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Activation energy

• How does the shape of an enzyme's active site enable it to

Guiding catalyse a reaction so well?

Questions • What actually happens in the active site?

This diagram summarises some of the main points.
Energy is contained within molecules.
Energy is always released when bonds are made.
Energy is always required to break bonds.
Activation energy is the minimum energy that colliding
particles need for them to react.
Enzymes lower the activation energy.
1. In any reaction some bonds are broken and other bonds are formed during the reaction. Does
energy need to be put into the molecules to break the bonds or to make bonds?

2. What is the activation energy used to do in a reaction?


3. In the graph above, what does the horizontal axes represent?


4. Enzymes hold the substrate molecules in their active site in a position which makes breaking
bonds and making new bonds easier. What effect does this have on the activation energy of the

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