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Factors Affecting A
Weather 1


Enumerate the different agent of soil erosion.

Observe the short clip video below:
What can you say about the picture?

Have you experienced that kind of scenario?

Which agency is responsible in studying the

weather in the Philippines?
The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services and Administration
(PAGASA) is the agency that is responsible for
studying the weather of the country. With
technology like satellites and radar PAGASA can
accurately predict the weather system. PAGASA
forecast weather system daily weather bulletins
and rainfall forecast
Weather is the condition of the
atmosphere for a short period. It has
different factors; when these factors
change and affect the condition of the
atmosphere, weather disturbances may
Directions: Arrange the following jumbled words to
identify the factors that affect the weather. Write your
answers in your science notebook.

Factors affecting the weather.
1. Temperature: Temperature is a measure of the
average kinetic energy of molecules in the air. It
affects weather by influencing air density, which in
turn affects air pressure and wind patterns. Higher
temperatures generally lead to warmer weather,
while lower temperatures result in colder weather.
2. Humidity: Humidity is the amount of water
vapor present in the air. High humidity levels can
make the air feel hotter than it actually is because
it reduces the body's ability to cool itself through
sweating. Humidity also plays a role in the
formation of clouds and precipitation.
3. Wind: Wind is the movement of air across
the Earth's surface. It plays a crucial role in
weather patterns by transporting heat and
moisture around the globe. Wind direction and
speed can influence temperature, precipitation,
and cloud formation.
4. Precipitation: Precipitation refers to any
form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the
atmosphere to the Earth's surface. It includes
rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Precipitation is a key
component of the water cycle and is closely
linked to temperature and humidity.
5. Cloudiness: Cloudiness refers to the amount
and type of clouds present in the sky. Clouds
can affect weather by reflecting sunlight, which
can cool the Earth's surface, or by trapping
heat, which can warm the atmosphere. Clouds
also play a role in the formation of
6. Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheric pressure
is the force exerted by the weight of the air
above a given point on the Earth's surface. It
affects weather by influencing the movement of
air masses. High-pressure systems are associated
with fair weather, while low-pressure systems
are associated with unsettled weather and
True or False.
Write True if the statements is correct and False
if not.
1. Warmer air holds more moisture than colder
air, which is why humidity levels tend to be
higher in warmer weather.
2. Humidity is the main factor that determines
how hot or cold we feel, rather than the actual air
3. Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the
Earth's surface by the sun, and it can transport
heat and moisture.
4. Precipitation occurs when clouds become too
heavy with moisture and the water droplets or
ice crystals fall to the ground.
5. Clouds always indicate that precipitation is
Answer Key:

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
What will you do to be updated regarding
What are the different factors affecting
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct
1. What is the primary influence of temperature on
A. It affects air density, which in turn affects air
pressure and wind patterns.
B. It causes the formation of clouds.
C. It determines the amount of precipitation.
D. It has no impact on weather patterns.
2. How does high humidity affect the
perception of temperature?
A) It makes the air feel cooler.
B) It makes the air feel hotter.
C) It has no effect on how we perceive
D) It causes the air to become drier.
3. What role does wind play in weather patterns?
A) It has no significant impact on weather.
B) It transports heat and moisture around the
C) It causes clouds to form.
D) It leads to higher atmospheric pressure.
4. Which of the following is considered a form of
A) Fog
B) Dew
C) Hail
D) Frost
5. How do clouds affect the Earth's surface
A) They have no impact on temperature.
B) They reflect sunlight, cooling the surface.
C) They trap heat, warming the atmosphere.
D) They only form during precipitation events.
Answer Key:

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
Different Weather D
System in the Y

Philippines 2


What are the different factors

affecting Weather?
Look at the picture:

What can you say

about it?
The Philippines experience different
weather conditions.

Let’s find out!

Different Weather System in the Philippines
Cyclone a system of winds rotating inward to an
area of low atmospheric pressure, with a
counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or
clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation
Cyclones are born over bodies of water and die
over landmasses.
Cyclones are categorized based on wind speed;

 Tropical Depression: 61 kph

 Tropical storm: 62 – 82 kph
 Severe tropical storm: 89 – 117 kph
 Typhoon: 118 kph
 Super typhoon: 200 kph
are the winds which blow onto the shore
from the sea during daytime and away from
the shore during nighttime.
Two Types of Breezes
Sea Breezes
are winds that blow inward toward land from
the ocean. It occurs during the day when the
air over the land is warm and has a lower
pressure and the air over the water is cool
and has a higher pressure
Land Breezes
At night, the air over the water is warmer than the air
over the land, since land loses heat quickly while
water takes much longer to cool down. As a result, the
pressures over the land and water are the reverse of
what they are during the day; the pressure over the
land is high, while the pressure over the water is low.
is a seasonal change in the direction of the
prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region.
Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons
throughout much of the tropics.
Two types of Monsoons;
Northeast Monsoon
- In the Philippines, we called Hanging Amihan.
- It brings cooler air from October to February
Southwest Monsoon
- In the Philippines, we called as Hanging
Habagat - It causes rain and storm from May to
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
- is the group of clouds that bring weak to moderate
rains and few thunderstorms
- it forms due to the clashing winds from the Northern
and Southern Hemisphere
- moves north in the Northern Hemisphere during
summer and south during the cold season
- is responsible for the wet and dry season in the
countries near the equator like the Philippines
Effects of the Weather System in the Philippines
 Flooding
 Landslide
 The distraction of humans living
 Affects human’s health
DIRECTIONS: Missing Letters: In this activity, you need
to supply the missing letters so that you can write the
correct answer.
Directions: During the time of bad weather scenario
we must be always prepared for its effect. As a
grade 5 pupils, you must have an idea already of the
things you must do to be safe. What are those?
Name the different weather system of the
DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully.
Choose your answer in the box and write it in the
space provided.
________1. It is a tropical cyclone that has a wind speed of
62 – 82 kph
________ 2. It is the group of clouds that bring weak to
moderate rains and few thunderstorms.
________ 3.It is a wind that blows inward toward land from
the ocean.
________ 4. It is causes rain and storm in May to September
________ 5. It is a seasonal change in the direction of the
prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region.
Different Weather A
Disturbances 3

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully.
Choose your answer in the box and write it in the
space provided.
________1. It is a tropical cyclone that has a wind speed of
62 – 82 kph
________ 2. It is the group of clouds that bring weak to
moderate rains and few thunderstorms.
________ 3.It is a wind that blows inward toward land from
the ocean.
________ 4. It is causes rain and storm in May to September
________ 5. It is a seasonal change in the direction of the
prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region.
Look at the logo below;

What is the meaning of


What are their

The Philippines is located in a region
prone to various weather disturbances due
to its geographical location.
A weather disturbance is a term used to
describe a change in atmospheric conditions or
weather patterns.

Weather Disturbances are also referred to as

natural disasters, as they are capable of
wreaking havoc on roads, power lines, and
Different Weather Disturbances

The first stage of a tropical weather event is
called a tropical depression. Meteorologists
sometimes refer to these formations as a tropical
wave, disturbance, feature, system, or
Tropical depressions are cyclones with winds
that gust at 38 miles per hour (33 knots) or
less. While cyclones aren't as strong as tropical
storms or hurricanes, they can bring significant
amounts of rain, thunderstorms, and
devastating floods.
A depression exists when there is a low-
pressure area over a large enough area to be
plotted on the weather map. The low pressure
near the ocean surface draws in warm, moist air
which feeds more thunderstorms.
The wind swirls slowly around the low -
pressure area at first. As the pressure becomes
even lower, warmer moist air is drawn in, and
winds blow faster.
Meteorologists upgrade a tropical depression
to a tropical storm when the cyclone's
circulation ismore organized and has sustained
wind speeds of 39 to 73 miles per hour (34 to
63 knots).
Tropical storms produce large amounts of rain
and can cause enough wind and wave activity
todamage boats and erode beaches. A tropical
storm may occur in any of Earth’s ocean basins
in which tropical cyclones are found (North
Atlantic, northeast Pacific, central Pacific,
northwest and southwest
The size and structure of tropical storms are similar to those
of the more intense and mature tropical cyclones; they
possess horizontal dimensions of about 160 km (100 miles)
and winds that are highest at the surface but decrease with
altitude. The winds typically attain their maximum intensity
at approximately 30–50km (20–30 miles) away from the
center of the circulation, but the distinct eyewall that is a
characteristic of mature tropical cyclones is usually absent.
Typhoon or Hurricane
When a storm system has sustained winds of over 74 miles
per hour (64 knots), a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms
with a low- pressure center is considered a hurricane, or a
typhoon. Meteorologists generally use the term “hurricane”
for storms in the Atlantic Ocean and the word “typhoon” for
those in the Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes are the most
dangerous and devastating type of tropical system.
A typhoon forms when winds blow into areas of the
ocean where the water is warm. These winds collect
moisture and rise, while colder air moves in below.
This creates pressure, which causes the winds to
move very quickly. The winds rotate, or spin, around
a center called an eye. The more warm air and
moisture there is, the more intense the winds
PAGASA Weather Disturbances Symbols
Here are the things we need to do for us to be safe
in different weather disturbances.
 Listen to weather updates and advisories.
 Check your house’s condition and make
necessary repairs.
 Keep your first aid kit in an area where you can
easily get it in case of an emergency.
 Have enough emergency supplies such as
food, water, and clothes for at least 3 days or 1
 Have a contact system in place to reach
family and friends
 Evacuate immediately once asked by the
authorities to do so.
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each
statement. On the space provided write TRUE if
the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not
_____1. Keep updating yourself through
listening to the radio and watching television if
there is a typhoon.
_____ 2. The first aid kit must be placed in an
accessible area in your house.
_____ 3. Do not evacuate immediately if you
are being told by the rescue team to evacuate.
_____ 4. Essential supplies like food and water
must not be prepare during a typhoon.
_____ 5. Save contacts with your family and
friends so that you can access them easily
during a typhoon.
Directions: During calamities or different weather
disturbances coming we need to know the nearest
evacuation center so that we can easily evacuate if we
are being told so.
For your activity, draw a map from your house going
to the nearest evacuation center in your community. In
this way, it is not difficult anymore for you and your
family to evacuate.
A weather disturbance is a term used to describe
a change in atmospheric conditions or weather
• Tropical depressions are cyclones with winds
that gust at 38 miles per hour (33 knots) or less.
• Tropical storm when the cyclone’s circulation is
more organized and has sustained wind speeds of
39 to 73 miles per hour (34 to 63 knots).
• Typhoon has sustained winds of over 74 miles
per hour (64 knots),
DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement
if it is Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, or
_____________1. It has sustained winds of over
74 miles per hour (64 knots).
_____________2. A cyclone with a wind that
gust at 38 miles per hour (33 knots) or less
_____________3. It has sustained wind speeds of 39
to 73 miles per hour (34 to 63 knots).
_____________4. It is the most dangerous and
devastating type of tropical system.
_____________5. A tropical cyclone that produces
large amounts of rain, and can cause enough wind
and wave activity to damage boats and erode
Low-Pressure Area Y

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement
if it is Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, or
_____________1. It has sustained winds of over
74 miles per hour (64 knots).
_____________2. A cyclone with a wind that
gust at 38 miles per hour (33 knots) or less
_____________3. It has sustained wind speeds of 39
to 73 miles per hour (34 to 63 knots).
_____________4. It is the most dangerous and
devastating type of tropical system.
_____________5. A tropical cyclone that produces
large amounts of rain, and can cause enough wind
and wave activity to damage boats and erode
Observe the picture below:
What is the meaning
of L in the picture?

Is there a possibility
that LPA become a
super typhoon?
As what the PAGASA forecaster always says
that, they are not removing the possibilities that
a Low-pressure Area can be a super Typhoon.
And the residence should be ready in case it will
land fall.
Low-Pressure Area (LPA) and High Pressure (HPA)
This refers to the weight of the air that is pressing down
on Earth. An abrupt change in the air pressure can
trigger weather disturbances. Convection, or the rising
of warm air and sinking of cold air, explains how a high-
pressure area and a low pressure are formed.
When cold air sinks, it results in a high-pressure area.
Since most of the air is
pressing down, the air on the
surface becomes dry. The
formation of a high-pressure
area indicates fair weather
since fewer clouds are found
in the sky.
Warm air rises, less air presses downward, resulting in the
formation of a low-pressure area.
As the air continuously rises, it will
eventually cool, condense, and form
clouds. The formation of a low-
pressure area indicates the possibility
of rain. There is a higher chance of
rain when more clouds are formed.
An LPA can result in weather
disturbances, rains, and strong winds
are brought about by low pressure.
How do tropical cyclones develop?
In a cyclone, the cool air flows to take the place of the
rising warm air. As a result, the air current spins. The
wind spirals around to the center of the cyclone. This
center is called the eye. It is surrounded by bands of
clouds and winds. When a cyclone is formed over the
tropics. It is called a tropical cyclone. Given that the
Philippines is found in the tropics, we experience
tropical cyclones.
Tropical cyclones that occur within the Philippine
Area of Responsibility (PAR) develop in two areas.
These areas are in the Pacific Ocean and the West
Philippine Sea. A cyclone that originates from the
West Philippine Sea moves in an east to northeast
The eye is the calm area at the center of the
typhoon where the winds are not moving
and the clouds are very few. The eyewall is
the part of the typhoon that surrounds the
calm area. It brings the strongest winds and
heaviest rains.
A tropical cyclone or typhoon develops when:
1. The air in the upper level of the atmosphere
has high humidity to form clouds.
2. The surface temperature of ocean water is
more than 26 degrees Celsius.
3. Existing weather disturbance is away from the
equator, enabling the Coriolis effect in the
Northern Hemisphere to drive the wind to form a
spiral pattern. The Coriolis effect makes things
(like planes or currents of air) traveling long
distances around the Earth appear to move at a
curve as opposed to a straight line.
DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each statement.
Write the letter of the correct answer before the
_____1. In _______ pressure systems, air rises in the
sea surface.
A. High
B. Low
C. Medium
D. None
_____2. This pressure system has the potential to
bring thunder, lightning, and heavy rain.
A. High-pressure system
B. Low-pressure system
C. Warm front
D. Cold front
_____3. Which of the following weather
conditions is associated with low-pressure air?
A. Cloudy, rainy weather
B. Cold, sunny weather
C. Hot, sunny weather
D. The pressure of air does not affect the weather
_____4. Which map view best represents the
movement of surface air in the Northern
Hemisphere around a Low-Pressure system?
_____5. Where do tropical cyclones originate?
A. From the low-pressure area in the land
B. From the low-pressure area in the tropical
C. From a high-pressure area over the ocean
D. From high-pressure area over the land
Why should we listen to the radio or watch the
television for weather forecasts before heading
out to do our outdoor activities while, according
to PAGASA's weather forecast, a Low Pressure
Area is developing inside the Philippine Area of
Low-Pressure Area-is an area where there is rising
warm air.
High-Pressure Area- is an area where there is sinking
cool air.
A cyclone is a weather disturbance characterized by a
large whirling mass of air moving in a counter-
clockwise direction.
Typhoons are tropical cyclones that occur in Western
Pacific and the South China Sea
DIRECTIONS: Take your time reading each object. on
the given space, write the correct letter of the correct
1. The air pressure that forms when the sun heats a
large sea surface is referred to as______
A. High-pressure system
B. Low-pressure system
C. Warm front
D. Cold front
2. Over vast bodies of water, where do cyclones
appear to form?
A. Low-Pressure system
B. High-Pressure system
C. Warm front
3. When a Low-Pressure Area exists in the
Northern Hemisphere, how do the whirling
masses of wind move?
A. Clockwise
B. Counter-clockwise
C. Straight wind
D. Coriolis effect
4. A map view of surface air movement in a Low-
Pressure system is shown normally, the air in the
center of a Low-Pressure system would be warm.
A. Squeeze
B. Evaporate into a liquid
C. Reverse direction
D. rise and form clouds
5. Clouds developed during the formation of a
Low-Pressure Area with a temperature of 26
degrees Celsius, largely due to moist air. The air
moisture moves in _____.
A. rises, expand, and cools
B. rises, expands, and warms
C. sinks, compresses, and cools
D. sinks, compresses, and warms
Catch-Up Friday Y


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