4 - Gerund and Infinitive

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Table of
Gerund To Infinitive
Gerund as noun in: Infinitive as noun in:
- Nominative Case - Nominative Case
- Objective Case - Objective Case
- Element in Idiomatic - Adjective
Expression - Adverb
- Element in Idiomatic
Common Verbs
Common Verbs Followed by to +
Followed by Gerunds infinitive
Meaning Examples of Gerunds:

Any time you see an -ing verb functioning as a noun,

you can be sure that you are dealing with a gerund.
Use these examples to familiarize yourself with this
Gerunds are verbs that end –ing special type of verbal.
but function as nouns. Gerunds
Going to college is expensive.
look like present participles. For
example, running, looking, Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like
buying, etc. wrapping a present and not giving it.

Binx Bolling, the hero of Walker Percy's The

Moviegoer, enjoys riding the bus that runs from
Gentilly down Elysian Fields and into the French
Quarter of New Orleans.
Nominative Case
The nominative case is a grammatical case for nouns and pronouns. The case is
used when a noun or a pronoun is used as the subject of a verb. When the
gerund is performing the action in the sentence, it's functioning as the subject.
For example, in the sentence "Exercising keeps you healthy," the word
"exercising" is performing the action "keeps."

Example of Gerunds used as a noun in nominative case:

- Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant

- Swimming helps unwind

- Writing is an exchange of ideas

Objective Case
The objective case refers to when a noun or pronoun is used as an object. The
object may be a direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition.

Example of Gerunds used as a noun in objective case:

- My sister avoids cooking (direct object)

- Mrs. Taylor gave painting a try (indirect object)

- After studying, we took a break (object of prepositions)

Element in Idiomatic Expression
In English, there are a number of phrases that must be followed by verb –ing.

Example of idiomatic expressions that followed by gerund:

- (There/It is no use + gerund) e.g. There is no use waiting for you

- (There/It is no good + gerund) e.g. It is much good helping each other

- (There/It is no harm in + gerund) e.g. There is no harm in asking for some help

- (It is worth + gerund) e.g. Is it worth abusing drugs?

- (There/lt is no point in + gerund) There is no point in believing in you

Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds
An infinitive is a verbal consisting of to + a Examples of infinitive:
verb, and it acts like a subject, direct object, ● To give
subject complement, adjective, or adverb in ● To run
a sentence. Infinitives are easy to identify ● To wait
because they’re written with to + a verb.
Nominative Case
Example of Infinitive as the subject:

- To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was required.

- To swim in that sea may be dangerous.

- To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.

- To understand grammar, that is our aim.

Objective Case
Example of Infinitive used in objective case:

- I like to write in English. (direct object)

- Everyone wanted to go. (direct object)

- He wanted to cry. (direct object)

Infinitive as Adjective
When an infinitive phrase functions an adjective, it describes a noun or a
Example of Infinitive used as an adjective:

- This is the best time to practice.

- I have some jeans to wash.

- Let him show you the best way to paint the door.

- I love crime books. I need one to read on holiday.

- The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive those who have wronged
Infinitive as Adverb
Most infinitive phrases that function as adverbs tell us why the action occurred.
Most infinitive phrases that function as adverbs could start with "in order to" (as
opposed to just "to.")

Example of Infinitive used as an adverb:

- The officer returned to help the inspectors.

- He opened the box to reveal a huge bullfrog.

- God loves to help him who strives to help himself.

Element in Idiomatic Expression
Example of idiomatic expressions that followed by infinitive:

- (be supposed to + infinitive) e.g. They are supposed to arrive tomorrow.

- (be witness to + infinitive) e.g. We have been witness to many changes in recent

- (see one’s way (clear) to + infinitive) e.g. I’d be very grateful if you could see
your way clear to lend me a few dollars.

- (be likely to + infinitive) e.g. It’s likely to rain tomorrow.

Common Verbs Followed by Infinitive

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