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Ecosystems are significantly impacted by the climate.
Ecosystems are impacted by climate change in many different
ways. For instance, species may be forced to migrate to latitudes
or elevations with warmer temperatures to ensure their existence.
Similar to how saltwater intrusion into a freshwater system may
cause certain important species to move or become extinct as sea
levels rise, removing important predators or prey from the
existing food chain. Ecosystems and species are directly
impacted by climate change, but it also interacts with other
human pressures like development. Even while certain stressors
have negligible effects when acting alone, their combined effects
have the potential to produce significant ecological changes.
(United States Environmental Protection Agency 2017)
Ecosystem productivity is shifting due to climate
change, which is also accelerating the spread
invasive species and altering how different species
interact with one another and their surroundings.
Ecosystems are being reconfigured in previously
unheard-of ways by these changes. This problem is
made even more challenging by the fact that the
very factors that influence temperature changes,
such as ocean circulation and terrestrial ecosystem
responses, will themselves be altered as the climate
changes. (U.S. Global Change Program 2018 ).

This study try to seek the answer of the

What are the impact of climate change on
Earth’s ecosystems as observed by local
farmers of the municipality of Don Carlos
and Kadingilan, Bukidnon?

The objective of this study is to determine the

impact of climate change in Earth’s
ecosystems as observed by the local farmers
of the municipality of Don Carlos and
Kadingilan, Bukidnon.
• This study utilizes qualitative research to
understand human ideas, behaviors, attitudes, and
perceptions on climate change’s effects on Earth’s
ecosystems. The non-numerical, immeasurable
approach allows participants to express freely and
collects large data sets, making it an ideal method
for studying these issues. This study employs a
phenomenological research design to explore the
experiences of participants in examining the impacts
of climate change on Earth’s ecosystems.
• The study focused on Bukidnon Province, specifically
in the municipality of Don Carlos and Kadingilan.
Bukidnon is considered as food-producing province in
the region. Don Carlos is a 1st class municipality,
known as the “Little Vigan of Bukidnon,” while
Kadingilan is a 3rd class municipality known as the
“Green Haven of the South.”
• The study involves five local farmers in Don Carlos and
Kadingilan, Bukidnon, aged 50 and above to ensure
that they have extensive experience in climate change
impacts on Earth’s ecosystems.
• Purposive sampling procedure was employed in the
study. Purposive sampling depends on the researcher’s
ability to identify the right group of respondents who fit
the necessary criteria for the study. Using this sampling
procedure it will provide a highly reliable result from the
responses of each of the participants.
• An interview was used as an research instrument of the
study. Interviews are a data collection method that
researchers believe improves their ability to gather
extensive information and reach thorough findings.
• Participants were asked for consent to participate
in a research study on climate change’s impact on
Earth’s ecosystems. Researchers visit each of the
participants in their houses and conducted
interviews, asking the participants to share their
knowledge and observations. After that, the
researchers recorded their responses. Lastly, the
data was collected from participants’ responses
and analyzed using thematic analysis.

The major findings of this

phenomenological study came up with
three (3) themes in respect to Thematic
Data Analysis. These are:
• Theme 1: Highly Erosive Soil
Participant 2 , 3, 4 and 5 stated that plants and crops also
experienced the impacts of climate change because of the
extreme heat that causes them to die. The intense heat
because of climate change cause the soil to be eroded
which takes out the nutrients of the soil and causes plants
and crops to die. They also stated that plants now needs
medicines and fertilizers in order for them to successfully
grow unlike before that plants can grow without medicine
and fertilizers. They also stated that farmers find a hard
time in getting an income because all of their crops are
affected by the extreme weather.
• Theme 2: Forest Degradation
Participants 1 and 2 stated that the forest before has been
degraded. They stated that before many trees are present
in the surroundings but now all of it are gone. Human
activities have been a large factor in the forest
degradation because they replace forest with cemented
roads and other industrialization buildings. The
participants also stated that now that the forest are gone
the impacts of climate change are intensified causing high
level of temperature to the surroundings. Also many living
organisms that lives in the forest will lose their habitat.
• Theme 3: Hot Atmospheric Air

Participant 2 and 4 stated that nowadays, the air are

different than before because the air is much more
hotter and unsafety. This is a very big threat to all
the living organisms specifically humans. All the
living organisms might be suffocated by the hot and
unsafety air which causes them to die.

A. From the findings that we have gathered we

have concluded that climate change have a
huge impacts plants and crops by causing
extreme heat, soil erosion, and nutrient
depletion. Plants now require medicines and
fertilizers for successful growth, while farmers
struggle to earn income due to the extreme

B. As to what we found with our interviews,

climate change causes forests degradation.
Also due to human activities forest are
degraded, replacing them with cemented
roads and industrial buildings. The loss of
forests intensifies climate change impacts,
causing high temperatures and habitat loss
for living organisms.

C. From the observations of the participant,

we have concluded that climate change
causes the increasing hotter and unsafe air,
posing a significant threat to living
organisms, particularly humans, causing
suffocation and potential death.

Based on the findings and the

conclusions, the following
recommendations were drawn:

A. Farmers should use organic fertilizer instead of

using inorganic fertilizers. By this activity the soil
will became healthier than before. We individuals
should also be in control of our deed in order to
decrease the difficulties that climate change is
causing. Humans must be responsible on their
action, as a very fundamental and most capable
group in the ecosystem, humans should take
actions in order to stop climate change and to save
the Earth and its ecosystems.
B. The researchers recommended that by
planting trees, we gained a massive benefits of it
like planting trees in the forest so that we can
lessen the occurrence of landslide and floods. We
can also use the living tree like, we can stay
under the tree and take a test on it’s shady spot if
we feel terrible hotness from the sun. We should
avoid deforestation so that we can breathe
healthy air as a matter of fact trees has a big
contribution on giving as a healthy oxygen that
we breathe.
C. The researcher’s find out that the main factors of hot
atmospheric air is humans. Humans uses factories and
do such thing like burning some trash and coals and
carbon emissions like using 2 stroke motorcycle.
Researcher’s recommend that we can avoid this by using
solar panels and windmills as the contributor for our
electricity. By using these we can lessen our uses on
carbon emissions and to slow down any smoke we made.
Avoid using 2 stroke motorcycle and report it to the
nearest LTO office if you caught someone who use it. By
trying these activities we can be able to lessen the
appearance of hot atmospheric air and we can breathe
some healthy air.
D. Finally, future research may be conducted on the
impacts of climate change on Earth’s ecosystems.
Future researchers should seek new impacts of
climate change on Earth’s ecosystems and fulfill
the knowledge that this study might not included.
Although, this study is at a small scale, future
research may do this study at larger scales in order
to find more information about the impacts of
climate change on Earth’s ecosystems.

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