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Sources , Biochemical functions and

associated disorders of : Fluoride ,

Zinc and Copper

Name – Manahil Khan

Roll no. - 66
Moderator – Dr. Priyanka Thapa
• It is mostly found in teeth and bones as
Calcium hydroxy fluoro apatite .

• It is naturally present in many foods like
seafish , cheese , tea and jowar .
FLUORIDE • Drinking water is also a source of fluorine .
• Most of the fluoride that people consume
comes from beverages prepared with
fluoridated water, and toothpaste and other
dental products containing fluoride
• It is also available as a dietary supplement.
• It is required for proper teeth development:
• Fluoride prevents dental caries by
strengthening the enamel of teeth .
• MECHANISM :- fluoride ions get incorporated
Biochemical into the hydroxyapatite to form fluoroapatite
of the enamel and dentine . Further , the
Functions fluoride inhibits bacterial enzymes which
produce acids that cause dental caries .
• Fluorine is also required for bone
• OSTEOPOROSIS :- consumption of water with
less than 0.5 ppm of fluorine leads to dental
caries and also call osteoporosis .
• FLUOROSIS :- consumption of excess fluorine
Dental Fluorosis - an intake above 2 ppm in
children causes mottling of enamel ,
decolorization of teeth . The teeth become rough
Associated with yellow patches on the surface .

Disorders Skeletal Fluorosis – an intake above 20 ppm is

toxic and cause pathological changes in bones
like hypercalcification , increasing density of
bones of limbs , pelvis and spine .
In advanced stages , ligaments of spine gets
calcified ultimately crippling the indicidual due
to stiff spine also called Genu Valgam .
• Total zinc content of body is about 2mg out of
which 60% is in skeletal muscles and 30% in
bones .
• SOURCES :- Grains
- Beans
Zinc - Nuts
- Cheese
- Meat
- Shellfish
• Zinc is essential for maintaing integrity of
immune system .
• Zinc is required for storage and secretion of
insulin from pancreas .

Biochemical •

Zinc is required for heme synthesis .
Zinc acts as an antioxidant as a component
Functions of SOD .
• Zinc helps in the formation of certain
metallo-enzyme .
• Zinc plays an important role in wound
healing .
- autosomal recessive condition where zinc
absorption is defective .
- characterized by acrodermatitis
[ inflammation around mouth , finger , nose ]
and diarrhoea
Associated - ophthalmologic disorders , hypogonadism
are also seen .
Disorders • ZINC TOXICITY :
- seen in welders due to inhalation of Zn-
oxide fumes .
- symptoms include nausea , gastric ulcers ,
pancreatitis , pulmonary fibrosis , vomiting
, anemia and excess salvation .
• Total body copper is about 100 mg . It is seen
in muscles , liver , bone marrow , brain ,
kidney , heart and in hair .
• SOURCES :- Liver

Copper - Fish
- Meat
- Nut
- Lenticels
- green leafy vegetables
• Mobilization of iron .
• Synthesis of hemoglobin
Biochemical • Formation of collagen , elastin

Functions • Synthesis of melanin

• Antioxidant functions
• Catecholamine synthesis
- Autosomal recessive disease results from defect in the synthesis
of ceruloplasmin .
- It is characterized by low blood copper and excessive deposition
of copper mainly in liver and brain resulting in cirrhosis of
liver and neurological disorders
- There is also excess deposition of copper in kindney and
cornea resulting in renal damage and kayser
Associated hepatolenticular degeneration .
Disorders - X-linked disorder results due to the defect in the intestinal
absorption of copper .
- The symptoms include decreased copper in plasma and urine ,
anemia , growth failure , mental retardation , depigmentation of
skin and hair , and 'kinky" or "steely" hair .
- It effects only male infants .
- It is a fatal disease , child usually dies in infancy

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