Features of Word-Processing

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Def: Word-processing is essentially typing, editing, and manipulation of a
document in a desired form.
Features of Word-processing:
 Word-wrap :- the text can be continuously typed and the computer
automatically starts a fresh line when a line is filled up
 Cursor control:- the four directional keys of the keyboard help in locating the
text for editing in in much the similar manner as that of a pointer or pencil.
 Editing:- Words or lines can be entered (inserted) or deleted in any part of the
text with proper alignment.
 Formatting:- the way the text is desired to appear on a page.
 Spell-check:- Word-processing packages provide checking of spellings facility

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Thesaurus:- It provides synonyms (or words with
similar meanings)
Macros:- A macro is a character or word that
represents a series of keystrokes.
Printing:- It gives a hard ‘copy of the text.
File management:-allows to create, delete, move
& search for files.
Mail merge printing:-helps in printing addresses so
that each letter is original.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 2

MS- Word is a word processor.
It is an application used to create, edit, print and save a
It allows the user to insert pictures, tables, charts,
drawings & features that will make the text richer & more
The extension name of MS- word is .doc or .docx
Starting MS-Word
Start  All Programs  MS-office  MS-word
Write on the search box  Word.
Click  MS-word icon is w.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 3
Word document includes the ff layout tools:
Title bar: displays the document name and the application.
Menu bar: Contains the list of menus available inside word,
each menu contains a specific set of commands.
Standard toolbar: provides shortcuts in the form of buttons
for frequently performed tasks.
Formatting toolbar: Contains a list of formatting options
available inside the format menu.
Horizontal & Vertical rulers: used for measurement purposes
like any normal ruler; the default unit of measure is in inches.
White page area: is the space area where you type, edit and
format your document.
Insertion point: is the blinking vertical line that indicates the
position on the screen where text or graphics will be placed.
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 Task pane: is a small window within the word window that provides
shortcuts to commonly used tasks.
 Scroll bars: are used to move up and down or left and right in a document.
 Status bar: displays the details such as the page number the user is working
on, section no. page no. out of the total pages found in the document, line
number, column number etc.
 Standard Toolbar: It contains buttons to allow you to perform the basic
operations such as opening and closing a document, moving and printing
Function of commonly used buttons
 New: Creates a new blank document based on the default template
 Open: Opens or finds an existing file
 Save: Saves the active file with its current file name, location and file
 Print: Prints the active file - for more print options go to the File menu
and select Print
18, 2024 Shows how the document will look when you print it.5
 Spelling & Grammar: Spelling, grammar and writing style checker
 Cut: Removes the selection from the document and places it on the
 Copy: Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard
 Paste: Places the content of the clipboard at the insertion point
 Format painter: Copies the format from a selected object or text
and applies to other objects
 Undo: Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to undo
several steps
 Redo: Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-down
menu to redo several steps
 Insert table: Insert a table into the document, or make a table of
selected text
 Zoom (100%): Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document
Thursday, April 18, 2024 6
 Insert Excel worksheet: Inserts an Excel spreadsheet into the Word
 Columns: Changes the number of columns in a document
 Drawing: Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar

Formatting Toolbar
The formatting Tool bar is the way to change many attributes of a text.
 Style menu: Allows you to make your text Bold, I Choose.
 Font: Allows you to change the font by clicking on the drop-down arrow on
the right of the font name box.
 Font size: Allows you to change the font size by clicking inside the Font size
box and entering a value.
 Note: A Font size of 11 or 12 is best for paragraphs of text.
 Bold, Italic, Underline: Each button respectively allows you to make your
text appear as bold, italic or underlined.
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 Alignment: Each button respectively allows you to make your text aligned to the left, center

or right side of the page and justify.

 Line spacing: Allows you to set the amount of space that word puts when go to a new line.

 Text orientation: Allows you to change the typing direction of your text, from left to right
or right to left manner.
 Numbering, Bullets: Allows you to make your text appear as a bullets list or as a
numbering list.
 Increase/Decrease indent: Allows you to increase or decrease the indentation of your
paragraph in relation to the side of the page.
 Outside Border: Allows you to add a border around a text selection.

 Highlight color: Allows you to change the color behind a text selection.

 Font color: Allows you to change the color of the text.

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Features of File Menu (ALT F)

 New - Opens new Word file (Blank Document file)

 Open - Opens the existing files

 Save - Saves the file with one name

 Save as -Saves the file with more than one name (with different formats)

 Save as Web page –This is used to save a document in a Web style. (With

HTML extension)

 Versions - This is used to do the parts of work in small parts. i.e. a bulk

(big/ more) work can be done in small parts.

 Web Page Preview –This shows the web page in printable form..

Thursday, April 18, 2024 9

Page set up - To set the margin, paper size, Orientation

Print: To get the print out.

Properties - This gives the details about the document (the

type of file, the size of file, the date of creation, date of

modification and file location.
Send - This is used to send the file document to internet mail

to some other person.

Exit- To close the MS-word

Thursday, April 18, 2024 10

 Undo: of EDIT
Will take MENU (ALT
the previous E): (ctrl +Z)

 Redo: Will take the opposite action of undo (Ctrl + Y)

 Cut: Can cut a selected text (Ctrl + X)

 Copy: Can copy a selected text (Ctrl + C)

 Paste: Can paste the selected text (Ctrl + V)

 Del: Removes the selected text

 Find: Used to find the part of text word \ character in the file (Ctrl + F)

 Find Next: (F3) Finding \ finding next: Used to repeat the finding process.

 Replace: Used to replace any part of Text Character with another word/ character. (Ctrl +


 Paste special: This will paste the copied (or) cut text in a form of an object. It will paste
in box which cannot be altered.

 Go To : Curser goes to the specified page, specified line, specified paragraph. (Ctrl + G)
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Features Of Format Menu(alt + O)
 Font - used to change the font face, style, size etc.

 Paragraph - Used to set the space between paragraphs and also between the

 Bullets - Used to highlight points in number wise / bullet wise.

 Borders & Shades - Used to apply different borders to the table / to the

 Columns –Used to write the text in column wise.

To have a break in columns, a column break is used (insert menu  break 

Ctrl + Shift + Enter
 Drop Cap - Used to drop the letter to different lines.

Text directions
April 18, 2024 - Used to change the direction of drop cap. 12
Change case - Used to change the case of the text.
Toggle –This converts lower case letters to upper case & vice–
versa in a word.
Back Ground - This is used to change the back-ground color
of the document but the color can be seen only in the web
Theme - This is used to change the document, backgrounds
with some existing design background. This shows the
background only in the web layout.
Style - This is used to change the writing fashion of the
document which are already existing.
Frames - Frames are used to write different documents in
one single document
Thursday, April 18, 2024 13
MS WORD –working with files:
Click the New Blank document button on the standard tool
 From the Menu bar, choose File  New, the new document
task pane will open, and select Blank document.
Opening Existing documents
Click the open button found on the Standard tool bar.(or)
From the task pane, select getting started and the select more
From the Menu bar, select File  Open
Saving a document
Click the Save button on the Tool bar. (or)
From the Menu bar, select File  Save (or)
 Follow the key sequence Ctrl + S
18, 2024 box appears. Type the name and click Save. 14
Printing a document
Select File  Print (or)

Click on the Print button on the Standard Tool bar (or)

Click Ctrl + P

Print dialog box appears.

Select All pages (or) Current page (or) type the page numbers and

also select number of copies according to the requirement and click


Closing a document
Select File  close

Click on the small X found on the right top next to the Menu bar and

the Title bar.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 15
 UseDeleting
thetextBACKSPACE or the DELETE key to delete text.
 BACKSPACE key will delete text to the left of the cursor and
DELETE key will erase text to the right.
 To delete a large section of text, highlight the text using any
of the methods outlined above and press the DELETE key.
Moving, copying and pasting text
Cut text:
Highlight the text you need to move and follow one of the
methods listed below:
From the Menu bar, select Edit  cut (or)
From the standard tool bar, click on the cut button. (or)
Follow the key sequence Ctrl + X
Thursday, April 18, 2024 16
Copy Text:
From the Menu bar, select Edit à copy (or)
From the standard toolbar, click the Copy button (or)
Follow the key sequence Ctrl + C
Paste Text
To paste previously cut or copied text, move the cursor to
the location you want to move the text to and follow one of
the methods listed below:
From the menu bar, select Edit  Paste(or)
 From the standard Tool bar, click the Paste button(or)
 Follow the key sequence Ctrl + V

Thursday, April 18, 2024 17

Spreadsheet is software that helps to substitute the paper
worksheets in the offices.
Spreadsheet displays data in the form of rows and columns.
An intersection of row and column is known as a cell.
MS-Excel is a window-based spreadsheet developed by
Microsoft corporation.
It includes all features of a spreadsheet package like:-
 Recalculation,
 Graphs & functions
 Mathematical functions
 Financial functions
 Statistical functions.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 18
Some important
Window basedfeatures of MS-Excel:
 Workbooks
 OLE support(Object linking and Embedding)
 Maintaining high volume of data.
 Availability of functions
 Availability of Charts & Graphs
 Data Analysis Tools: MS-Excel provides a set of data
analysis tools called Analysis Tool pack.
 Sorting capability: Excel has the capability of sorting any
data in Ascending or Descending order.
 Auto fill feature: Excel has the feature which allows to fill
cells with repetitive data such as chronological dates or
numbers and repeated text.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 19
Getting started with Excel
An Excel document is called a workbook.
By default, Excel workbook contains 3 worksheets
designated as sheet 1, sheet 2, and sheet 3.
The extension name of excel workbook is .xls
We can start excel in many ways
Start  Programs  MS-Office  Microsoft Excel  hit

Start  Run  Type Excel  hit enter

Double click on the Microsoft application Icon.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 20

Components of the Excel window
An Excel window has several unique elements identified in
the figure below:

Thursday, April 18, 2024 21

 Rows, columns & cell: In worksheet rows are numbered from top to bottom.
The columns are labeled with letters from left to right
 Title bar: The title bar contains the name of the program Microsoft Excel
and the default name of the workbook Book1.
 Menu bar: The Menu bar contains menus that include all the commands you
need to use to work your way through Excel such as File, Edit, View, Insert,
Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help.
 Tool Bar: Tool Bars are usually shortcuts for menu items
 Active cell: The cell in which you are currently working.
 Formula bar: displays the contents of the active cell.
 Name box: displays the cell address of the active cell
 Worksheet area: The middle portion of screen which occupies a major area
is called worksheet area.
 Status bar: located at the very bottom of the screen displays brief
information about activating features within the worksheet area.
 Sheet tabs: appear above the status bar displaying the names of the
Thursday, April 18, 2024 22
Creating a New Workbook
1. On the File menu, click New.
The new workbook task pane appears at the right side of the screen.
Click blank workbook.
A new workbook with 3 worksheets appears. By default, the
workbook is named as Book 1, and sheet 1 is the active worksheet &
A1 is the active cell.
Entering data:
 You can enter text, numbers and dates in an Excel worksheet.
To enter data of any type
 Select the cell by clicking on it.
 Type in the information.
 Press the Enter key.
 When you begin typing, your data also appears in the formula bar.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 23

Editing text
 The easiest way to edit the contents of a cell is to select the cell
and then retype the entry.
 Alternatively, to edit the data in a cell, press F2.
Formatting a worksheet
 Changing the appearance of data in a worksheet is called
 You can format the data in a worksheet by:
a. Changing the position of data in a cell
b. Changing the font, size, style & color.
Aligning data
 By default, any text you enter in Excel is aligned to the left
and any value or number is aligned to the Right.
 To change the default alignment, you can use the alignment
buttons on the formatting tool bar
Thursday, April 18, 2024 24
Formatting Numbers

Formatting data in a worksheet includes changing the

number of decimal places, displaying dates, times & fractions

and adding currency symbols.
To format the number in a cell, the steps are:

Format/Cell/Number/Decimal places/2
Formatting Text: Text can be formatted using the buttons

on the formatting toolbar.

a. Font of a cell, font size can be changed. The font style can also
be changed to bold, Italic etc.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 25
Inserting Rows & Columns
In Excel, rows & columns can be inserted or deleted without
affecting the surrounding rows, columns & cells.
To insert a row,
Rest the mouse pointer over the row above which you want to
insert the new row.
1) On the Insert menu, click rows.
2) A row is inserted and the existing row moves down after the
new row.
Similarly, to insert a column,
3) Rest the mouse pointer over the column before which you
want to insert the new Column.
4) On the Insert menu, click columns.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 26
Changing Row height & Column width
By default, every row is 12.75 points high and every column is 8.43
characters wide.
To Resize a column:
1. Rest the mouse pointer on the column boundary on the right side.
2. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to
3. Drag the boundary until the required width is obtained.
4. The column which is to be adjusted is made active by clicking on
column letter.
5. The column option is selected from the Format menu.
6. Click on the width option. A dialogue box is displayed.
7. Type in the required size of the column in the text box column
width. Similarly, Row height can also be adjusted by selecting the
Thursday, April 18, 2024 27
Sorting: Highlight the cells that should be sorted and click
the sort Ascending (A-Z) button or Sort Descending (Z-A)
button found on the Standard toolbar.
Printing: To print the worksheet, select File  Print from
the Menu bar (or) click on the Print button form the
Standard Toolbar (or) follow the key sequence Ctrl + p
Inserting Page breaks: To set the page breaks within the
worksheet, select the row you want to appear just below the
page break by Insert clicking page break from the row
‘Menu bar.
When you attempt to print a worksheet Excel automatically
inserts page break’s view.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 28
Saving a workbook
To save a workbook,
1. File  Save (or)
2. Ctrl +S (or)
3. Click on the save button on the Tool bar.
4. Save dialogue box appears. Type the name and click Save.
 A formula is an equation that is used to perform calculations on
data in a worksheet.
 Use formula to perform Mathematical, Statistical & date/time
operations on a single value or a set of values by using operators.
 In Excel, a formula starts with an equal (=) sign and should be
followed by the operation to be performed.
 MS- Excel evaluates the formula according to the order of
precedence of the operators.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 29

Thursday, April 18, 2024 30

A function is a built-in, readymade and frequently used formula
that accepts data, perform calculations & returns results.
To enter a function in a cell,
1. Click the cell in which you want the result of the function to
be displayed.
2. Type sign.
3. Type the function name.
4. Type the cell range & other arguments within brackets.
5. Press Enter.
Note: To specify a range of cells, a colon (:) is used between
the first & last cell addresses.
Example =Average(B1: B10)
Calculates the average of the values in the cells B1 to B10
Thursday, April 18, 2024 31
Mathematical functions with syntax and purpose

i. Sum( number1,)–givesnumber2,thesumofthevalues… in a
specified range

ii. Abs( number): gives the absolute value of the number

iii. Fact( number): gives the factorial of the number

iv. Sqrt(number): gives the square root of the number

v. Log(number): gives the logarithm of the number

Thursday, April 18, 2024 32

Statistical functions with syntax and purpose

Average (range of cells): calculates the average of the values in

a specified range
Stdev (range of cells): calculates the standard deviation of the

given data
Mean (range of cells): calculates the mean of the given data

Max (range of cells): gives the maximum value within the

range specified
count (): counts how many numbers are there in the list of

Thursday, April 18, 2024 33
Function Wizard
The Function Wizard is a tool in Excel through which a user can
enter formulas in the correct format without any errors.
It contains all the functions according to the type such as
Mathematical, Statistical, Date/time, Financial etc.
Steps to use the function Wizard:
1. The cell, in which the function is to be inserted, is selected.
2. Select the function option from the Insert menu. The Function
Wizard screen is displayed. It lists all the functions available.
3. The function needed is selected. Click OK
4. A dialogue box is displayed in which arguments are accepted.
5. Enter the arguments. The selected cell on the worksheet will
automatically contain the formula.
6. Click OK. The result is shown in the selected cell.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 34

Charts in Excel are used to represent data pictorially. We can use

Creating Charts

different types of charts to represent data.

Types of charts which are available in Excel:
Column charts
Bar charts
XY (scatter)
Cylinder, Cone & Pyramid
April 18, 2024 35
 The Database is an organized collection of data related to a

particular topic or purpose.

 A database stored electronically has distinct advantages over a

manually organized system.

 A database can be maintained in a computer by using a database

management system (DBMS).

 DBMS is an application that enables to maintain data in a

database. Maintaining data involves storing, organizing and

retrieving data.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 36
MS-Access is a RDBMS that is used to store and manipulate
large amount of information.
The extension name of Ms-Access file is .mdb.
To start MS-Access
Start  Programs  MS office  MS-Access Enter

Start  Run  MS-Access Enter

Thursday, April 18, 2024 37

An Access Database Consists 7 DB Objects
1. Tables: Store database data in Rows (records) and columns
(fields). Every row represents a Record. Each piece of
information in a record is called a Field.

2. Queries: used to retrieve information from a database

based on specific conditions.

3. Forms: used as interfaces for users to enter, view and modify

data in a Table.

4. Reports: used to present data from tables or Queries in a

format of our choice.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 38
5. Pages: display shortcuts to data access pages in the database. A
data access page displays data stored in a database over the
6. Macros: used to automate frequently performed
7. Modules: used to perform advanced database operations, such
as validating data against complex conditions.
Creating a Database
A Database can be created by using the database Wizard or by

using the Blank Database command.

The database Wizard is used to create tables, forms, queries and

reports by following a series of steps provided by the wizard.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 39
The Blank Database command is used to create a blank

database. All database objects should be created manually.

 Click on File menu  New  Enter

 A window appears  give a name to the database

Creating a Table
 Open the database in which the table is to be created.
 The database window appears.
 Under objects, click Tables and then click New on the database
window toolbar. The New Table dialog box appears.
 Commands in the New Table dialog box

Thursday, April 18, 2024 40

Create Table by entering data
Click on Table (object) in the main switch board.

Click on create table on Datasheet view  now a window

appears  here we find fields (field1, field2 …)
Give the field names (Name, roll no., marks etc)

Click on close button of the table and save the table with
some name
To enter details into the table, click on table in the main
switch board and double click on the table name.
Enter the
Thursday, April details
18, 2024 41
Working with Database Fields
MS-Access database fields are created by entering a field
name and a field data type in each row of the field entry area
of the database table window.
Data types in MS-Access:
The following list summarizes all the field data types
available in MS- Access, their uses and their storage sizes.
Text: used for text or combinations of text and numbers,
such as addresses or for numbers that does not require
calculations, such as phone numbers, or postal codes.
Stores up to 255 characters.
Memo: Used for lengthy text and numbers, such as notes or
descriptions. Stores up to 64,000 characters.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 42
Number: used for data to be included in Mathematical
calculations, except calculations involving money. Stores
1,2,4 or 8 bytes.
Date / Time: used for dates and times. Stores 8 bytes.
Currency: used for currency values and to prevent
rounding off during calculations. Stores 8bytes.
Auto Number: used for unique sequential or random
numbers that are automatically inserted when a record is
Yes /No: used for data that can be only one of two possible
values, such as yes/ No, True/False, On/Off.
OLE objects: used for OLE objects like pictures, graphs
and other binary data. Stores up to1 GB.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 43
Create a table in Design view

Click on table (object) in the main switch board.

Here click on  create  Now window table appears

inhere type design the field view

click on the close button of the table and save it with some

To enter data into the table, double click on the table created.

Now enter the details.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 44

Primary & Foreign keys
Primary & Foreign keys:
Data should be checked for redundancy before it is stored
in a database. Keys are used to maintain the integrity of
data. Keys contain unique values that help to filter
redundant information from the input data. Keys are of two
types: primary & foreign.
Primary key: The field in a table that uniquely identifies
each record is called the primary key. Usually, this field is
sequentially numbered.
Ex: Admission number field
Foreign key: When a primary key of one table appears as a
field in another table, the field is called the foreign key in
the second table.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 45

MS PowerPoint is a graphic presentation application program which consists of

different Designs use for presentation.
 refers to the idea of how M.S. PowerPoint is different from other application
software in windows operating system.
 Some of the facilities in M.S. PowerPoint that makes it different from other
window-based applications are as follows:
 SOUND: M.S. Power Point has the facility to incorporate sound to both texts

and objects or image.

 SLIDE: This is a page on which characters are being typed and also graphics are
Thursday, April 18, 2024 46
 SLIDE LAYOUT: is a template on which text boxes are inserted in different format.

 ANIMATION: it has the ability to make object(s) or text(s) to move as if it is

dancing or tackling.
 SLIDE TRANSITION: The slide can be made out in different styles base on your

command either by mouse click or automatic timing.

 CUSTOM ANIMATION: This is an option that allows the computer user to

customize the effects inserted on any given object(s).

 SLIDE DESIGN: This is an option that allows the computer user to select any

background of his or her choice for a presentation.

 SLIDE SHOW: The short cut key is F5. This is an option that allows a presenter to

play or run his/her slides

 LIVELY SHOW: This contains all of the above which can be sweet able for

television or movie entertainment.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 47
 Click star
 In the primary page that appear
 Go to all programs
 In the secondary page
 Go to M.S. Office
Click power point
Click file menu  Click Save (if it is the first time of
saving) Click Save As (for any other saving) Delete the
name or the text in the file name box  Type the name you
want to save the file with Click save tab.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 48


Using Auto content wizard Using Design Template Using

Blank Presentation From an existing presentation

Click file menu  Click new Click design template from

the task panel  Click the design or the background you


Thursday, April 18, 2024 49

1. Switch to slide sorter view by clicking the slide sorter view


2. Click where the new slide is to go in the presentation i.e., click

to the right of slide 2 to insert where the new slide between
slides 2 and 3.

3. Click the common task button and choose new slide, press
CTRL, choose insert /new slide

4. Click the kind of slide you want to insert.

5. Click ok.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 50

1. You can delete a slide from slide sorter, outline or normal


2. In sorter view

3. Click the slide to delete and a blank box appears around it to

show it has been selected.

4. Press the delete key to delete it If you want to select more

than one slide for deletion in slide sorter view

5. Hold down the shift key

6. Click on the slide you want to select

Thursday, April 18, 2024 51

1. Switch to slide sorter view

2. Right click on the slide you want to copy and choose from
the short cut menu.
3. Click between slides in the presentation where the copy of
the slide is to go
4. Right click and choose paste from the short-cut menu.

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Chapter Seven
Network and Internet
A network is an arrangement that enables two or more
computers to communicate (talk) to each other.

Types of Networks
Networks can range from a small group of computers
linked together in a class room to thousands of
computers linked together across the globe.

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They can be defined based on purpose and/or size

1. LAN (Local Area Network)

2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
3. WAN (Wide Area Network)
4. Personal Area Network (PAN)
5. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
6. Campus Area Network (CAN

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Local Area Network
If a network is confined to a single location, typically a
building, it is called a LAN.
LANS connect groups of computers and low-voltage devices
together across short distances.
Within a building or between a group of two or three
buildings in close proximity to each other to share information
and resources.
 Ex: Set of interconnected computers within an office.

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Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)
 is a network that is larger than a LAN; it connects the
computers distributed across multiple buildings.
Ex: the computers in all branches of an office within a city.

Wide Area Network(WAN)

When a network is located over wide areas such as cities,
states, countries or even continents.
 Ex: Computers in different branches Globalized company

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Personal Area Network(PAN)
The smallest and most basic type of network.
 PAN is made up of a wireless modem, a computer or two,
phones, printers, tablets, etc., and revolves around one
person in one building.
Found in small offices or residences, and are managed by one
person or organization from a single device.
Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN)
Functioning like a LAN.
 WLANs make use of wireless network technology, such
as Wi-Fi.
These types of networks don’t require that devices rely
on physical cables to connect to the network
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Campus Area Network
Larger than LANs, but smaller than metropolitan area
these types of networks are typically seen in universities, large
K-12 school districts or small businesses.
Internet is a global connection of computers.
These computers are connected via a huge network of
telecommunication links.
It allows you to access to a whole resource of data and information
stored at different sites (called hosts) and locations around the
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The communication links which inter connect each host
computer use a common method of transmission known as
 Which stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
Internet connection helps us to:
Read information on a wide range of topics

Send or receive E-mail

Down load useful programs such as virus detectors, file

compression, decompression utility etc.

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Share your opinions and your knowledge on a variety of
topics through various new groups.
Chat with other people anywhere in the world

View interesting video ‘s -listen world. to music.

Requirements for connecting to the Internet:

Modem: is a peripheral device that allows a computer to

connect and communicate with other computers.

Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator.

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Web Browser: A browser is a software program that is
necessary in order to view web pages on the web.
Ex: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft outlook express etc.
Telephone line: A telephone line is required to transfer data
from one computer to another.
 The computer is connected to a modem, which, in turn,
connected to a telephone line.
Subscription with Internet service provider (ISP): ISP‘s
are company access to the internet.
We need subscription with any ISP to get an Internet
Some of the ISPs in India are VSNL, MTNL, Sify, Specrta Net
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World Wide Web (WWW)
It refers to the collection of information accessible on the
The web is similar to a library.
It consists of millions & millions of pages of text, pictures,
sounds and animation on various topics.
These words or pictures that help to move from one page to
another are called hyperlinks.
A collection of related web pages is known as a web site.
To transmit a graphically designed web page complete with
pictures, embedded sound and animation a special language
was designed which is referred to as Hyper Text Markup
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The WWW support a protocol called Hyper Text Transfer

Protocol (HTTP).
HTTP provides a method of transmitting a professionally

laid out page over the text-based internet.

Uniform Resource Locator: (URL)

Each web site has a unique address commonly referred to
as a URL.
A URL specifies the exact location of the web page on the
Thursday, April 18, 2024 63
A typical web address or URL looks as http://
Explanation of the example URL
URL Element and Explanation
 http:- Identifies protocol necessary to retrieve the fil
 WWW:- Indicates that the site is on the world wide web
 Microsoft:- Indicates the name of the web site
 .com:- Indicates the domain type of the web site
 /catalog/navigation.asp:-Specifies the path of the file

Thursday, April 18, 2024 64

Electronic mail is a service for sending or receiving messages
electronically through a computer network.
The electronic mail uses various technologies that support
electronic transmission of text, data and graphics.
Some of the features of E-mail are:
It is much faster than the normal mail. Messages can be sent
within a matter of seconds to any part in the world.
it can be sent to many people at the same time
E-mail is cheaper than a phone call and an ordinary mail
it can access information and file libraries on request
E-mail user can have a mail box which is accessed through a
computer terminal

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An E-mail message consists of two parts
 A header specifying the address of the sender and the address of
the receiver
 The text of the message
The mailing system allows selecting messages for:
reading, displaying, saving, deleting, forwarding and
Mailing list can be created to send the same message to a
group of people

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E-Mail Address
An E-Mail address consists of three parts
The person ‘s Login name
@ Sign
Domain name represents organization, network & country name
Search Engines
 Search engines are utilities used to search for information on the web.

 A user interface is provided where you can enter the word or phrase you are
searching for.
 Some commonly used search engines are MSN, Alta Vista, Google, Yahoo!
search and Info seek etc.

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