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It was in 1571 that the 'essay' was invented by the

French philosopher, Montaigne. He called his short,
philosophical writings which were the products of
moments by the French word assai, which means
'attempt'. Since then the word 'essay' has been applied
to compositions of the kind that Montaigne attempted.
The 'essay' as a form of literature is not of
ancient origin. It was in 1571 that the 'essay'
was invented by the French philosopher,
Montaigne. He called his short, philosophical
writings which were the products of moments
by the French word assai, which means
'attempt'. Since then the word 'essay' has been
applied to compositions of the kind that
Montaigne attempted.
But the first real essayist in English is
Francis Bacon, "the wisest, brightest and
meanest of mankind" in the - words of the
English poet, Alexander Pope. His essays
are modelled on Montaigne's and
appeared first in 1597.
Bacon calls his essays, 'detached meditations'.
Bacon's essays are meant for some moral
observations. They are short and pithy. His essays are
counsels of a shrewd man of the world based on his
personal experiences and observations of men and
manners. Bacon wanted to write for the young men of
ambition who wanted complete self-realisation. His
essays include of Truth, of Studies, of Travel, of
Adversity, of Envy, of Love etc.
1. Narrative Essay:

The writer of a narrative essay presents a story about a

real-life experience. While it may appear that narrating a
tale is simple, the narrative essay requires students to
think about and write about themselves.

When writing a narrative essay, authors should make the

story as vivid as possible in order to engage the reader.
Because narrative essays are frequently written in the
first person, the reader is more engaged.
2. Descriptive Essay:

A descriptive essay, like that of a narrative essay, uses words to

create a picture. A writer could describe a person, a location, an
item, or even a memorable memory. This is not, however, a
descriptive essay for the sake of description. The goal of a
descriptive essay is to convey a deeper meaning through

Through the use of vivid words and sensory details, the writer
should show, not tell, in a descriptive essay. The finest descriptive
essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, producing a vivid effect.
3. Argumentative Essay:

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that offers a

lengthy, evidence-based case. It necessitates a solid
thesis statement—a well-defined viewpoint on your
subject. Your goal is to persuade the reader of your
argument by providing evidence like quotes and analysis.

Argumentative essays put your abilities to investigate and

convey your own point of view on a subject to the test.
4. Expository Essay:

An expository essay is a piece of writing that provides a

balanced overview of a subject. In an expository essay, the
writer uses facts, data, and examples to illustrate or clarify a

Expository writing includes a variety of essay types, including

comparison and contrast essays, cause and effect essays, and
“how to” or process essays. Expository essays do not show
emotions or write in the first person since they are based on
facts rather than personal feelings.
It was my second day on the job. I was sitting in
my seemingly gilded cubicle, overlooking
Manhattan, and pinching my right arm to make
sure it was real. I landed an internship at Condé
Nast Traveler. Every aspiring writer I’ve ever
known secretly dreamt of an Anthony Bourdain
lifestyle. Travel the world and write about its
most colorful pockets.
As online learning becomes more common and more and more
resources are converted to digital form, some people have
suggested that public libraries should be shut down and, in their
place, everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader

Proponents of this idea state that it will save local cities and towns
money because libraries are expensive to maintain. They also
believe it will encourage more people to read because they won’t
have to travel to a library to get a book; they can simply click on
what they want to read and read it from wherever they are.
3. Hitler’s leadership in the years following
World War I was a direct result of the war’s
events. The next global crisis, World War II,
would result in atrocities far beyond the scope
of its predecessor. The world would spend the
second half of the 20th century recovering from
the enormous costs of both of these wars.
Compare & Contrast Admission

Critical Autobiographical Process

Definition Reflective Cause & Effect

These essays are a type of exposition essay that
defines a term or idea. These essays typically
examine complex or abstract topics and provide in-
depth analysis and explanations. For instance, a
definition essay might discuss what existentialism
is or the meaning of quantum physics. Definition
essays are common in academic and research

These essays discuss two subjects and detail
the similarities and differences between
them. These essays include an introduction,
at least one paragraph to explain the
subjects' similarities, at least one paragraph
to discuss differences and a conclusion.

Compare and Contrast essays

Cause and effect essays
Cause and effect essays detail why certain
events or situations led to other events. Writers
create a clear connection between the two sets
of events or circumstances and explain what
features of the initiating event created the
subsequent incidents. Cause and effect essays
are types of expository essays, so they state
facts and avoid subjective opinions.
Process essays
Process essays are another type of
exposition essay that describes how to do
something or how something works. You
can write a process essay in chronological
order to maintain organization and clarity.
Persuasive essays
Persuasive essays aim to persuade readers
to have an opinion or take a side using facts
and emotional appeals. To support an
argument or cause, persuasive essays can
include moral and emotional reasoning to
connect to the reader.
Critical essays
Critical essays provide an in-depth analysis of a
topic. They can critique paintings, books, movies,
plays or restaurants. Many college courses,
especially literature and humanities courses,
require critical essays as a way to test students'
ability to think critically and identify evidence from
a specific work that validates their observations.
Critical essays use facts from the subject to justify
an opinion.
An admissions or application essay, sometimes
also called a personal statement or a statement
of purpose, is an essay or other written
statement written by an applicant, often a
prospective student applying to some college,
university, or graduate school.
Reflective Essay is a form of creative writing
where you examine an experience or situation
through self-reflection. Through the course of
creating the reflective paper, you describe
insights that you gained or express your views
on some experience. Reflective essays are
typically personal writings about an experience,
but they can be made up as well.
1. State University and I possess a common
vision. I, like State University, constantly work to
explore the limits of nature by exceeding
expectations. Long an amateur scientist, it was
this drive that brought me to the University of
Texas for its Student Science Training Program in
2013. Up to that point science had been my
private past time, one I had yet to explore on
anyone else’s terms.
2. The homeless epidemic is a serious problem in
nearly every major city across the country.
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development, there are over 500,000 people
experiencing homelessness on any given night.
It’s a difficult challenge to tackle precisely because
it is so multi-faceted, both in terms of its causes
and its far-reaching effects.
3. Theodore Roosevelt once said that, “No one cares how
much you know, until they know how much you care.
Indeed, humans are creatures of emotion rather than logic
and emotions are critical for us in everyday life, which
means that the concept of emotional intelligence is
especially important. Communicating with other people
and interpreting their emotions is essential for us to make
effective decisions based on this information. Defining
emotional intelligence is a difficult task because this
concept includes variety of skills and abilities, while the
process of their development is not fully clear.
4. Face masks can prevent the spread of the virus SARS-
CoV-2. … However, covering the lower half of the face
reduces the ability to communicate. Positive emotions
become less recognizable, and negative emotions are
amplified. Emotional mimicry, contagion, and
emotionality in general are reduced and (thereby)
bonding between teachers and learners, group cohesion,
and learning—of which emotions are a major driver. The
benefits and burdens of face masks in schools should be
seriously considered and made obvious and clear to
teachers and students.
5. Start by preparing the meat sauce. I am using
two types of meat for this recipe, ground beef
and Italian sausage. Heat some olive oil in a pot
and start to brown the ground meats. Add
chopped onion and minced garlic. The diced
tomato goes next along with water. I also add a
piece of Knorr beef cube to give the meat a
sauce a solid beef flavor. Parsley, basil, and
Italian seasoning are added next.
6. The Three Musketeers is an ageless story which was
serialized for a newspaper, hence the page turning adventure
and fast pace. After reading this book in elementary school
(on my own) I had the urge to read it again, this time with the
eyes of an adult. Dumas gave us a timeless, serial classic
peppered with a good deal of humor, romance, and even
some swordplay. He has the ability to tell this irreverent
story, with no identifiable central plot, yet make it exciting
and personable. Everything that matters to Dumas, such as
unconditional love and friendship, are not front-and-center,
but on the margins of humanity and history.
7. The moment my new baby brother came into this
world, I realized two things nearly simultaneously. First,
you don't realize how much you need something until it's
sitting in your lap. Second, my life after this moment
would never be the same. There are many different
experiences in life that have changed a part of me as a
person. But, nothing so profoundly changed my views
and outlook on life like the birth of my youngest brother.
Joel's arrival was a life-altering event that caused me to
see the world through new eyes.

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