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Raise your hand if
you want to
Listen when someone
is talking
Be respectful
and kind
Keep your
desk tidy.
Historical records of earthquakes in the Philippines from
1589 to present show that our country is frequently hit
by earthquakes .Some of these earthquakes have caused
a large number of casualties and damages to
properties .This due to our country’s location in the area
wqhere crustal plates are weak.This area is the Pacific
Ring of Fire.
Put a check (✓) if the statement is correct, and (×) if it is not.
1.Store water and dry food supplies good for a
few days.
2. Turn off gas tank in your home to reduce
the chance of having fire.
3. Stay calm as possible when earthquake occurs.
4. Expect aftershocks. Aftershocks can weaken
structures. Be aware.
5. Do not follow the instructions of authorities.
Group activity

Demonstrate precautionary measures

before,during and after of an earthquake.

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