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Transportation - the act of carrying or moving

something; something that carries or transports.

이동 수단 , 탈것
Do you know how to drive? If no, would you like to
learn ?

Do you prefer riding public transportation?

What’s the best way to travel? (By plane, ship,

train, car, etc.) Why?
Wheel - a circular frame or disk arranged to
revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery.
Travel- to go from one place to another
Rail - one of a pair of steel bars that provide the running
surfaces for the wheels of locomotives and railroad cars.
( 철도의 ) 레일
What vehicles have wheels?

Do you like traveling to a long trip?

What mode of transportation needs rail?

Would you like to travel by airplane?

Have you seen a hot air balloon?

Give 2 more air transportation.

잠수함 Submarine - a vessel that can be
submerged and navigated under water
Heavy- great weight; hard to lift or carry
Would you like to travel in a submarine? Why or why

What do you think is the safest form of transportation?


How do you go to school?

I go to school ______.

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