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Wolayta Zone Urban Development and

Construction Department
Urban Organization Plan Preparation
and Monitoring Core Process
Gocho Town Basic Plan Presentation

February/2015 EC
Background of the Study

 One of the urban development programs of the government is the

preparation and implementation of basic plans for towns with a
population below 20,000.

 Therefore, the type of plan prepared for Gocho town is a basic

plan since its population was 3548 according to the CSA Projected
in 2015 made for land use planning purposes in 2015 EC.

 Such type of urban plan is hoped to integrate development in

urban and rural areas through strong urban – rural and urban -
urban linkages which are manifested in different ways.
 Gocho town will become a livable, recreational, walkable, Cultural and trade
center for its residents and the surrounding region with in the coming ten

Objective of the Study

The envisaged plan of the town is prepared to achieve the following objectives:
To guide the socio economic and spatial development of the town in a
planned manner;
To strength Urban-Rural and Urban-Urban linkage;
To create conducive urban environment
To facilitate proper urban infrastructure and management
To enhance proper land management system in the town; and
To ensure the realization urban good governance
Experts who participated in the preparation of Gocho
Basic Plan
Base Map Preparation and Surveying team

•Miheretu Zekareyas: from Zonal Urban Organization, Plan

Preparation and Monitoring Core Process

B. Socio Economic Study Team

•Tarekech Ayeza and Ayele Dubale: Conducted the socio economic

data organization and analysis part

C. Land use Planning Team

• Million Shoya: Conducted land use and road network and other
planning issues
Physical Characteristics of the Study Region

 The study region is found in southern nation’s nationalities

and people’s regional state in Wolayta Zone Kindo Didaye
Woreda at a distance of 72 kilo meters away from Wolayta
Soddo town, the Zonal administration center.
 This Wereda is bordered by Kindo Koysha woreda of
(Wolayita Zone) in the north and Kawo Koysha at north east,
Offa woreda in the east and Kindo Koysha Wereda in the west
and Kucha wored(Gamo Gofa zone) in the south.
Regional Urban System
 There are only two urban centers that accredited the status since 2005 and

2008 E.C i.e. Gocho and Halale respectively.

 According to the Kindo Didaye Woreda Finance and Economic

Development report of 2015 E.C, the total population number of Kindo

Didaye wereda is as 108,762.

 The urban population size was only 9282 which are 9 % of the total

population of Kindo Didaye Woreda.

 This level of urbanization is very small when compared with the Southern

Region state 25% urbanization level.

Historical Development of the Town

Pre-Foundation History
The study of pre-foundation history focuses on the general situations
prior to the actual foundation of the town.

It is obvious that there had been certain factor that contributed a lot
behind the emergence and development of a given urban center.

 Before the establishment, the area was covered by bushes or small


Gradually huts were constructed. The huts were small in number.

Naming of the Town
 The naming of any place is associated with varied conditions like natural

phenomenon, social and cultural ties, historical and political situations,


 The naming of the places in the area was taken from the person that was

seen first (for instance Elias Wochamo was the first famous person to be

seen in area).

 The name of Gocho is not far from this. According to local elders the

name Elias Wochamo was taken from the first settler of the area.

 According to the informants the first place where people settled together

was named as ’ Aurjeya’.

Naming of the Town

 As the legendary history of local elders, the area currently known as Gocho, took
the name after the person who came fro

m Dawro, called Wochano Gocho.

 It was sometimes referred as the so called Bubula Eqqaa (locally known as the
God of Bubula clan).

 The person played a leading role in holding the community together for different
tasks like economic development, peace keeping, and other social aspects.

 Gradually, the new settlers of the area adopted this trend and called the place
The Establishment of the Town
 According to informants the present gocho was founded in 1954 E.C as
rural center.

 The place was selected as a village center because it was a transit area for
the king of wolayta, king Sana.

 According to the informants the first market was opened by the order of
king Sana.

 Following the establishment of the market many houses were constructed.

 In fact the first houses were huts (houses made from grass).

 Gradually the urbanized form of living appeared for the first time around
the market.
The major reasons behind the foundation of Gocho as
an urban center:
 Cereals (especially maize and coffee) were produced and
exchanged to Wolayta soddo from this area with the help of horses.

 It was a transit area for the kings and his followers (especially for
king Sana) the king of Wolayta.

 The beginning of trade such as cultural foods.

 The presence of different government institutions;

 The presence of suitable farm lands;

 Its relatively comfortable climate;

Development of urban services


Education was started in the town during Hailesilase regime.

 According to informants the class room where made from grass.

At the beginning teaching was started only first grade level,

During Derg regime modern school (1-6) was began in 1974.

Currently the school is upgraded to 1-8.

Health services

The first clinic in the town was constructed in the town by


Before the establishment of the clinic the community of the

town and its surrounding area where forced to go Gesuba and
other nearby towns to get treatment.

Since 1991, it has grown to health post.

In 2001 Etc. the town got health center.

Electricity and water supply

Electric and power supply introduced in the town in 2004 EC.

The residents of the town started getting treated water by 1994.

 It was constructed by non-governmental organization (NGO).

Tele communication

The first telephone was introduced in the town in 2001.

The telephone service was giving with the help of solar.

It is recommended to be upgraded to be automatic services.

Road construction

The first road (truck) that link Wolayta Soddo town with Halale was
constructed with the help of Dejazemach Woldesemayat during

The existing road was expanded and upgraded by WADU.

Municipal services and historical growth trend of the town
From foundation to revolution (1954-1974)

 It was a period where by the town was found as its infancy and the

settlement pattern was predominantly rural type.

 During the period the population settlement was dispersed.

 Almost all houses were made from grass.

 Generally, during the reign of HaileSelasie the following major

achievements were recorded.

 School made from hut was started in 1954 E.C.

 The first road (truck) was constructed with the help of Dejazemach

Woldesemayat during 1956.

From the revolution to the down fall of Derg (1974-1991)

• During this period the trade activities were better than the previous regime.

• Community shops were opened at four different kebeles.

• There were also good infrastructural developments. Modern education was

started during this period.

• The following are some the major achievements that were recorded during
Derg regime

 Modern education from 1-6 was opened in 1969.

 Upgrading of the existing road by WADU

 Modern shops were opened

From the down fall of Derg up to the present

•In general since advent of EPRDF the following achievements were seen;

 Electric and power was supplied in 2004EC.

 Primary school (1-8) was established.

 Health post in 1991

 Manufacturing like flour mail were started

 Water supply 1994 EC.

 Transport means (vehicles)

 Health center in 2004

 Secondary school (9-12) in 2007

Historical heritage

One of the major tourists attracting area is the existing of huge

cave made under Aurjia Gongoluwa.

The cave is named as ''ARUJIYA GONGOLUWA HOUSE''.

Location Area and Shape of the study Town
Gocho town is located in Wolayta Zone Kindo Didaye
Woreda on the way to Gilegel Gibe 3 HEP projecte about
72 kms south east of the zonal capital Wolayta Soddo town .

Relatively the study town is bounded by four directions.

Accordingly, the town is bounded Omo river border in the

north, Zaro rural vilage in the west, Mogisa rural kebel in
the east Bereda rural kebele, in the south
Population size, distribution and Area
According to the CAS 2007 Projected in 2015 planning year, the
total population of Gocho town incorporated with in the planning area
accounts for 3548 people, of which 1839 are males and 1709 are

It has a significance effect to carry out the land use plan.

On the other hand, the incorporated planning boundary of Gocho

covers about 4750 km2 or 475hectares.

The population density of the town as per the report of the

population survey may reach 1.3 persons/km2, or 13 persons per
Topography of the town
Gocho is established on relatively ridged topography.

The lower part in the town is situated in the northeastern

direction. Thus, the altitude of the town usually declines towards
this direction and the highest point is found in the southern
periphery of the town.

The altitude of the town ranges from 1400 above sea level to
1890 meters above sea level.

Due to the ruggedness of topography most parts of the town

don't fit to the settlement.
Physical Expansion of the Town
There are certain elements that should be considered in the selection of

expansion area.

Some of the basic elements include people’s preference, topography, climate,

proximity to the physical infrastructure such as telephone, electricity, water,


One of the major constraints of the town is shortage of appropriate land for

physical development.

At present the only expansion direction of the town is towards north western

and south eastern.

Other places have rugged terrain so that they can’t be used for settlement.
Drainage System and Surface water
As it is explained earlier, Gocho and its environment are classified
within Omo – Gibe drainage basin.

All rivers that arise from the surrounding high lands discharge in to
Omo River, which re found t near distance from the study town.

 There is no permanent river with in the town boundary.


Climate is one of the governing factors that influence the day to

day activities of mankind in one way or the other.

The change in one of the elements of weather and climate results

in the corresponding changes of the other elements weather and

Climatic condition of an area can be affected by factors like

latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, cloud cover, etc.

 The climate of Gocho town is classified in to woynadeg

Wind Direction

The dominant wind direction is the wind over the town that
blows from east highland part of the town to west lowland parts
mainly during bega season.

Similarly, the minor wind direction in the area is also

concentrate on the opposite side of the major wind direction.

The study town is established on mountainous topography so

that the effect of wind erosion is insignificant.
The Condition of Open Market

There is one open market in the town that held on, Wednesday.

 It is located at the center of the town.

The existing open market holds not enough area in that during
market days facilitates easy movement of people to different

Thus, the planner should propose expansion market place in the

existing place.
Livestock Market
Practically, livestock market could not be established at the same place to
that of the main market since some cattle’s may cause physical damage on
human and their waste cause ill health to human.

 Livestock market should be located in relation to the main livestock entry


According to some informant’s explanation, the livestock entry direction is

from different kebeles of kawokoysha wereda, kindo koysha and offa
weredas such as koysha wamura, Feteta, Mogisa gocho, chewcare, wmura
borkoshe and bosa borto etc.

 In general the existing livestock market place is compatible.

Bus Station

In terms of bus station, the town has formal bus station. But the
place is not sufficient for the future bus station.

Thus, the new plan needs to incorporate bus station which gives
service for the entire population.

Accordingly; it is advisable if the land for bus station and bus

terminal reserved in appropriate site.
Abattoir Service
the service is not in proper site as a result the residents were forced to
slough with in their home, at the road side and everywhere in the town
which in turn have multiple problem on the society health condition.

Thus, planning solution is needed in that the new proposed plan should
have to incorporate a space for abattoir services.

 Hence, the alternative site for this service will be sited in relation to the
direction of the prevailing wind direction in the town and yet the south
western part of the town is recommended to be the area for the abattoir

Since, it is a lower land near the mountain side; it does not pollute the
Municipal Cemetery

As it is one of the most significant land issues in any town, it should be
considered carefully in land use planning.

There was municipal cemetery in Gocho town.

As the municipality gives this service for the poor, helpless, new comer
with no relatives, having land identified for the service under municipality
is a must.

Similarly, place for the municipal cemetery service need to be proposed

on the appropriate site.

 Therefore, in the new plan a place for municipal cemetery needs to be


Gocho town was the beneficiary of wire telephone service since 2001 E.C.

The presence of telephone service at every urban center obviously

facilitates urban-urban and urban-rural economic and social linkages.

However, the limited telephone services in the town because of the low

network coverage made communication became not sufficient.

Therefore, the service needs to be opened, improved and network for

mobile need to be upgraded during the planning period.

Postal Service
As an urban center, there is no post office that renders the
service in the town.

postal service is the cheapest means of communication the

service is available in informal place in town.

Therefore, post office need to be established immediately

considering its paramount importance.

Thus, the place for post office should be reserved at an

appropriate area.
Potable water supply

The town has got water supply in 1994 E.C.

Thus, Wells, springs, streams and rivers are the main sources of
potable water in the study area.

The hydrological feature of the town shows that there is

relatively good water potential.

However; the percentage of population who get clean water

supply is still under question.
Population Size and growth

 the total population size of Gocho town was 3548 populations

in the year 2015EC.
 Among the total population males found to be 1839 and the
rest 1709 are females.
 Hence, sex ratio is 1:0.92. This means there are 92 females for
every 100 males showing that the number of males exceeds
the number of females.
Population Projection
 Based on CAS population projection made a total is
population 3548 and 591 household.
 Accordingly taking the regional growth rate 4.8 a ten years
population projection has been made 2015-2025 EC.
Pt= Po ert

 2015=3548


Ethnic Compositions

the wolayta ethnic group would account 78.4%.

 There was other ethnic group in the town.

The ethnic composition of the town is expected to increase in

the future as its socio economic development undergoes change.
Religion Composition

Their own Their own

Table 7.5: Religious Compositions in Gocho, 2015 EC.
worshiping place
Their own cemetery
Their own
No Religion Table 7.5: Religious Compositions in Gocho, 2015Remark

worshiping place cemetery
No Religion Remark

of Adherents
Have Do not Have Do not

of Worshiping
have have

Worshiping Have Do not Have Do not
have have

No ofNo
No. ofNo.

1 Protestant √ 4 2104 √ 

21 Protestant
Orthodox √√ 24 2104
1429 √√ 

32 Catholic
Orthodox √√ -2 -
1429 -√ - - -

43 Muslim
Catholic √√ -- -- -- -- -- --

5 Others - - 15
4 Muslim √ - - - - - -
Total 7 3548
5 Others - - 15
Education Service

No School level Ownership total

Government Private

1 Kindergarten 1 1

2 Primary(1-8) 1 - 1

3 High School (9 -12) 1 - 1

Issue related to Education services

 During the planning years 2015 – 2025 EC one new kindergarten schools at

different quarters of the town need to be constructed.

 Thus, land should be reserved for these purposes.

 During the next ten planning years expanding the existing primary and

secondary schools is mandatory.

 Therefore, land for the construction of additional class for primary and

secondary schools needs to be reserved.

Thus, land should be reserved for preparation of the above mentioned school

services and construction of additional classrooms.

Issues Related with Health Service
The presence of one health post and health center that give health
service (preventive) and curative to population of the area.
According to the standard, one health center render service for 25,000
According to the MOH standard one health post renders service for
5,000 peoples
Problem Related with Housing

Shortage of residential housing units observed.

Presence house use for mixed purpose i.e. for dwellings and
commercial purposes.

Old and shanty houses.

Issues Related With Housing Requirements

town, in the year 2015EC there are 3548 peoples including those
who are incorporated in the new surveyed/Planning/ boundaries of
the town.

Thus, a total of 591 households are found of which male 548 and
43 are female households.

Therefore, the average house hold size is 5.

Thus, based on current statistics the present housing need and

future housing requirements are analyzed here.
Issues Related With Housing…
In the year 2015 EC the data showed, there were a total of 591
housing units.

 Therefore, there are a total of 119 housing backlogs.

 At the end of the first five planning years, in 2020EC, the total
number of population of the town will be 4510 and the total
house hold size will be 902 Number of additional houses required
will be 192
 At 2025EC, the end planning year, the total number of population
will be 5731, the number households will be 1,146., and
additional housings required will be 244.
Issues Related With Housing…

Thus, according to the above data analyses, the total number of

housing requirement will be 119+192+244= 555 housing units
will be required.

For unforeseen condition 20% contingency is considered.

 Therefore, 111 housing units will be added.

Thus during the ten planning years a total of 666 housings are

Thus, the planner should reserve plots for residence according

to the assumption the socio economist considered.
Sport field and Recreational centers
 In the town there was no recreational center for youths to spend their spare

 Consequently, the planner should propose land for the lists written bellow.

1. play grounds

2. public libraries

3. Standard stadium

4. Youth center and other recreational centers

5. Public Square

6. Green space

7. Playing loots

8. Cinema house

9. Public hall
• 10. Museum
•All the above mentioned services are not found within the study town. Thus, during land use planning

land for all the above mentioned services should be considered.

The end

Thank you for your attention!

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