic consequences of Oedipus’s
actions, bringing his tumultuous journey to a sorrowful
Th a n k

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