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Oxford dictionary defines communication as activity or process used for
expression of ideas and feelings or used by people for giving information.

What are the 5 important elements of communication?

The elements of communication:

Source: Sender of the message
Receiver: Recipient of the message.
Encoding: The process of turning thoughts into communication
Decoding: The process of turning communication into thoughts
Feedback: Reply or response (verbal or non-verbal) to the message
Message: Content of communication
Channel: Vehicle through which communication travels
Noise: Interference in communication

Reasons why you should apply the correct grammar when you speak and

● Using proper grammar helps you to think logically and distinctly.

● You will develop effective communication skills
● It improves your fluency in the language
● Very beneficial when you are applying for a job
● Not being able to pass a message clearly, can diminish your organization’s name
● Poor usage of grammar can give a negative impression about you
● It helps you to build a reputation as a professional
● Helps you gain credibility
1. Wrong Word : spell checker replaced allergy with allegory.
2. Spelling : presence/presents
3. Unnecessary commas: He is busy said, will call later.
4.Unnecessary or Missing Capitalization: Please Let me know rakesh, when
can we connect on call?
5. Missing Word: will you able to connect at 5 pm?
6. Faulty Sentence Structure:
7. Fused Sentences: so we are going ahead with the 3 months plan you just
need to pay the difference.
8. Use of correct tenses: past/present/future
Importance of Grammar in Communication:

1. Important in all forms of communication. 11. Helps in increased competitiveness.

2. Improves skill of expression.
posterity. 12. Gives Credibility, respect, convenience and
3. Enhances accuracy. 13. Gives edge over competitors.
4. Good grammar saves time in business.
5. Helps in climbing the corporate ladder.
6. Grammar clears the message.
7. Helps in saving the face.
8. It is important even in digital world.
9. Integral for any business setup.
10. Helps to become a figure of authority.
Importance of Using Correct Grammar in Business Communications:
Your language fluency and usage hold great importance in the business field. Be
it any type of business, usage of clear and effective language is mandatory. It can
be in any form like speaking, writing, reading etc.

1. First impressions matter

2. Good reputation
3. Improve productivity
4. Avoid miscommunication
5. Helps you keep your business's competitive edge
6. Avoid misunderstanding
7. Reduce the risk of dealing with lawsuits
8. Communications becomes more effective
How to Improve English Grammar?

Few effective ways to learn & improve English grammar:

1. Read more in English: Read whatever is available at your hand.
2. Write more in English: Copy a paragraph from newspaper or magazine.
3. Listen more to English: Subscribe to youtube channels/ podcasts/ music/ movies
4. Practise more : Speak to your colleagues in english as much as you can.
5. Keep it simple: Do not use difficult words, learn the word replacement and try again.
6. Take the help of a course: Online or through an app.

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