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Wolaita Sodo University College of Engineering

Department of Architecture
Urban Planning and Development Masters
(Weekend) program

Urban Planning Project (UPDG-7403)

Urban Infrastructure thematic area

April, 2024
Presentation Outlines
 Concept and importance's
 introduction
 Why urban infrastructure study?
 Importance's of studying urban infrastructure for urban
 On what issues of infrastructure to be focus for urban planning?
 Data Collection
 Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and
 Data Analysis with respect to urban Planning.
Guiding questions
I. Why infrastructure components studied for
structure planning?
II. What are the key points to be studied under
this sector?
III. How could you relate different issues
identified from infrastructure point of view
of the given area to determine the future
Urban Development of A given urban center?

I. Concept and importance's
of Infrastructure for
structure planning
concept and importance's
• Definition
• According to the Definition of infrastructure posed in survey by Harvard
University, Infrastructure is defined as facilities, structures, networks, systems,
plant, property, equipment, or assets that:
– are essential to driving sustainable economic development and growth, lifting
levels of productivity and boosting employment and critical to encouraging business
innovation and improving the global competitiveness of enterprises.
– provide services and support that are basic to the functioning of a community,
organization, or society and crucial to its economic productivity.
– are key to managing population growth and meeting current and future
environmental challenges.
– provide a platform for economic development, social cohesion and stability.
– provide primary services which are crucial to the success of economic
development in society in that their absence or their less than optimal performance
would severely hamper its productivity and growth.
– provide social services and support private sector economic activity.
– are capital intensive/have high fixed costs and long economic lives and have strong
links to economic development, and a tradition of public sector involvement.
concept and importance's
• Introduction
– Infrastructure
• Backbone and the basis of a country’s welfare and economic
• Plays a critical role in promoting economic growth through
enhancing productivity, improving competitiveness,
reducing poverty, linking people and organizations together
through telecommunications and contributing to
environmental sustainability.
• support of development and communication in a national or
regional economy
• they assist in the social living conditions of the population
WHY do we need eco-efficient
and socially inclusive urban
Why focus on
Because they
Shaping our cities,
shaping our lives
WHY do we need eco-efficient and socially inclusive urban

• Infrastructure determines the competitiveness, liveability and

environmental health of cities.
• There is a strong correlation between the infrastructure and
environmental health, economic competitiveness and the quality of
life in our cities.
• Infrastructure has a long lifespan and once built, it locks cities into
consumption and production patterns for decades. These patterns
can have positive or negative outcomes, depending on how the
infrastructure is designed
• Infrastructure developments tend to be very resource intensive and
generate pollution throughout their life cycle
• Improper planning and urban design of infrastructure also adds to
environmental degradation.
WHY do we need eco-efficient and socially inclusive urban
System of infrastructure
concept and importance's
Infrastructure cont…

• Types of infrastructure
– A. physical infrastructure
• Technical Infrastructure (electric supply system, water supply system, drainage and
sewerage system, landfill site etc..
• Transport Infrastructure (Road, rail, port, airport, terminals and bus stations)
• Administrative Infrastructure
• Security Infrastructure
• Trade Infrastructure
– B. Social Infrastructure: used or needed by society very frequently.
A) Education and Culture
B) Health Services
C) Retail (trade)
D) Sport and Leisure Time Facilities
E) Public Administrations
F) Market Place
G) Slaughter Houses (Abattoir)
H) Cemetery/Religious centers
concept and importance's
Infrastructure cont…
• Types of infrastructure
• Particularly, the Asian and Pacific Countries’ Economic and
Social Commission states that it is possible to classify
infrastructure into four.
– first category is environmental conservation infrastructure

– The second category is social infrastructure and it includes social

and cultural infrastructures that serve and improve the life of the
– The third category is about economic infrastructure

– The fourth and last type of infrastructure is called supporting

concept and importance's
Infrastructure cont…
• Types of infrastructure cont…
– Therefore, in the case of infrastructure, too,
environmental, social and economic infrastructures
should be developed in an integrated manner and
they should be sustainable and resilient as well
Transport: road, rail, ports and airports;
Water: waste/water;
Power & telecommunications
 health, education, prisons,,,
• Environmental
Way city and /or regional planners’ view
infrastructure (importance's
• Reason why planners view in studying infrastructure
– There is no doubt that infrastructure plays a significant
role in:
transmitting information,
improving productivity,
 attracting investment, investors,
 expanding commerce,
 creating job opportunities,
 reducing poverty and
 eradicating dependency,
 protecting the environment.
– Infrastructure and transport had vital interdependent role for
economic social and environment suitability of urban centers.
Criteria for Provision of Infrastructure
• Criteria are required to determine the appropriate quantity,
timing and location of infrastructure provision and appropriate
funding methods.
• Three criteria - efficiency, equity, and administrative
• Efficiency- allocating an efficient amount of resources to
infrastructure. Providing at least cost the infrastructure services
that households want and are willing to pay for
• Equity -either the beneficiary principle or the capacity to pay
(affordability) principle- cross subsidize
• Administrative effectiveness requires an expeditious, certain
and transparent process for planning and delivery of urban
Challenges in Infrastructure Provisions

• Inefficiency of Operations
• Inadequate Maintenance
• Financial Inefficiency and Fiscal Drain
• Unresponsiveness to User Demand
• Neglect of the Poor
• Neglect of the Environment
•2.Literature review
• Student of this specific thematic area should have to
review the following
Different types of Infrastructure system
Please Review literature concerning the following points
2. Literature review
2.1. Theoretical literature review
2.1.1.. Concepts and definition urban infrastructure planning definition of terms
(eco efficient urban infrastructure , green infrastructure, concept of eco efficient urban infrastructure planning Different Types of urban infrastructure ( Technical, social, physical and
recreational etc.)
2.1.2. benefits and costs of urban infrastructure planning
2.1.3. models or approaches to urban infrastructure planning
2.1.4. The Spatial Imprint of Urban Infrastructure
2.1.5. standards and norms of different urban infrastructure
Different types of Infrastructure system
• Please Review literature concerning the following
• Empirical review
– Nature of infrastructure development system in developed
– Nature of infrastructure development system in developing
– Ethiopian case
– Addis Ababa case
– Gap
– Lesson learnt.
II. Data Collection
III. Major
Infrastructure Issues to
be collected and
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed

• Technical Infrastructure
– 1. Issues to be considered in plan preparation for
• Collect information and Analyze the institutional
capacity and working environment of EEPCO;
• Assess electric service coverage;
• Assess the history of electrification and growth trend; Distribution
• Identify the available source of power supply; Network characteristics
• Assess the distribution of substations by their installed Capacity
capacity; Demand and supply
• Identify supply network with their standard clearance Do not forget to identify
• Identify distribution network with its standard major planning issues of
clearance the electric
• Identify the number of meter connection
• Identify the supply system;
• Assess the challenges and prospects of power service;
• Asses electricity network coverage;
• Forecast future power requirement during the
planning period
Major Infrastructure Issues to be
collected and analyzed
• Technical Infrastructure
– 2. Issues to be considered in plan preparation for
• Assess history of telecommunication services
• Identify the type of service station/exchange; Distribution
• Identify the transmission link; Network
• Identify the installed capacity of the exchange; characteristics
• Describe the subscribed lines against the population size; Capacity
• Identify types of services provided; Demand and supply
• Analyze the institutional set-up of the Ethiopian
Telecommunication corporation;
• Assess adequacy of the service
• Assess challenges and prospects of the service;
• Analyze the location of telecommunication office;
• Forecast the future requirement of the service
Major Infrastructure Issues to be
collected and analyzed
• Technical Infrastructure
– 3. Issues to be considered in plan preparation for
water supply Distribution
• Assess history of water supply services Network characteristics
• Identify the type of service station/exchange; Reservation capacity
• Identify the water sources and their sanitary issue; Potential water
• Identify the installed water reservoirs and their location resources
and their capacity to deliver (of the exchange;
• Describe the subscribed lines against the population
• Identify types of services provided;
• Analyze the institutional set-up of the Ethiopian water
supply authority
• Assess adequacy of the service
• Assess challenges and prospects of the service;
• Analyze the location of water supply plants and their
• Forecast the future requirement of the service
• current and future water demand by each use
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed
 2. Transport Infrastructure (Road, rail, port,
airport, terminals and bus stations) Interrelate it with
 Terminals
 Bus , Light Rail Transport(LRT) ,Rail, Water and Air
potential land use
 Intra-city terminal (Bus, Bus Rapid Tansport (BRT), LRT, etc.) function and
 Inter-city Terminal (Rail, Air, Bus, Lake & River port) its efficiency and
 Freight-Terminal (Dry Port, Freight, etc.) effectiveness to
 Parking provide the
 Parking building services required.
 Park and Ride What its main
 Surface parking constraint
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, accessibility, How to solve
Location, Physical condition, Centrality etc. of Parking and Terminals and take
graphic and written notes etc…
 Road Adequacy of
 Rail & Tram way spaces
 LR , inter-city Rail, tram Its proper layout
 Conduct observation on hierarchical articulation, distribution, spaces Its Impact on
between streets and rail way systems, accessibility, Network, Physical
condition, paving materials,
environment etc..
 Extent of utilization etc. of all streets, Rail and tram ways and take graphic
and written notes
 Conduct observation on the general features and characteristics of
D. Data Collection on Social and Utility Services
 Education
 Preschool (Kindergarten, Religious and Traditional) Keynote
 Schools & Institutions (Primary School, High School, Research & Do not forget to identify
Training Centers, Special need, TVET, University or College)  distribution,
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, Compatibility,
accessibility, Location, Physical condition etc. of educational accessibility
facilities and take graphic and written notes  try to relate it safety
 Health of the people and
compatibility of the area
 Health post, Health Center, Hospital, Specialized/Referral
Hospital, Veterinary for providing safety to
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, its inhabitants s
accessibility, Location, Physical condition etc. of Health facilities Nature of the
and take graphic and written notes infrastructure the main
problems , issues to be
 Municipal Services considered etc…
 Slaughterhouse, Municipal Cemetery, Fire and emergency Locational distribution
Service, Solid waste disposal site, Liquid waste transfer stations, Area/capacity/
Liquid waste disposal site, treatment plant. catchment etc
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space,
accessibility, Location, Physical condition, etc. of Municipal
Services and take graphic and written notes
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed
 3. collect data on Administrative and security Do not forget to identify the
Infrastructure kind of services that
administrative land use provide
 Collect information on the location, distribution, size, for the society and
accessibility and compatibility, of: try to identify number of trip
generation and destination/day
 Government institutions (sector offices and local area
from that specific area
administration , police, correctional institutions, etc)  try to look to it with spaces of
 Non-Governmental institutions/organizations (local, parking and safe transportation
Nature of the transportation
regional, international, CBOs, Trade unions, etc) route and mode of
 Conduct observation on the location, distribution, transportation available
Its accessibility, compatibility
adequacy of space, accessibility, etc. of the above land
use functions and take graphic and written notes. Location/ functional
Area/ capacity/ catchment
Area coverage/size
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed

4. Trade Infrastructure
 Commerce
 General/Open Market or weekly market Keynote
 Cattle Market Do not forget to identify
 Covered market and backstreet markets/Gulits the kind of services that
 Conduct observation in relation to accessibility, compatibility, infrastructure s provide
centrality, sufficiency, etc. and take graphic and written notes. for the society and
 Business & Trade try to identify nature
 Hotels, Restaurants, Motels, Grocery, Cafeteria, Kiosk, of services delivery and
Supermarket, Barberry, fuel station, etc. required integration to
 Mall /Plaza, Star or tourist standard Hotels, Business centers, other infrastructures
Hyper Market, etc.  try to relate it with
 Import-Export, Wholesale, Consultancy and company offices, spaces of parking and
etc. safety, comfort ,
 Financial institutions compatibility, centrality
 Bank, Insurance, Credit Associations, Micro Finance, etc. and accessibility etc.
 Conduct site observation on the general features and
characteristics of Commerce, Business and Trade activities, and
take the necessary graphic and written notes
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed

2. Social infrastructure cont.…

 Civic, Cultural & Welfare keynote
 Library, Museum , Historical site & Building, multipurpose hall, etc; Do not forget to identify the kind of
 Religious, traditional & Public Festivity areas
services that land use provide for the
 Youth center, Orphanage, People with disability centers etc.
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, society and
accessibility, Location, Physical condition etc. of Civic, Cultural & try to identify number of trip
Welfare centers and take graphic and written notes generation and destination/day from
 Religious Institutions & Cemeteries that specific area
 Orthodox Church, Non-Orthodox Churches, Mosque, Others. Peak time, off time /day/week etc..
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, accessibility,  try to relate it with spaces of
Location, appearances etc. of Religious institutions & Cemeteries and parking and safe transportation,
take graphic and written notes loading and unloading
 Utility Services & Infrastructure Nature of the transportation route
 Telecom service; Postal Office
 Electric power Office, sub-station, high and medium tension lines,
and mode of transportation available
etc. Location/ functional distribution
 Water supply Office, reservoirs, treatment plant, etc. Area/ capacity/ catchment area
 Meteorology station/office Area coverage/size
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space,
accessibility, Location, Physical condition etc. of Utility Services
&Infrastructure and take graphic and written notes
Major Infrastructure Issues to be collected and analyzed

Green infrastructures Key note

Do not forget to identify
 Open spaces  peak time, and off time,
 Play Lot, playground and Sport field , try to identify number of
 Formal green trip generation and
 Green areas, Parks, Botanical Garden, Zoo, Lake and River side resort destination/day from that
Centers, etc. specific area
 Sport centers  try to relate it safety of
 Gymnasium, Club, Circus, ground tennis, etc. the people and
 Stadium
compatibility of the area for
 Golf centers, Horse-riding fields, athletics centers, etc.
 Conduct observation on distribution, adequacy of space, accessibility, providing safe
Location, Physical condition, Centrality, adverse effect on the youth and transportation system
people as a result of inadequacy etc. of Recreational and take graphic and Nature of the
written notes transportation route and
 Environmental mode of transportation
 Forest (manmade & natural) available
 Buffer zones, Location/ functional
 Nursery sites
 Environmentally sensitive (Marshes, lakes, rivers, ground water potential
Area/ capacity/
areas, etc.)
 Conduct observation on their distribution, general features and catchment area
characteristics; and take graphic and written notes Area coverage/size
3. Sanitary services/ other Do not forget to identify and collect
municipal Infrastructures information concerning

– Sewerage and drainage Collect information on user interference,
collection conveyances, treatment and
system & characteristics reuses/disposal system of each sanitary as
• well as municipal services of your project
Service level requirement
• Utility and environment the status of each sanitary infrastructures
and their impact on community transport
– Solid and liquid waste system, their safety, susceptibility to risks,
accident, and pollution of the areas.
collection, transportation  try to relate it safety of the people and
compatibility of the area for providing safe
& disposal methods transportation system
Nature of the transportation route and
– Site with relation to
mode of transportation available to
environmental pollution properly dispose or collect the solid and
04/18/2024 liquid wastes. 31
– Sport and recreational services
• Tourist sites Do not forget to identify
 peak time, and off time,
• Public parks and green areas
try to identify number of
• Cinema /theater trip generation and
destination/day from that
– Postal services specific area
Adequacy of the spaces for
– Cultural centers and religious institutions ever coming masses specially
& related services parking spaces and the likes
 try to relate it safety of the
• Cemeteries people and compatibility of
the area for providing safe
• Worship places transportation system
– Location Nature of the transportation
– Catchment area route and mode of
transportation available
– Functional integrity/compatibility
04/18/2024 32
iii. Points to be analyzed Regarding
Spatial Aspects relative to urban
infrastructure planning

Do not forget to analysis each infrastructure functions with respect to eco efficient
urban infrastructure planning in urban development planning project projects.
 location, adequacy, distribution, environmental impact
 try to relate it to safety of the people and compatibility of the area for
providing safe transportation system
 Nature of the each urban infrastructure
 Key issues planning of each urban infrastructure
Generally Regarding to Urban Infrastructure students should have to:

• Identify and locate all existing utility lines

• Collect and analyze data on the drainage pattern and network
• Collect and analyze data on the electric power system
• Collect and analyze data on water supply lines
• Collect and analyze data on Telecommunications system
• Identify and analyze problems associated with utilities location,
size/quantity, distribution, and standards of utility lines
• Collect and analyze data on services, community facilities and
• Analyze the location, type, hierarchy and adequacy, challenges and
prospects of public facilities
• Identify and study the extent of shortages and lacks regarding the
present status and future needs of services and utilities by
comparing it with population size
Standards and technical
relation of different
Electricity network
Norms and standards for Clearance of
Telecommunication lines
• The distance between two manholes or hand holes for duct cable
installation should not be more than 200 cm
• Cables shall be placed in chambers or cable vaults/trenches in
such a manner that they do not block vacant ducts and/or restrict
the working space.
• Aerial cable shall be regularly suspended at 50 cm from top of
each pole
• The optimum pole span shall be approximately 40 m and shall
not exceed 50 m without any strengthening measure for keeping
the specific strength
• The covering depth from the top of PVC ducts to the surface of
ground shall be as follows: a) Side-walk, farm land, forest 80 cm
or more b) Carriage way 100 cm or more
1. Water Supply
• Amount of water to be supplied
• Shortage is aggravated by losses
• Water System Design Principle -Peak Demand
Estimates and Water Quantity
• Water Treatment
• Design Period- In general large dams and
transmission mains are designed to function for 50
or more years. Wells, filter plants, pumping stations
and distribution systems for 25 years
• Distribution Storage Requirement
Waste Management
Criteria for Proper Waste water Disposal

• Prevention of pollution of water supplied and contamination of

fish intended for human consumption.
• Prevention of pollution of bathing and recreational areas
• Prevention of nuisance unsightliness and unpleasant odors.
• Prevention of human wastes coming in contact with man,
animals, food or being exposed on the ground surface
accessible to children and pets.
• Prevention of fly and mosquito breeding; excision of rodents
and other animals.
• Strict adherence to standards for ground water, and surface
waters compliance with local regulations governing waste
water disposal and water pollution control.
Basic sanitation and Onsite sanitation issues
Schematic of a typical wastewater treatment plant
Solid Waste Management
• Proper application of storage, collection,
disposal of waste. Waste production and
• Features of Solid Waste Management
A) Composition, Weight and Volume
B) Solid Waste Storage
C) Collection
D) Transfer Station
E) Treatment and Disposal of Solid Wastes Site taking re
use- Open Dump, Hog Feeding , Grinding,
Composting , Incineration
Sanitary Landfill Planning and Design

1. Legal Requirements
2. Social and Political Factors
3. Planning
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Land Area (Volume) Required
Planning for Public facilities (Social)
• Public facilities satisfy specific individual or
community needs - including safety and
security, communication, recreation, sport,
education, health, public administration,
religious, cultural and social.
• Higher-order public facilities
• Middle-order public facilities
• Lower-order public facilities
• Mobile public facilities
Relationships between public facilities
Relationships between public facilities

The relationships depicted in the example refer to

• Individual facilities (e.g. individual school buildings
with their own individual playing or exercise
• shared facilities, including
o Specialized facilities (e.g. main hall, main library), and
o Sport facilities (e.g. swimming pools, tennis courts).
• The shared facilities will not exclusively serve the
schools but also be accessible to the public.
• Multipurpose facility cluster
Functional clusters- Educational
Guidelines for public facility planning
• International comparisons indicate that public facilities
and amenities should together generally take up
between 15% and 25% of land in a development
(Behrens and Watson 1996).
• Of this combined amount, ±33% should be taken up by
public facilities, and ± 66% taken up by public open
• An ideal breakdown of private (i.e. housing, commerce
and industry), and semi-public (i.e. roadways and
footways) use of land is in the region of 50-60% private,
15-25% semi-public and 15-20% public.
Planning Social facilities (Ethiopian
• In planning of social services, the
following aspects should be considered:
- Catchments and population size,
- Plot size
- Compatibility of land-use
- Hierarchy
Recreation Facilities-Sport
Recreation Facilities-Play fields & Stadium
Recreation Facilities-
Theatre –Cinema -Community center

• The area needed for the theatre, cinema and community

center depends on the number of seats. The planning of
these facilities should take into account the size of the hall
and parking as well as other specifications of architectural
• The floor area requirement for theatre, cinema, concert
hall and community center is 0.5m² per person. In the case
of dance hall, the floor area should be 0.55m² per person.
• The location of these facilities should follow centralities
(CBD and sub centers) to ensure fair distribution and
• They should be located at nearby distance from mass
Recreation Facilities-Green areas

• At neighborhood level, the neighborhood plan should precisely

locate the green areas with enforcement mechanism to prevent
the current abuses: informal settlement, garbage dumping, etc.
• The area of a neighborhood green is about 5 m² per inhabitant.
• They should be located inside the neighborhood with fair
distribution and accessibility.
• Parks are to be planned at sub-city and city levels. They are
mostly large in size with botanic, zoo and recreational services
(bar, restaurants).
• The standard area for parks is about 0.5 m² per inhabitant.
• Parks can be located within natural reserves with good
accessibility with mass transport.
Worship places

The planning of cemeteries should consider the

• The international standard : for a town of 10 000
population, a cemetery area of 40 ha is needed of
which 65% is for the graves and the remaining is for
other important facilities such as road, green, toilet
and pray hall, etc.
• Location o Spatial location: about 2 kms catchments
(it can be far depending on the availability of land,
transportation facility, number of demand)
• Compatibility o Green buffer of 100m between
cemeteries and housing setbacks of 20m from road

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