Adolescents 13-18 Years Old

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13-18 Years
● Katie Demetrios, Nakeisha Kelley, Tara
Williams, Breanna Koper, Abby Langmyer,
Maria Tsarnas, Emma Ericson, Kaylee
Physical Growth and Development
● Girls gain 15-55 lbs
● Prepubescent period:growth spurt at an ● Boys gain 15-65 lbs
average age of 10 for girls and 13 years for boys ● Girls increase 3 inches/year, slows at
● For a growth spurt with girls comes an increase
menarche and stops around age 16
in breast size and pubic hair
● Boys increase 4 inches/year, and slows in
● With boys, there is a growth in penis size, testes
late teens
and pubic hair
● Deepening in voice and facial hair happens later
in puberty
● With males and females, height, weight and
body proportions increase

● 60-80 kcal/kg/day
● Healthy eating, physical activity and body image is
included in curriculum
● 10-90% is normal on the growth chart
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development: Genital Stage

● Puberty to adulthood
● The time of adolescent sexual experimentations
● Geared toward heterosexual pleasure rather than self-pleasure
● Maturing sexual interests/ erogenous zone is the genitals
● Ego and superego is fully formed and functioning
Cognitive and Psychosocial Development

- During adolescents, teens develop some independence and a sense of self.

- They begin to develop a sense of autonomy and identity.
- Adolescents begin to rely less on their parents and more on peers and
- During adolescents, they begin to think more like adults, developing more
reasoning and logical ways of thinking.
- They also think more abstractly and begin to have the ability to develop
feelings of love, spirituality and more advanced mathematics.
Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory

- During adolescents,children enter stage 4 of - Adolescents during this stage, can apply
Piaget’s cognitive development theory. reasoning skills to complicated problems and
- This stage is called the Formal Operational are able to think through situations in a
stage. systematic, logical manner.
- During this stage, children begin to think more
about abstract concepts.
- Children are able to think about hypothetical
situations and are not limited to current time,
person, or situation.
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

- According to Erikson’s Theory, ages 12-18 are - Those adolescents who do not explore to find
experiencing Identity VS Role Confusion. themselves in this stage, will develop
- In this stage, adolescents are finding uncertainty and a sense of insecurity about the
themselves and who they are as a person. future.
- This stage is important because it determines
who the child is and carries on to adulthood.
- Those who successfully complete this stage
are able to gain independence and control.
● Slang and colloquialisms are commonly used
● Relationships starts to form with peers based on formation of identity
● Forms roles by learning new sports, trying new clothing styles,joining groups or experimenting
with drugs and alcohol
● Use of negotiation and agreeing leads to compliance
● Choices should be given to have parent present during examinations of care
● Respect, privacy and firmness must be balanced during the adolescent period
● Texting and social media are used as a form of communication among peers
Question #1

1. What stage of Freud’s Psychosexual Development do ages 13-18 years old fall under?

a. Latent
b. Genital
c. Phallic
d. Anal
Answer Question #1

B. Genital

Explanation: Latent stage is referring to children 6 years to puberty. Phallic stage is

children aged 3-6 years old. The anal stage is children 2-3 years old.
Question #2

2.In Erikson’s Stages of Development, what basic conflict do adolescents experience?

a. Industry vs. Inferiority

b. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
d. Trust vs. Mistrust
Answer Question #2

C. Identity vs. Role Confusion

Explanation: Industry vs. Inferiority occurs in school age children around 6-11 years old.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt occurs in preschool from around 2-3 years old. Finally,
Trust vs. Mistrust occurs in infancy from birth to 18 months old.
Question #3

3. What occurs for adolescents during the Formal Operational Stage in Piaget’s Cognitive
Development Theory?

a. Developing logical thought about concrete events

b. Thinking in abstract manner
c. Experiencing the world through senses
d. Representing the world symbolically but lacking logical reason
Answer Question #3

B. Thinking in an abstract manner

Explanation: Developing logical thought about concrete events occurs in children 7-11
years old. Experiencing the world through senses and actions occurs from birth to 2 years
old. Representing the world symbolically through words and images occurs from 2-6 years
Question #4

4. True or False, Developing social relationships are an important event for an adolescent.

a. True
b. False
Answer Question #4

A. True

Explanation: Social Relationships are very important for adolescents. Adolescents are
often able to form these social relationships through sports, clubs, etc.
Question #5

5. Which of the following is an adolescent developmental quality?

a. Egocentrism
b. Conversation
c. Reversibility
d. Moral Reasoning
Answer Question #5

D. Moral Reasoning

Explanation: The age of 12 years old to adulthood should develop the quality of moral
reasoning. Moral reasoning is the decision between what is right and what is wrong.
Adolescents will discover this quality overtime when they grow and learn in the world.

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