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Textbook p.

13 LEVEL 7

Lesson 2
Who do you admire most?

Unit 1 – Incredible people


By the end of the lesson, pupils will have a good command of vocabulary
related to personality adjectives and develop reading skills.

KEY LANGUAGE cheerful; laid-back; brave; active; charming; creative; talented;


1 2 3

Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading

Free talk Read the article Discussion

3 min 15min 7 min

Free talk
Pre-reading Textbook p.12

Checklesson, we learned
the answer some
and memorize
the adjectivesadjectives,
that you can you
are not
give some
familiar withexamples?

boring | caring | confident | cool

easy-going | friendly | funny
happy | intelligent | serious

For teacher See the speaker note for answer.

Pre-reading Textbook p.12

Now, circle the adjectives to

describe the person you admire

boring | caring | confident | cool

easy-going | friendly | funny
happy | intelligent | serious
Our friends are talking about the people they admire most.
Let’s read the article together!
Let’s read!
Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

she always stays positive about everything.

What does ‘positive' mean?

a positive
a positive


feeling enthusiastic and happy about your life and

your future
While-reading Textbook p.13

Read and answer: Who do the respondent admire?

My cousin Renata is an amazing person. She’s 26 and she’s got a little

girl, Bruna, aged four. Her husband died three years ago, so she is
bringing Bruna up on her own. Renata lives in São Paulo, where she
works as a teacher. It’s hard work, but she’s always happy and smiling.
Renata’s a keen athlete, too – she’s a very good runner and she trains Juliana, 17
a lot. She’s already run two half marathons, but she hasn’t won a race
yet. She hopes to run a marathon one day. Her life isn’t easy, but she
always stays positive about everything.

Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

1 Renata’s got a daughter.

Renata works as a teacher. 2 Renata works as a sports trainer.
For teacher See the speaker note for answer.
Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

He's very charming.

What does ‘charming' mean?

charming wife
charming street


pleasant and attractive

Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

They tend to adopt an active lifestyle.

What does ‘active' mean?

mentally active


doing a lot of things, or moving around a lot

Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

He is talented in math.

What does ‘talented' mean?

a talented
a talented pianist


Someone who is talented has a natural ability to

do something well.
While-reading Textbook p.13

Read and answer: Who do the respondent admire?

There’s an elderly man who lives near us called Mr Ronay. He’s very
charming and I think he’s just incredible. He’s 85 and he has difficulty walking
now, but that doesn’t stop him being active and doing the thing he loves most:
playing the piano. He has always been a very talented performer. When he
was younger, he played concerts all over the world, but he can’t do that any
more. Now, he teaches the piano. He gives lessons at home, and he’s just Urgun, 16
started to give free lessons to neighbourhood kids.

Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

3 Mr Ronay helps children to learn the piano.

4 Mr Ronay played
plays concerts all over the world.

For teacher See the speaker note for answer.

Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

He's very creative.

What does ‘creative' mean?

creative people


producing or using original and unusual ideas

a famous actor
Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

Nothing worried him, he was really laid back.

What does ‘laid-back' mean?

a laid-back
style of
teaching laid-back attitude


very relaxed and not seeming worried about

anything, or causing people to feel this way
While-reading Textbook p.13

Read and answer: Who do the respondent admire?

There’s a boy at my school called Deming. He’s 15 years old and he can
be quiet and shy, but he’s very interesting when you talk to him. He’s
also a wonderful artist with an amazing memory – he looks at a building
for just a few minutes, then goes away and paints it exactly as it is in real
life. He also paints things from his imagination. He’s very creative. He Li Ju, 16
has never studied art; he just knows how to draw and paint. He’s already
sold a lot of paintings, and he’s just won a place at an art school in
Beijing. But he’s very laid-back about the success he’s had.

Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

5 Deming has never had lessons in painting.

6 Deming is very good at drawing pictures.

For teacher See the speaker note for answer.
Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

It was a brave decision to climb the cliff.

What does ‘brave' mean?

a brave soldier
a brave decision


showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations

Pre-teach vocab Textbook p.13

He's usually fairly cheerful.

What does ‘cheerful' mean?

in a cheerful
stay cheerful


happy and positive

While-reading Textbook p.13

Read and answer: Who do the respondent admire?

My best friend’s sister, Anna, is amazing. She’s 13 and she was born
with a serious heart problem. She’s already had about ten operations,
but she is incredibly brave. She knows that there will be more
operations, but she doesn’t complain and always seems so cheerful.
The problem makes her very weak, so she spends a lot of time in bed or
in a wheelchair. But she goes to school when she can, and when she Luigi, 15
can’t go to school, she studies in hospital or at home. She’s just had
another operation, but she’s also just passed all her exams!

Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

7 Anna’s got a problem with her heart.

Anna goes to school when she can. 8 Anna never goes to school.
For teacher See the speaker note for answer.
Key Vocabulary Textbook p.13

Fill in the blank with the correct word.

cheerful laid-back brave active charming creative talented positive

cheerful today? Have you had some good news?

1. Why are you so ________
2. He stood up in the front of the whole school and read out his poem. He
was really ______.
charming and it’s easy to see why she’s got so many friends.
3. She’s very _________
laid-back that some people think he’s a bit lazy.
4. He’s so _________
Key Vocabulary Textbook p.13

Fill in the blank with the correct word.

cheerful laid-back brave active charming creative talented positive

talented dancer.
5. Have you seen him doing ballet? He really is a ___________
creative and come up
6. If you want to work in advertising, you need to be __________
with really good ideas.
7. My dad is really _________ around the house. He’s always cooking or fixing
things or working in the garden.
positive about the future.
8. He’s had a really difficult life but he’s really __________
Post-reading Textbook p.13

Talk about the person you

admire most with adjectives
we learned this lesson

For teacher T has a short discussion with Ss.

Let's have a brief review of what we've
learned today.

Topic People we admire

 Understand how to describe the people we admire by using personality adjectives

 Understand which kind of person can be amazing and incredible

Vocabulary cheerful; laid-back; brave; active; charming; creative; talented;

See you next
time !

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