Functions of Nouns

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Let's Take Good Care of Our Hearts
The heart is an important and wonderful part of our body.
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we feel happiness in our hearts. For as long as our hearts keep
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8 Function of Nouns
2.Predicate Nominative
3.Direct Object
4.Indirect Object
6.Direct Address
7.Object of Preposition
8. Objective Complement
Nouns as a subject – function as the main
topic as the sentence.

1. Juan studied his English lesson.

2. Sampaguita is our national flower.
3. January is the first month of the year.
4. The beautiful bride walks down the aisle.
5. Our neighbor dog barked loudly last night.
Nouns as predicate nominative - a noun which rename as a subject
and comes after a linking verb. example of linking verb (am, is, are,
was, were, be, being, been)
1.My father is a fisherman.
2.Apple and banana are fruits.
3.Jon is an actor.
Noun as a direct object
- a nouns that receives the action ( verb must be action word)
-answer the question ‘’WHOM or WHAT’’
1.the actress received an award.
2.My brother is reading a book.
3.The policeman arrested a kidnapper.
Noun as an Indirect Object
- A noun that receives the direct object in a sentence.
- Answers to ‘’whom or for whom’’?
- Placed between a verb and direct object.

1.My mom gave my sister a gift.

2. Mr. Santos bought Juan a book.
Noun as an object of the Preposition
- A noun used in prepositional phrases.
- Preposition + noun

1.My mom gave a gift to my sister.

2.Mr. Santos bought a book for Juan.
3.I left my bag on the table.
Noun as an Appositive
- Renames a noun or gives additional information about the
- Usually, set off with commas.
1.Mang Andres, a fisherman, lives in the province.
1.The award is given to Sarah Geronimo, a singer.
3.My English teacher, Mrs. Cruz, is excellent.
Noun as an Objective Compliment
- A noun that remains a direct object
- Comes after a direct object
1.We elected Alex president of the class.
2.They call their grandfather “Amang”.
Noun of Direct Address
- Noun that names a person “ spoken to” in a sentence.
- Set off with commas
1.“Class, get your English book”
2.“Please close the window, Carla.”
1.This world is a mighty big place.
a. subject
b. direct object
c. indirect object
d. predicate nominative
2.Please hand me that pitcher.
a.subject object
c.indirect object
d. predicate nominative
3.Mom made my sister a beautiful quilt.
a.subject object
c.indirect object
d.predicate nominative
4. The black puppy was scared.
b.Direct object
c.indirect object
d.predicate nominative
5.David is the coach of the basketball team.
b.Direct object
c.indirect object
d. predicate nominative
Identify what functions is used on the underlined noun. Write the
answer in the space provided.
Write (S) Subject, (DO) Direct object,(IO) Indirect Object, (PN)
Predicate Nominative.
_____1. Jonathan ran to school.
_____2. Dad gave Bradley a money to buy the car.
_____3. Thomas is the minister of the church.
_____4. Anthony play the piano.
_____5. Manila is a great place to visit.
_____6.My father is a doctor.
_____7. The officer gave the driver a ticket.
_____8. Lucy threw the trash this morning.
_____9. The child hugged his mother.
_____10. The students followed the teacher's

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