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Dear Clare,
I’m very happy to get your email yesterday and know that you are getting used to
your new life.
Why don’t you tell me why have you been so busy and what is going on there?
How many bedrooms are there in your new house? Is there a garden in front?
What do you like most about the house? Remember to send me some photos of it. I
love to see them.
You know, missing some things and people here after you have moved to a new
place is a matter of course. However, I wonder who and what you miss. Do you
miss me and the time we got together?
I can’t wait to visit you there. What about next September? I have a week off then,
so I can arrange to go and stay with you for a few days.
Hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,
Word count: 150
Hi Natalie,
How’s it going? I hope you’re well and looking forward to your trip to Viet Nam. It’ll be
great to see you again. I’ll be on holiday when you come, so I’ve got plenty of time to spend
with you. We’ll definitely be able to visit a few places together.
The cheapest and easiest way to get to my apartment from the airport is on the bus. The
Number 30 Bus will drop you off at Bến Thành Market. I’ll be waiting for you at the bus
stop when you get there, so you won’t get lost!
It will still be quite hot here next month, so bring some summer clothes. It might rain as
well, but you can borrow my umbrella!
Well, that’s all for now, Natalie. When you have a moment, drop me a line and confirm
your flight and arrival times. I’m sure you’ll have a great time here.
See you soon,
Word count: 154
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task:
You have received a letter from your friend, Nam.

I have broken my arm and the doctor asked me to stay in the hospital for two weeks. I feel so
bored in here. Moreover, the English final exam is at the end of this month. I’m really worried.
Can you give me some advice?

Write a reply to Nam. In your letter, you have to:

- ask him how he feels now
- give him some advice on the test
- suggest him something to read
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task:
Read the following letter.
I am on a business trip when I receive your email, and I have heard that you are not satisfied
with the current course want to change to another course. Could you please tell me the reason
you want to change the course and which course you want to study?

Write an email to a head department. In your letter you have to:

- Explain why you want to change the course
- Tell him the course you want to study
- Thank him for his reply
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Time allotted: 60 minutes
Number of tasks: 2

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You received an email from your friend – Alan
I’m excited to let you know I have won second prize in an art competition in my area. My
mum has agreed to give me a trip as a present and I’m thinking of a short journey to your
country this summer. Could you give me some advice? I want to travel to beautiful places in
your country in 2 weeks with my mum. Where should we go? And what can we do there?
What’s the weather like in your country in summer?

Write an email to Alan and

+ ask him what kinds of things he wants to see
+ describe summer in your country
+ suggest some suitable activities
You should write at least 120 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

A sports center manager wrote an email to you.
Thank you very much for using our sports center. As you visit our sports center so often, I am
writing to ask for your opinions so that we can improve the service quality. We would be
grateful if you could tell us the reasons why you chose our center and whether you are
satisfied using the sports facilities. We would also want to know if there is anything you are
unhappy with and things you would like to be changed. And is there anything new you
would like to see and use?

Write a reply to the manager.

You should write at least 120 words

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Sam, he is going to visit Hanoi for 2
weeks. Read part of Sam’s email below.
It has been a while since the last time we met. How are you going? I am going to visit Hanoi for 2
weeks. Can you tell me the weather in Hanoi and which clothes I should bring with me? Can you
recommend some places to visit in Hanoi? Can you tell me some activities to do in Hanoi? Is
there anything to do in Hanoi at night?

Write a reply to Sam

You should write at least 120 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You received an email from your friend.
Yesterday, I had a wonderful birthday party with my family and friends. When I came home
from school, I was surprised when I saw a huge birthday cake made by my mother. My
house was decorated for the party and all my close friends and relatives were there. We
sang birthday song and enjoyed delicious food. It was a great party. How about your last
birthday party? What did you do? How did you feel? Did you enjoy it?
Write a reply to him/ her.
You should write at least 120 words.
6. MIX
1. Introduce the topic
2. Thesis statement ESSAY STRUCTURE
Transition words
- Firstly, secondly, thirdly, next, last/ finally
3. Topic sentence - The first (+n), the second (+noun),
another (+noun), an additional (+noun)
4. Supporting detail 1 - In addition, besides, moreover,
5. Supporting detail 2 furthermore, also, additionally
BODY 6. Supporting detail 3 - For example, such as
7. Supporting detail 4 - In contrast, on the other hand
- So, therefore, as a result
8. Topic sentence - Because, because of, caused by, due to
9. Supporting detail 1
10. Supporting detail 2
11. Supporting detail 3
12. Supporting detail 4

CONCLUSION 13+14: restate the topic

Presentation title 16
Travelling is an excellent way to enhance our knowledge and experience. Travelling offers us first-hand
experience of different places, cultures, customs, traditions, and history and presents us the opportunity
to explore the world as well as ourselves. However, people often express their view that travelling in a
group which is led by a tour guide is the best way to get advantages of the travelling. I quite agree with
this viewpoint and this essay expresses the reason for my opinion.
First of all, travelling in a group which is led by an experienced chaperone offers us the best possible
information and knowledge we can learn from travelling. The experienced guide will plan the schedule
and will explain the importance of a place or its historic significance. From their experiences, tour
guides can select the best possible routine and time schedule while visiting numerous places in an area.
This not only ensures a safe travel and tour experience for travellers but also gives them best possible
value for their money and time. Tour guides know what vehicles to use, what dangers to avoid when to
start a tour, where to stay, where to dine and so on. This is quite impossible while travelling alone.
Travelling in a group is an excellent way to meet new people while travelling alone might make an
explorer bored in a few days. We are human and we need company no matter what we do. Travelling is
no exception and having good companions while travelling is safe, less costly, more adventurous and
Secondly, a tour guide is a professional who has a good communication skills and extensive
knowledge of the local culture and history. While visiting a place the historic significance and other
important facts about it often make it worth visiting. For instance, a single tourist might not enjoy
visiting a place, but the attractions of this place increase when the tour guide explains the
significance of this place and people visit this place in a group. This group activity is another
important reason we enjoy our travel and this is only possible for travellers who travel in a group
guided by an experienced escort.
Finally, group members often become good friends and they help each other when they travel
together. Travelling alone for any individual, especially for a woman, is not always safe. Above all,
we always need a professional to assist us planning and executing our plans. Travelling is no
exception in this regard.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that travelling in a group led by an experienced guide is far better than
travelling alone due to the numerous benefits of travelling in a group. Personally, I would always
prefer travelling with a group of people which will be led by professional tour planners and guides.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

In many countries, young people are encouraged to take part in unpaid community
services in their free time to help the local community such as working for charity,
improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children. It’s widely believed
that this would be benefit both individual teenagers and society as well.

Write an essay to discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Reading can bring a lot of benefits to children. Some people say that reading picture books could
boost up children’s imagination. Others argue that picture books are not so good for children as
television. What extent do you agree or disagree?

Write an essay to discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Use specific reasons
and examples to support your answer.
You should write between 250 – 300 words.
Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and
Some people may argue that many Vietnamese students study English for
years, but not many of them can use English to communicate well. Write an
essay to discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
English is a global language and people who have a good command of English
can gain a wide range of international information. To what extent do you
The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health
care system. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem
is to introduce more physical education lessons in school curriculum. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that more physical education lessons in the school curriculum will help
combat overweight problems among people. In my opinion, this approach will help create a
nation of health-conscious people. This, in turn, will reduce the burden on the government to
contribute to the health sector. Instead, it can use those resources in areas like education
and employment.
First and foremost, children are more likely to follow what is taught in the classroom. So, if
there are more physical education lessons, they will readily learn about ways to keep
themselves fit and healthy. By giving extra importance to physical education, teachers can
instill in children the habit of following a healthy lifestyle from the start. In addition,
nowadays in many families both the husband and the wife work and hence they do not have
time to monitor the eating habits of their children. In such situations, if the child is well-
informed he can help himself to decide when to eat what.
Also, a habit that is developed during younger stages in life is more likely to stay with
them throughout their life. A well-informed person will not only follow a healthy
routine but will also motivate the people around him. Finally, overweight problems, if
not controlled, lead to obesity, and combating obesity is a tough task. It not only
requires individual efforts but also medications. This increases the burden on the
government to invest in a situation that could have stopped earlier. Worse still, it
blocks funds that could have been used in more critical areas like poverty.

In conclusion, I believe imparting physical education at the right age will help fight
overweight problems and reduce government spending in the healthcare sector.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately,
tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think
that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?
You should include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.
Nowadays tourism generates a significant portion of national income for many countries,
but it has certain drawbacks too.

First, I will outline some of the benefits of travel. Tourism is a huge source of profit. It is
also a way to propagate, preserve and promote local culture which we only know when
going there. This also contributes to improving the lives of local people. Furthermore,
traveling is also a way for people to reduce stress, connect with people, and enjoy life.

However, everything has two sides of it. Unstable tourism will have many consequences.
One of the disadvantages of tourism is damage to the environment of a country or region.
In the first place, tourists use a lot of local resources like water, food, energy, etc., and this
puts pressure on the environment. Secondly, there is a pollution problem. Many cities and
towns become overcrowded with tourists, with all their vehicles causing traffic jams as well
as air and noise pollution. Another bad effect of tourism is the destruction of wildlife in
some places. The habitats of plants and wildlife are lost due to the construction of tourist
areas and tourist activities.

To conclude, although tourism can have certain negative effects, it has an extremely
positive influence on the country’s economy and provides a large number of new jobs for
the local people. I believe that tourism will continuously grow and we will join hands to
make tourism develop in a healthy way, to create both economic and cultural benefits while
protecting the environment and minimizing the negative side it brings.
Many countries are receiving increasing numbers of tourists because of the affordability
of traveling abroad. This essay will analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this issue.

The main downside of tourism is the environmental impact, particularly on areas of

natural beauty. Many tourists are drawn to the most stunning areas of a country,
however, they rarely consider the long-term effects of their visit and contribute to
environmental pollution. One of the most well-known examples of this phenomenon is
the Great Barrier Reef which is slowly being destroyed due to tourists touching the
corals. Another downside related to the development of tourism is inflated prices in
tourist hotspots, which can make it unaffordable for locals to live there. This issue is
more serious in developing countries where local restaurants often raise their prices to
account for the higher purchasing power of tourists.

Despite the issues associated with tourism, there are plenty of upsides including from a
financial and cultural perspective. Regarding the economy, tourists provide an economic
boost to regions by spending huge amounts of money and providing jobs for local people.
To illustrate this point, the tourism industry in Thailand accounts for almost 20% of their
GDP and without this industry, their economic development would suffer. From a cultural
perspective, people visiting other countries have the potential to reduce racism and
develop a deeper understanding of other cultures. If travelers spend more time learning
about different religions or customs, they may well improve their tolerance and
understanding which is crucial in creating harmony in the world.

To sum up, the rise of tourism has contributed to certain environmental and financial
issues for popular destinations. Conversely, there are potentially significant economic
benefits for host countries and the opportunity to develop a more harmonious world.
Tourism is inevitable therefore tourist destinations should aim to enhance the positives
and reduce the detrimental effects.
Read the following extract from an article about education.

Today more and more young children have electronic gadgets such as computers and
mobile phones. Some people say that this is a positive development in children’s
education; others argue that the use of technology among young children do more harm
than good.

Write an essay to discuss the effects of technology on the education of young children.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
Sample 1

In recent years. Many educational institutions have started using technology for teaching and
learning processes from tablets to online learning platforms. There is a huge variety of tools
that help students to learn effectively. However, while technology can offer many benefits there
are some drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of
incorporating technology.

There are several advantages of incorporating technology and education, one of the main
advantages is that technology can help students learn at their own pace. For example, online
learning platforms often allow self-paced courses that allow students to work through material
that suits them. Technology can make learning enjoyable and interactive educational game
simulations can be used to help students to understand complex problems or concepts in a fun
and accessible way.

Despite the benefits, there are some disadvantages to incorporating technology education. One
of the main concerns is that technology and education can be destructive for students like me.
With many applications and websites, it can be easy for students to lose focus on their studies.
Additionally, technology can sometimes create a disconnect between students and teachers. For
example, online courses may not provide the same level of interaction and support as in-person

To ensure effective use of technology. It is important to follow certain steps. First, educational
institutions should choose technology that ensures appropriate and effective learning by fully uh
fulfilling students' needs. Second technology should be integrated into teaching and learning in a
way that supports and enhances existing practices. Lastly is important to train teachers and
users so they can use technology effectively.

In conclusion, while there are advantages in incorporating technology and education, there are
also some important considerations to keep in mind to assure technologies use effectiveness
importance to carefully choose the tools and practices that are appropriate for students. By
following these steps and support institutions can enhance students' learning experiences.
Sample 2

The use of technology has been spiking up over the last decade all over the world.
Technological influence can even be seen in the classroom. Although it possesses both pros and
cons, I believe its benefits outweigh the drawbacks. I shall draw upon a few illustrations that
reveal both aspects of this phenomenon.

Firstly, some rather obvious advantages of using technology as an educational instrument can
be found. One of them is its ability to engage students with various interactive learning
resources such as audiovisual representations, smartboards, etc. Additionally, its endless array
of informational resources stands remarkable in the present educational system. Above all,
today's online teaching with the advent of the internet has become popularly trending with the
enormous benefits that it has brought. For instance, Online learning has come to our rescue
during the coronavirus pandemic situation. With this, students do not need to suffer from losing
their academic years.

Nevertheless, on the downside of the matter, some negative aspects should be pondered as
well. To begin with, automation can be quite distracting. At a young age, it is highly
possible to lose focus with online adverts and Windows pop-ups during studies. To
illustrate, recent New York educational research found that 70% of teenagers are suffering
withholding their attention spans for a minute on anything. This is the consequence of
online learning. Furthermore, the rate of children suffering from optometric diseases has
been increasing due to the over-exposure to the screen which thereby leads to
sleeplessness, which is highly detrimental among children.

All in all, it can be seen that the application of tools in schools can be beneficial for
students. However, the merits of technological usage undoubtedly outweigh the demerits by
wisely leveraging it.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
In the past lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of
students. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience
or knowledge.
Sample 1

The conventional approach of teaching students through lectures has largely been
replaced by the widespread use of new technologies in and out of the classroom. While
this new approach has numerous benefits, it also has some disadvantages. This essay
shall examine the benefits and drawbacks of using the latest technologies in education.

One major advantage of using technology to teach students is that it provides them with
access to a wide range of learning resources that teachers can prepare. With the internet,
students can access a wealth of information on various subjects that they may not be able
to find in traditional textbooks. Additionally, online platforms such as video tutorials,
interactive quizzes, and simulations make learning more engaging and effective. This
way learning is more intuitive and effective.
Another advantage of technology in teaching is that it allows for personalized learning. With the
help of technology, teachers can assess the individual learning styles of their students and tailor
the content to suit their needs. This approach can lead to improved learning outcomes, as students
can progress at their own pace and receive individualized feedback. For instance, many colleges
in Canada have adopted this tailored teaching method which has increased academic
performance by up to 30%, which is a tremendous boost.
However, there are some disadvantages to using technology in teaching as well. One potential
disadvantage is that it can be costly, and not all schools may have the resources to invest in the
latest technology. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 60% of students in
poor or developing countries could not afford laptops and an internet connection. Additionally,
some students may struggle to adapt to online learning environments and may require more
guidance and support than others. Finally, the widespread use and access to the internet can
often distract learners from studying.

In conclusion, the widespread use of technology in teaching and learning has both benefits and
drawbacks. So, technology must be embraced and incorporated in schools to an extent that would
ensure a conducive learning environment while not making the process harder or unreachable for
the poor.
Sample 2
We have moved into a technology-driven era where technology is affecting many
different aspects of our life, and education is no exception. So, in some schools,
traditional methods of education have been revolutionised by new technology to the
extent that the lecture is no longer the main method of teaching students. While this new
approach has some advantages, it also has many significant shortcomings. This essay
outlines both the advantages of disadvantages of this novel approach.

Perceivably the biggest advantage of the use of the latest technology in education is the
flexibility it offers. This is evident in two different ways- firstly, it is now no longer
essential for students to be present in the classroom for their courses. The COVID-19
pandemic has specifically taught us how this flexibility could be a lifesaver. Moreover,
the distance learning facility enables employed professionals, housewives and people
from different countries to enrol and successfully finish useful courses offered by
numerous institutes. Another area of flexibility is of course the interactive tools like
"Moodles", for example, the lecturers can use to deliver their courses to large numbers
of students.
Not everything, however, about the introduction of this new technology into education is
useful. To start, not all students are comfortable with using technology, even if they are
part of the digital native generation. This is a grave issue as they may suffer from their
lack of technological skills and interests. For instance, an overwhelming number of
students, almost 75%, despite their enthusiasm for smartphones and computers, reported
that they do not like online classes. Another related issue is that education is a human
activity, and it works best with as much human interaction as possible. Impersonal
technology cannot replace the human contact found in traditional face-to-face tutorials
and seminars. Thus a piece of technology or tool can never be an alternative to expert
tutors who know their students individually and act and teach them accordingly.

To conclude, technology in education brings some important benefits and enables distance
learning possible. It also becomes the only way of learning and teaching during lockdown
and pandemics. However, due to the fact that it can be too impersonal for some and
discourages others for their lack of technological skills or passion, it is still not the best
method to teach and learn.
Task 2:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task:

Nowadays, more people decide to have children later in their life. This tendency can be seen
frequently especially in many developed countries. New data show that the number of American
women having kids after age 35 is continuing to grow. There are some reasons leading to this
trend and it certainly will have great impacts on family and society.

Write an essay to discuss the reasons and its impacts on family and society.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Homeschooling in simple words is educating your kids at home without letting them go to
public school. There are many reasons why today’s parents are not at all interested in
sending their kids to public schools and choose to homeschool. Homeschool today is legal in
many parts of the world and there are many parents in the UK, USA, who give
homeschooling priority as compared to the public school.
But always remember where there are advantages to something there are also some
disadvantages and like a public and private schooling, home schools also have some
disadvantages that parents must take care about.

Write an essay to discuss advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling. Include reasons

and any relevant examples to support your answer.
Today’s children become tomorrow’s citizens. So allowing them to interact with the
community is very important. More than that every human is a social being. Schools
play an important role in forming children’s social behaviors. So, in my opinion,
teaching children at school is better than teaching at home.

The main reason why kids need to be sent to school is to get awareness about the
society they will be a part of in the future. Till 4-5 years, children normally with their
family. Only after sending to school, they will get a chance to mingle with the same
age group. This will help them to improve communication skills, social awareness,
skills to handle difficult situations, etc. They will be able to do at least their own
things themselves. Also, I think this is required to reduce their selfishness- they will
learn how to share in school.
The other important fact is discipline. At home, kids always feel easy. It will be always
a tension-free atmosphere for them since they are used to it from childhood. Also,
parents and other family members may not be as strict as a teacher in many aspects.
So it is hard to get discipline in life for kids who miss schooling. The main reason for
this is the freedom they get at home.

Apart from all these disadvantages, learning at home has some merits too. The main
advantage is kids will be more comfortable. Parents can decide or prioritize the
topics to teach, unlike in some schools that give over workload to kids. The time for
study can be flexible so that children will get more free time. And parents may be
comparatively tension free too.

In a nutshell, even though both methods have their own merits and demerits, parents
should make important decisions about their children according to their
circumstances and convenience.
Today’s children become tomorrow’s citizens. So allowing them to interact with the community is
very important. More than that every human is a social being. Schools play an important role in
forming children’s social behaviors. So, in my opinion, teaching children at school is better than
teaching at home.

The main reason why kids need to be sent to school is to get awareness about the society they
will be a part of in the future. Till 4-5 years, children normally with their family. Only after
sending to school, they will get a chance to mingle with the same age group. This will help them
to improve communication skills, social awareness, skills to handle difficult situations, etc. They
will be able to do at least their own things themselves. Also, I think this is required to reduce
their selfishness- they will learn how to share in school.

The other important fact is discipline. At home, kids always feel easy. It will be always a tension-
free atmosphere for them since they are used to it from childhood. Also, parents and other family
members may not be as strict as a teacher in many aspects. So it is hard to get discipline in life
for kids who miss schooling. The main reason for this is the freedom they get at home.
Apart from all these disadvantages, learning at home has some merits too. The main
advantage is kids will be more comfortable. Parents can decide or prioritize the
topics to teach, unlike in some schools that give over workload to kids. The time for
study can be flexible so that children will get more free time. And parents may be
comparatively tension free too.

In a nutshell, even though both methods have their own merits and demerits, parents
should make important decisions about their children according to their
circumstances and convenience
Homeschooling method of educating children is a trend still followed by a diverse variety of
groups all over the world. The concept dates back as far as the times when actual schools, for
teachings group of attendees, didn't exist. The method originated in royal environments where
kings would appoint the wisest pupil in their cabinets to carry out teaching sessions with kids
in the house. However, this practice of in-house education began to diminish when public
education institutes came to the fore.

Benefits of homeschooling cannot be overlooked. The biggest advantage for children who are
learning at home is the individual attention the tutor can provide to them. This not only results
in clear delivery of knowledge to the student, but the pace of such can also be set, maintained
and adjusted as per needs of the student and requirements of the course. Recipient of home
tuition can enjoy a flexible schedule as deemed fit by the involved parties. This time selection
option can be a great tool to tune up the process of learning. Some children find it easier to
study at night while others prefer to do the same in the daytime. A one-on-one session between
a student being taught at home by his teacher establishes a social bond between them. This
leads to an increased level of interactivity which contributes assertively in the learning curve.
On the contrary, participants of group schools acquire some distinct advantages
primarily due to the system they get involved in. First and foremost would be
societal structure. Human is a social being and there is no place better than a
public or private school where children learn how to interact with others. Another
social property which the students pick up in group schooling system is
competition. They learn how to survive together and how to get ahead of other. A
healthy competition amongst students teaches them the value of effort. Group
schooling systems make the arrangement of specialized practical equipment
feasible, which would ultimately enhance the learning experience of all the

In my opinion, group schooling systems were made a global standard for a reason
and not the homeschooling. Public schools provide balance in society on a large
scale. Children with the uniform set of educational skills aligned towards a
common goal can grow up to be more useful for the world, rather than each child
moving in a different direction.
For many years obesity was perceived as a condition occurring only in adult life. However, in recent years the
number of children suffering from obesity has grown significantly. There are several causes and numerous solutions
which can be used to tackle this worrying phenomenon, and this essay will present a couple of them.
While some reasons for childhood obesity are genetic, others include poor food choices exacerbated by the easy
availability of fast food, insufficient physical activity, and a history of family members being overweight. Unlike the
former, the latter factors can be changed, if the adults in the child's life gain awareness and are willing to take action.
To begin with, health is a complex matter which requires a balanced approach. In other words, there isn't a single
solution to maintain health, on the contrary, it is rather a mixture of multiple factors, such as healthy dieting and
regular physical activity. For this reason, increasing the awareness of healthy habits among children is a
responsibility of utmost importance. What is more, it can be easily achieved through the education system.
On the other hand, children's education might be not sufficient enough to stop the situation from worsening. Along
with well-designed health education schemes, we should also try to stop food companies from overusing sugar in
products dedicated to the young ones. It has been proven that more than 70% of the products available in an average
supermarket contain dangerously high levels of white sugar. Sugar rich diet not only causes significant weight gain
but also contributes to diseases, such as diabetes in the young population.
To summarize, the emphasis put on the awareness of healthy living among children is invaluable. Furthermore,
combining healthy habits with stopping food companies from overdosing on sugar in products that are easily
accessible to children can be effectively implemented by the governments. Positive outcomes of such measures taken
today will definitely have a long-lasting effect on future generations.


Task 2:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task:
With the recent development in technology like e-books some people feel that the printed media
like books, newspapers and magazine will soon be a thing of the past. Others feel that those
forms of media will never disappear.

Write an essay to discuss the future of printed media.

Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and
You should write at least 250 words.
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
You and your friend are going to a concert, but this is the first time you join a concert. Now you’re
writing an email to the concert organizer to ask some information about the concert such as how to
get the ticket (buy it online, buy it at the booth or have it delivered to customers’ house), how much
the tickets are, when and where the concert takes place.
Write a letter to the concert organizer.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
You should write at least 120 words.
Task 2:
Some people believe that only English native speakers should teach English so that learners can
achieve a standard pronunciation. Other people argue that non-native English teachers can teach
English as well as native teachers. Which idea do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or
knowledge. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.
You should write at least 250 words.
Task 2:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task:
Some people like to live in an extended family which includes many generations. Other people
prefer living in a nuclear family. Which one do you prefer? State your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary
and Grammar.
You should write at least 250 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Traffic accidents has become one of the most significant factors leading to death of many

Write an essay to discuss the causes of traffic accidents and suggest possible solutions.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment,
Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
In some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases,
people choose their own marriage partner.
Discuss both systems and state which one do you think is better.

Give reasons and relevant examples for your answer.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:
At the present time marriage partners are chosen by people themselves, but in the near
past, this decision was made by their parents. In my view, despite those parents who don't
wish bad for their child, people should choose by themselves who they love. Due to that,
they will spend whole their life together. The following essay will discuss both sides of this
Since the dawn of time, marriage has been an important part of our lives. Because of that
choice of a partner is a tough decision and people have to consider all the details before
marriage. In the past children almost hadn’t right to choose a partner by themselves, in
fact, only parents could decide who their child was going to marry. Parents raised a child
and all decisions related to their child should be made by them. Parents know their kids
better than everyone and when they are giving them in marriage, they are taking into
account the character of the kid.
But currently, this situation has changed, due to that some parents aren’t
concerned about the future of their child and trying to give their child to a family
which is rich, it is not always fair towards children. Without love, there is no
future for their kids and as a result, it leads to divorce. Even then, there are no
ideal people and everyone could make a mistake, even when they are choosing
their future partner by themselves. People always fall in love with each other
before the marriage. After that, their relationships would become colder and it
also could lead to divorce.
After analyzing both sides of this issue, I've concluded that in spite of those
parents taking into account all the details, sometimes they forget about love. The
main thing of marriage is to bind two people who are in love with each other.
Thus, people should choose whom they love by themselves.
Model Answer 2:
The idea that a marriage should be arranged by the parents of the couple, or by other
members of the family, is quite acceptable to some societies, yet completely out of the
question for others. It all depends on your cultural expectations.

In so-called Western societies, it is very unusual for marriages to be arranged. Most

young people would not welcome the idea that their parents have the right to choose
their partner for life. They feel that arranged marriages deny them their fundamental
right to choose, even if they make a bad decision. However, if we are honest about it,
we might acknowledge that some parents organize their children's lives in such a way
that they are likely to meet and marry partners the parents approve of. It could be
said that this is, to some extent, similar to an arranged marriage. It is always better
when families support the relationship and welcome the grandchildren.
People for whom arranged marriages are the cultural norm often argue that the
likelihood of the marriage lasting is greater when it is set up in this manner.
Parents can be assured that their children are joining a family of similar standing
and cultural background, and this, in the long run, makes for a more stable
society if your parents' marriage was arranged, and has worked well, then why
should you question the custom?

The important thing to ensure is that people are never forced into a marriage that
will make them unhappy or lead to an unequal relationship where one partner is
exploited by the other. This applies in all societies and situations.
Religious tourism is a specific type of tourism that involves people traveling individually or
in groups for reasons such as pilgrimages, missionaries, or pleasure. Although religious
tourism has a positive impact on the economy and serves educational purposes, it can also
be viewed with skepticism at times.
Firstly, religious tourism raises awareness of our common heritage, which helps to ensure its
preservation. Religious heritage sites have an immeasurable value in religious terms and as
a source of public education, identity, and pride. And we can reinvest the income from
religious tourism in preserving our cultural heritage. Secondly, religious tourism can
contribute to community development and empowerment. When tourists meet and show
interest in the unique values of local communities, these communities feel empowered.
Tourism helps them to take pride in themselves, their history, traditions, and their
environment. But this only happens if communities are fully engaged and integrated into the
tourism experience around them.
Thirdly, religious tourism builds cultural understanding and peace. Tourism breaks down
cultural barriers and builds bridges between people, communities, and nations; the very
foundation of peace. Religious tourism attracts millions of people united in respect and
reverence for the world’s great religions. These are the very same values needed for cross-
cultural understanding, peacebuilding, and to ward off the forces of darkness that threaten
our sector.
One potential disadvantage of religious tourism is the clashing of cultures. Having a huge
richness of religions in one area can create tension between groups because of differences
in beliefs, rituals, and values. An issue that hinders accepting others’ religions is the fact
that people associated with one religion tend to believe that the gods of other religions are
incorrect. They believe that their way is correct, and other faiths are wrong. This can lead
to arguments and when religions are threatened by each other, discrimination and hostility
arise. Moreover, religious tourism may destroy religious heritage when many tourists come
to a place and do not protect the environment. They may litter everywhere and damage
some religious monuments.
Nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. While
proponents of GM crops ensure that these foods are safe for human
consumption and help to increase food supplies, others argue that their effects
on health have not been studied long enough. Discuss the pros and cons of
genetically modified foods, and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that genetically modified food is an agricultural innovation, while others
think that biologically engineered organisms can be harmful to human beings. While it is also
true that there are numerous people struggling with famine and starvation, my view is that an
intake of GMO foods can possibly cause some negative effects on our bodies.
On one hand, many proponents of GM food contend that genetic engineering is beneficial for
mankind and can solve a lot of problems relating to food.
To begin with, genetic engineering can help us find sustainable ways to feed people as a
solution to food shortage. Some GM crops can grow in marginal environments and the longer
shelf life of some GM foods allows them to be shipped to remote areas and some countries
suffering from insufficient access to nutrient-rich foods. Apart from that, seeds are genetically
changed for multiple reasons, which include improving resistance to insects and generating
healthier crops. This can increase crop production and make agricultural produce better
resistant to extreme growing conditions which will result in less environmental impact since a
minimal amount of chemicals, machinery, and time are utilized.
On the other hand, there is another opinion that the intake of genetically engineered foods can
bring catastrophic results for humans. First, there are controversial safety issues with
genetically manipulated products since they have not always been tested exhaustively and there
has not been enough time to research in order to ascertain all risks. Food allergies and certain
types of cancer have been a growing problem in unpredictable ways ever since genetically
altered foods were consumed which makes it safe to conclude that genetic modifications are
harmful to the body.
Another point worth mentioning is that there will be unforeseen environmental side effects.
Ecological damage can happen to the soil that supports transgenic crops over time and it will
be unable to sustain life such as plants, trees, animals, and even human beings. Although
bioengineered foods were developed to reduce the amount of pesticides and herbicides used,
bacteria and weed may develop resistance to those chemicals which will result in the utilization
of much stronger pesticides that causes further damage to the environment.
In conclusion, I understand that biologically engineered foods can be a solution to the food
shortage, however, I still believe that there must be more studies to prove its safety.

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