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Hello all my friends , my name is Rendi Albara .

My nick name is Rendi .
I am a student at Nusantara elementary school.
I am in the third grade . I am nine years old .
My hobby are reading and swimming .
Today is Saturday I and my family will go to
Fruit stall for buying some fruits .
There are many kind of fruits we can buy at the fruit stall .
My favourite fruit is orange .
I like orange because it is contain vitamin C.
Eating fruit is good for our health .
Fruit stall - toko buah
Nick name - nama panggilan
All my friends – semua teman teman ku
Elementary school – sekolah dasar
Third grade - kelas 3
There are - ada
Many kind of fruits - bermacam macam buah
Because - karena
contain - berisi
Good - bagus
Our health - kesehatan kita
Fruit stall - …………….
Nick name - ……………..
All my friends - ………………………..
Elementary school - …………………………
Third grade - …………………………..
There are - …………….
Many kind of fruits - ………………..
Because - …………….
Contain - ………………..
good - …………………
Our health - …………………..
Rendi : Hi Andini , where will you go ?
Andini : I will go to fruit stall .
Rendi : Why will you go to fruit stall ?
Andini : Because I want to buy fruits .
Rendi : What is your favourite fruit ?
Andini : My favourite fruit is orange .
Rendi : Why do you like orange ?
Andini : Because orange contain vitamin C.
Orange is good for our health.
Rendi : Do you eat orange every day ?
Andini : Yes , I do
Rendi : Hi Andini , Where will you go ?
Andini : ……………………………………………………..
Rendi : Why will you go to fruit stall ?
Andini : because ……………………………………..
Rendi : What is your favourite fruit ?
Andini : ………………………………………
Rendi : Why do you like orange ?
Andini : ………………………/………..
Rendi : Do you eat orange every day ?
Andini : ……………………………………….
Will - akan
will === di gunakan untuk kegiatan yang akan terjadi
Waktu yang digunakan :
Tomorrow - besok , Next week - minggu depan
Next month - bulan depan , Next year - tahun depan
1. I will draw animal tomorrow .
2. Mother will wash my shoes next week .
3. My uncle will go to japan next year .
4. They will follow flag ceremony next Monday .
5. Mr Abraham will paint the wall tomorrow .
6. You will give me some marbles tomorrow .
7. A leopard will climb the tree .
8. I will bring some books and penciis to the school .

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