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Soil Erosion A


Enumerate the different agent of Mechanical and

Chemical Weathering?
What do you mean by weathering?

Does weathering causes Soil Erosion?

When rocks are broken down into different
pieces, it does not stay in one place. Some
rock fragments become part of the soil.
Others are transferred from one place to
The movement of rock fragments and
soil from one place to another is called

Materials that are transported due to

erosion are called sediments.
Observe the picture below.

What was happened?

Is there a transfer of
soil from one place to
Does landslide usually happen in your

What happen when landslide occur?

Erosion is the process that wears away

surface materials and moves them from one
location to another.
Factors Affecting Soil Erosion

Just like in weathering, there are

different factors affecting soil
erosion. It includes water, wind,
animals, and humans.
Erosion by Water
As water flows, it transports rocks and soil
particles from one place to another. The speed
of flowing water affects the rate of erosion. The
faster the water flows, the farther the erosion
would be. Faster movement of water can cause
many sediments to be carried away by the
As water aids erosion, its color changes
depending on the color of the rock and the soil
particles it carries. For example, water that
flows from a mountain can be brown because of
the soil particles from the mountain that it
carries. Mud left on the ground after flooding is
also evidence of erosion.
Erosion by Wind
As the wind blows, it carries light particles of rocks
and soil, transporting and depositing them in another
place. Strong winds carry the particles of soil to a
distant place.
Wind erosion can take place in an area where the soil
is Not compacted. When the wind blows, the
particles of sand move along with it. Light particles
of soil can easily be blown away by the wind.
Erosion by wind contributes a lot to shaping the Earth's
surface. An example of this is the formation of dunes.
These are ridges of sand formed by the wind and are
usually found in desert or shorelines. Dunes are formed
when the wind blows sand into a secluded area. As sand
accumulates, the dunes grow and vary in shape. An
example of dunes can be found in Ilocos Norte.
Erosion by Animals
Animals also contribute to the transportation of
sediments. When burrowing animals dig the
ground, some rock and soil particles to their
bodies. As they move from place to place. They
carry such particles, too.
Erosion by Human
Although erosion is a natural phenomenon,
humans have a major contribution to the rate of
soil erosion in the environment. Whenever we
walk, the soil clings to our shoes, so the soil gets
transported from place to place.
Other human activities like gardening can also
erosion since soil moves as we dig the ground
When quarrying, the impact created by blasting
rocks and soil particles triggers soil erosion. Huge
volumes of soil and sand also get transported
when they are used in the construction of houses
and other infrastructure.
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct,
write False if not.
______________1. Erosion is the process that
wears away surface materials and moves them
from one location to another. ______________2.
Gardening does not cause soil erosion.
______________3. The faster the running water
is, the farther the erosion would be.
______________4. Light particles of the soil
can easily be carried away by the wind.
______________5. Human is NOT one of the
factors affecting soil erosion.
Quarrying is the process of removing rock, sand,
gravel, or other minerals from the ground to use them
to produce materials for construction or other uses.
So, a quarry is any such working on the surface of the
earth where minerals are extracted.
What do you think is the effect of this human activity
on living things and the environment?
 Erosion is the process that wears away surface
materials and moves them from one location to
 There are different factors affecting soil erosion. It
includes water, wind, animals, and humans.
 As water flows, it transports rocks and soil
particles from one place to another.
 As the wind blows, it carries light particles of
rocks and soil, transporting and depositing them in
another place.
 Erosion by wind contributes a lot to shaping the
Earth's surface.
 Burrowing, digging, and movement of animals
transfer soil particles from one place to another
 Humans have a major contribution to the rate of
soil erosion in the environment.
 Other human activities like gardening can also
erosion since soil moves as we dig the ground.
 Quarrying has an impact created by blasting rocks
and soil particles and triggers soil erosion

Holiday A

Soil Erosion Y

Lets’ review
Directions: Read each item and draw a happy
face if it a factor affecting soil erosion and a
sad face if not.
____________1. Wind
____________2. Thunder
____________3. Water
____________4. Animals
____________5. Humans
Complete the diagram by filling out the missing
word in the circle.
Observe the picture below:

What can you say about the picture?

Let us know first the meaning of these some
words that you will encounter in this lesson:

Slope - is an inclined surface of land; the rise or

fall of the land surface

Steep -rising or falling sharply

Look at these two pictures of different landforms,
which of these is prone to soil erosion? Why?
Land Slope Affects Erosion
A slope is an inclined surface of the land. The slope
of land affects the rate of erosion.
Roots of trees and other plants absorb water as it
rains, but some unabsorbed water still flows
downward, washing away soil.
If the surface is greatly slanted, the water that flows
has greater force and thus carries soil. This results in
greater and faster erosion.
Steep slopes have a greater impact on soil
composition than surfaces with a slight slant.

The minerals and organic content present in the soil

moves down toward the slope, due to heavy rainfall.
Soil erosion is experienced higher in slopes with less
In general, the steeper and longer a slope is, the faster
water runs off of it, and the greater potential there is
for erosion. But many other factors come into play in
determining what becomes of a slope over time when
exposed to stormwater runoff.
In some landscapes, extremely steep slopes can be
observed with dense vegetation and little or no
erosion, while other locations with more moderate
slopes develop into barren gullies. This is because
many other factors come into play -- soil type and
the past use and management of the slope have a
major role to play, as well as the condition of the
land above the slope
Strength and Volume of Running Water
Soil erosion has been considered the
primary cause of soil degradation
because soil erosion leads to the loss of
topsoil and soil organic matter, which
are essential for the growing of plants.
A current, in a river or stream, is the flow of
water influenced by gravity as the water moves
downhill to reduce its potential energy. Water
current is the rate of movement in the water,
and ways to describe water current include its
speed and direction.
There are different types of water currents that
behave in different ways because they are
affected by separate variables. Strength and
volume of running water play a huge role in soil
erosion. A gentle slope may be less prone to
erosion, but the slope’s length can prove to be a
detrimental factor.
Directions: Look at the given pictures. Put a
checkmark / if it shows land slope that affects soil
erosion and mark X if not.
Many people are living in inclined or steep
mountains, especially in the province. If
you happen to live in that kind of place,
how can you and your family help in
preventing soil erosion?
 The slope of land affects the rate of erosion.
 If the surface is greatly slanted, the water that
flows has greater force and thus carries soil.
This results in greater and faster erosion. n.
 The steeper and longer a slope is, the faster
water runs off of it, and the greater potential
there is for erosion.
 Strength and volume of running water play a
huge role in soil erosion.
Directions: Read and analyze each item. Write True if
the statement is correct and False if NOT.
__________1. The steeper and longer a slope is, the
faster water runs off of it, and the greater potential
there is for soil erosion.
__________2. If the surface is greatly slanted, the
water that flows has greater force and thus carries soil.
This results in greater and faster erosion
___________3. The slope of a land DOES NOT affect
the rate of erosion.
___________4. Strength and volume of running water
play a huge role in soil erosion.
___________5. The faster the running water is, the
slower the soil erosion would be.
Soil Erosion Y

Directions: Look at the given pictures. Put a
checkmark / if it shows land slope that affects soil
erosion and mark X if not.
Observe the pictures below.

What factor usually affect the landform of

the area?
Soil erosion greatly affects the land and living things
on Earth. It carries away the topsoil on Earth’s
surface where plants anchor their roots firmly.
It changes landforms on Earth’s surface. It is
estimated that the topsoil is eroding faster than it
forms in more than one-third of the world's
agricultural land.
How would it affect all of us?
Change of Landforms
Soil erosion can change the different landforms. As
water seeps through a hill or a mountain, the soil may
loosen, and landslide may occur changing the shapes
of the mountain or a hill. Some soil particles may be
carried to the streams, lakes, and rivers. This will lead
to flooding of the lower areas in the community that
could destroy lives and properties.
Shortage of Food Supply
The loss of topsoil results in a lesser harvest of farmers, poor
quality of crops, and lesser income for the farmers. How
would it affect non-farmers like you?
If the farmers would have less harvest, there will be a food
shortage in the community.
The food will be expensive and so most people will be
malnourished and easily affected by diseases.
Farmers will have less income and the economy of the country
will be affected.
Flooding and Siltation
Aside from food shortage, people will suffer from floods as
there are no Roots of plants to absorb water. Soil erosion can
also damage fisheries and dam reservoirs, as siltation happens
at the lower ground within the area.
Erosion brought about by water can wash mine tailing to
nearby bodies of water and pollute them. Polluted seas and
rivers can affect aquatic plants and animals, as well as the
potable water supply of animals and humans.
Soil erosion cannot be prevented since this is naturally
occurring in the environment. However, some practices
can control soil erosion and its harmful effects.
Farmers use different techniques to prevent erosion.
They use some common farming techniques in planting
their crops, such as contour plowing, terracing, and
strip cropping.
This technique lessens the soil carried away by the
different agents of soil erosion.
Contour Plowing
Since erosion easily takes place on a slope, farmers
who plant on mountainsides follow the contours or
curves of the land instead of planting the crops up
and down the slope to slow down the flow of water
and the soil that it carries.
Strip Cropping
It involves alternately planting different crops in
strips. These crops are planted across the slope, too. In
this method, grass and other plants that grow close to
the ground are planted in strips between bands of
grain crops. The strip crops lessen the soil erosion
since they hold much water in the soil
Farmers build wide flat rows of terraces on
mountainsides to act as a ridge to help slow down
the flow of water that carries soil. By doing so, the
rate of erosion also slows down.
Crop Rotation
Refers to planting crops in a different spot each
year. Doing so helps the soil maintain its good
quality. A soil that has a good quality is moist.
Moist soil cannot be carried away easily by wind
and water.
Character or Type of Soil
Some types of soil erode easily than others.
Some soil has a fine texture and some have a
rough texture. Soil with finer particles like
sand and silt can be eroded easily than bigger
soil particles of clay
Loam soil contains more organic nutrients
that can hold more water and reduce the flow
of soil particles.
When the wind blows on land without plants
or vegetation, the dry soil breaks apart,
making the lighter particles be blown to other
A dust storm may occur which will carry the
soil to other places and form a new landform.
Wind erosion can take place in any area where
the soil is dry and not compacted. Water also
carries soil particles. As water flows, it
transports small rocks and soil particles easily
compared to the bigger ones.
Directions: Write true if the statement is correct
false if not.
_________1. Soil erosion can change the
different landforms.
_________2. Soil erosion can pollute seas and
_________3. Contour plowing does not prevent
soil erosion by water.
_________ 4. People can conserve soil and
prevent soil erosion by planting crops and trees.
_________ 5. Light particles of soil can be
easily blown away by the wind compared to
bigger particles.
Now that you are fully aware of the effect of
soil erosion both on living and nonliving things.
As a student, how can you help lessen the effect
of soil erosion in our environment?
Every natural process here on Earth, like soil
erosion, affects both living and nonliving
things. Soil erosion does not only shape Earth's
landforms, but it also affects the ecosystem
especially if it happens abruptly. It can also
cause food shortage flooding and siltation.
1. The erosion of topsoil leads to lesser harvest that
may cause a shortage of ____________ supply.
2. Soil erosion changes the _____________ as water
seeps through the mountain and caused landslide.
3. Soil erosion causes _________ due to few roots
of plants that can grow to absorb water.
4. Polluted seas and rivers can affect the
___________ water supply of animals and humans.
5. Soil erosion can also damage fisheries and dam
reservoirs, as ____________happens at the lower
ground within the area.
6. Crop rotation maintains the good quality of the
soil. Good quality of soil is moist which cannot be
_________easily by the wind and water.
7. Contour plowing slow down the flow of water and
the _________ that it carries.
8. Light particles of soil can be easily blown away by
the wind compared to ________ one.
9._________ particles of soil can be carried away
easily by the wind and result in soil erosion.
10. Wind erosion can take place in any area where the
soil is not _______________
Catch-Up Friday Y


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