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What is Heart Disease ?
This is a condition or disease that affects the
heart or in blood vessels.
Any condition that causes the heart
to not function properly.
Causes of Heart Disease
1. Hypertension

2. High cholesterol

3. Malnutrition

4. Diabetes

5. Obesity

6. Constant Stress

7. Smoking
Types of Heart Disease
Types of Heart Disease
1. Cerebrovascular Disease

2. Peripheral Artery Disease

3. Rheumatic heart Disease

4. Congenial heart Disease

5. Coronary Heart Disease

6. Heart Arrhythmia
Signs of Heart Disease
Symptoms of Heart
chest pain
 Fainting ​
Shortness of breath
 Lightheadedness​
Slow heartbeat
Racing heartbeat  Fatigue​

 Swollen legs ankles

and/ feet ​
Treatment of Heart disease
 Aiming to be physically healthy
 Medications
 Surgical Treatment (Implants, etc)
Effect of
Disease on
Human Resource Capacity
 In the Caribbean 418 persons per
100,000population die of Heart disease
 31% of all deaths in the World result from Heart
 17.9 million people die each year from Heart
 This disease is becoming prevalent in children.
Economic Burden of CVD
1. In the US, 15%of health are spendings is used on
heart disease.

2. In Australia about 2.3 million dollars is spent yearly

to treat heart diseases.

3. In 2015, Barbados spent 64million dollars in

treating heart disease and diabetes.
Foods Heart disease patients should avoid
1. Butter

2. Gravy

3. Fried foods

4. Pastries

5. Pies

6. Pizzas

7. Fatty/Marbled meats
'Must Have'
Foods 1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Wholegrains
4. Seafood
5. Legumes
Summary Video

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