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PNP Values and Ethics:

“Upholding Integrity and


by: PCpl Judilyn U Ravilas

"A Presentation on the Core
Principles that Govern Philippine
National Police Officers"

by: PCpl Judilyn U Ravilas


 Facilitate Seminars on Risk Security and Bomb
Related Incidents
PART-01 Introduction

PART-02 PNP Mission and Vision

Core Values

PART-04 Code of Conduct and Ethical

PART-05 PNP Pledge of Service
PART-06 Duties and Responsibilities

PART-02 Anti-Corruption Efforts

PART-03 Challenges and Solutions

PART-04 Case Studies or Examples

PART-05 Conclusion & Q and A


Title: "Upholding Values and Ethics in Law Enforcement"

• Importance of Values and Ethics

Values and ethics form the
foundation of a reputable law •Role of the PNP
enforcement agency. •Emphasis on the Philippine
National Police's pivotal role in:
• Integral for fostering trust, • Ensuring public safety.
accountability, and public • Upholding the rule of law.
confidence. •Recognition of the authority
entrusted to the PNP for
maintaining peace and order.
•ObjectiveTo explore the core values
and ethical standards guiding PNP
officers in their crucial mission.
•Understand how these principles
contribute to a just and accountable

PNP Mission and Vision

Title: "Guiding Principles: PNP Mission and Vision"

• "To enforce the law, prevent • "A highly capable,
and control crimes, maintain effective, and credible
peace and order, and ensure police service, working in
public safety and internal partnership with a
security with the active
responsive community
support of the community."
V towards the attainment of
a safer place to live, work,
and do business."

Core Values
Title: "Pillars of Character: PNP Core Values"

Maka-Diyos (Pro-God)

Makabayan (Pro-Country)
Title: "Pillars of Character: PNP Core Values"

Makatao (Pro-People)

Makakalikasan (Pro-Environment)

Code of Conduct and Ethical

Title: "Guiding Principles: PNP Code of

•Defined as the adherence to the Integrity:
highest standards of competence, •Stresses the need for honesty,
ethical conduct, and commitment to transparency, and incorruptibility in all
duty. dealings.
•Emphasizes the importance of •Upholding the highest moral and
maintaining a high level of expertise ethical principles, even when faced with
and professionalism in all aspects of challenges.
police service.
Responsibility: •Requires officers to answer for their actions and decisions.
•Involves the conscientious fulfillment of duties and •Ensures transparency and trust by holding individuals
•Encourages officers to act responsibly, considering the
responsible for their conduct, both to the public and within
consequences of their actions on the community and the the organization.

PNP Pledge of Service

Title: "Dedication and Integrity: PNP Pledge of Service"

The Pledge:
"We, the men and women of the Philippine National Police, in
the service of the nation, do hereby solemnly pledge to uphold
and promote the principles of: JUSTICE, FREEDOM,
EQUALITY, and PEACE; to work together as one cohesive,
dynamic, and highly motivated team; to perform our duties
with utmost dedication, integrity, and professionalism; and to
make personal sacrifices for the common good."

Duties and Responsibilities

Title: "Ethical Conduct in Action: PNP Officers' Duties"

• Law Enforcement:

• Upholding and enforcing the laws of •Crime Prevention:

the land to maintain public order and
safety. •Proactive measures to prevent
• Emphasizing the importance of fair criminal activities and ensure
and impartial enforcement. community safety.
•Stressing the role of ethical
behavior in building trust for
Community Relations: effective crime prevention.

Building positive relationships with the

community to foster cooperation and
mutual understanding.
Emphasizing the ethical treatment of all
individuals in community interactions.
Title: "Ethical Conduct in Action: PNP Officers' Duties"
Public Assistance:

Providing assistance and support to the public in

•Trust and Credibility:
times of need.
Stressing the importance of empathy, respect,
•Ethical conduct is fundamental to
and ethical behavior in these interactions.
building trust within the
•Highlighting that trust is crucial
for effective policing.

Ethical behavior is a cornerstone of

Discussing how professional conduct
enhances the reputation of the PNP.

Anti-Corruption Efforts
Title: "Building Trust: PNP's Anti-Corruption
PNP Initiatives:
Internal Affairs Service (IAS):
Overview of the role of the IAS in investigating and
addressing internal misconduct.
Highlighting the importance of an internal
mechanism for accountability.

Ombudsman and Other Oversight Bodies:

Collaboration with external oversight bodies to ensure
impartiality and transparency.
Emphasizing the checks and balances in place to curb

Challenges and Solutions

Title: "Navigating Ethical Challenges:
PNP's Commitment to Solutions"
Challenges Faced by PNP Officers:

1. High-Stress Environments:
2. Limited Resources:
Acknowledging that high-pressure
Recognizing that resource constraints can
situations can test an officer's
create ethical dilemmas.
commitment to ethical behavior.
Addressing situations where officers may
Discussing the impact of stress on
feel compelled to compromise values due to
resource limitations.

3. External Pressures:

Discussing the influence of external factors, such as politics or

public opinion, on ethical decision-making.
Emphasizing the importance of maintaining independence
and integrity.
Title: "Navigating Ethical Challenges:
PNP's Commitment to Solutions"
Solutions and Ongoing Efforts:

1. Training and Education:

2. Adequate Resource Allocation:
Continuous training programs to equip
Advocacy for increased resources and
officers with the skills to handle stress and
improved allocation to reduce ethical
make ethical decisions.
Incorporating scenario-based training to
Emphasizing the importance of creativity
simulate real-world challenges.
and efficiency in resource utilization.

3. Ethical Leadership:
4. Community Engagement:
Promoting ethical leadership at all levels of the PNP. •Strengthening ties with the community to garner support and
Showcasing examples of leaders who prioritize and uphold understanding.
values. •Creating a partnership where the community acts as a check
against corruption and unethical behavior.

Case Studies or Examples

Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 1: Balancing Public Safety and Individual Rights

Scenario: A protest is escalating, and the crowd is becoming

unruly. PNP officers are tasked with dispersing the crowd, but
some individuals claim their right to peaceful assembly.
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 1: Balancing Public Safety and Individual Rights

Discussion Points:
1.How should officers balance maintaining public order with
respecting the right to peaceful assembly?

2. What communication strategies could be employed to de-

escalate the situation ethically?
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 2: Handling Confidential Information

Scenario: An officer gains access to confidential information

during an investigation that implicates a prominent individual.
The information could be leaked for personal gain, but it may
jeopardize the investigation.
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 2: Handling Confidential Information

Discussion Points:
1.How should the officer handle the confidential information
2.What steps could be taken to ensure the information's integrity
and prevent corruption?
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 2: Handling Confidential Information

Discussion Points: Handling Confidential Information Ethically
Handling Confidential Information:

1.Legal and Departmental Guidelines:

1. Familiarizing oneself with the legal framework and departmental policies governing the handling of
confidential information.
2.Need-to-Know Basis:
1. Limiting access to confidential information to individuals who genuinely need the information for official
3.Duty of Confidentiality:
1. Recognizing and upholding the duty of confidentiality as a fundamental aspect of the job.
4.Informed Decision-Making:
1. Considering the potential consequences of sharing or withholding information and making informed
decisions based on ethical considerations.
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 2: Handling Confidential Information

Discussion Points: Handling Confidential Information Ethically
Handling Confidential Information:

Ensuring Information's Integrity and Preventing Corruption:

Secure Handling:
Implementing secure and encrypted systems for storing and transmitting confidential information to prevent
unauthorized access.
Ethical Decision-Making Training:
Providing officers with training on ethical decision-making, emphasizing the importance of integrity in
handling sensitive information.
Supervisory Oversight:
Establishing supervisory oversight to ensure that the handling of confidential information aligns with ethical
standards and legal requirements.
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 3: Use of Force Dilemma

Scenario: In apprehending a suspect, an officer faces resistance

and has to use force to subdue the individual. Bystanders
capture the incident on video, raising questions about excessive
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 3: Use of Force Dilemma

Discussion Points:
1.How should the officer assess the use of force in this
2.What measures can be implemented to ensure accountability
and transparency in use-of-force incidents?
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 3: Use of Force Dilemma

Discussion Points: Assessing Use of Force and Ensuring Accountability

Use of Force:
1.Proportional Response:
1. Assess whether the force used was proportional to the level of resistance encountered. Was it a
reasonable response to the threat posed by the suspect?
2.Imminent Threat:
1. Determine whether the use of force was necessary to prevent an imminent threat to the safety of the
officer, bystanders, or the suspect.
3.Alternatives to Force:
1. Consider whether there were alternatives to the use of force, such as verbal de-escalation, less-lethal
weapons, or waiting for backup.
Title: "Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement: Real-life Scenarios"

Case Study 3: Use of Force Dilemma

Ensuring Accountability and Transparency:

1.Body-Worn Cameras:
1. Implement the use of body-worn cameras to capture a comprehensive and unbiased record of
interactions between officers and individuals.
2.Immediate Reporting:
1. Require officers to report any use of force immediately, providing a detailed account of the incident and
the rationale behind the use of force.
3.Internal Investigation:
1. Conduct a thorough internal investigation into the use-of-force incident, ensuring objectivity and
adherence to departmental policies.
4.Medical Examination:
1. Ensure that individuals subjected to force receive prompt medical examination and care, documenting
any injuries sustained.

Conclusion and Q & A

Slide 10: Conclusion
Title: "Safeguarding Values, Ensuring Trust: PNP's Commitment"
•Summary of Key Points:
• Recap the importance of values and ethics in law enforcement.
• Highlight the PNP's core values: Service, Honor, Justice, Freedom, Equality, and Loyalty.
• Revisit the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards focusing on professionalism, integrity, responsibility, and
• Discuss the significance of the PNP Pledge of Service and its commitment to dedication and integrity.
•Continuous Commitment:
• Emphasize that upholding values and ethics is an ongoing commitment.
• Stress the dynamic nature of law enforcement and the need for continuous adaptation to evolving challenges.
•Pledge to the Filipino People:
• Reiterate the PNP's mission and vision.
• Express the unwavering dedication of the PNP to ensuring public safety, maintaining the rule of law, and
serving the Filipino people with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and accountability.
•Call to Action:
• Encourage officers and stakeholders to actively participate in maintaining ethical standards.
• Remind the audience of their role in fostering positive community relations and building trust.

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