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Formation of Modern Turkey

based on Turkey: A Modern History by Eric J. Zürcher

“Part I: Western Influences and Early Attempts at

Mahmut II (1808-1939)
30th Sultan of Ottoman Empire
(B: 20 July, 1789, D: July 1, 1839)

Mahmud II
before and after clothing reforms
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base –I


Started as politically weak in position.

-Through his successful tactic established a power base in

first 15 years of his reign

Got his trusted supporters in key positions:

-in scribal service (kalemiye)
-in ulema hierarchy (Ilmiye)
-in the army (seyfiye)
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base –II


-Placing reformist minded people in strong positions

-Mehmet Said Halet Efendi,

“the most powerful politician of these early years.”
-a member of the ulema
-former ambassador to Paris
-close to janissaries
-very instrumental in subjugating the ayans
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base –III

Ayans brought under control:
-1812-17 Anatolian ayans
-1814-20 Balkan ayans
-Practically independent Kurdish princes, mirs
-Arab provinces central power restored itself only
in late 1840s
Methods to bring ayans under control : Peaceful
-bribes, titles, divisions exploited, “hostages”.
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base –III

Rise of Nationalism & International Condition

Lost Territories:
-Serbia: Kara George, revolt of 1804.
Milos Obrenovic gained autonomy between
Belgrade and Nish
-Greece: The Philiki Hetairia (1814)
(continue on next slides)
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base –III

Rise of Nationalism & International Condition

-Greece: The Philiki Hetairia (1814)

-1st Greek revolt 1821,
-Alexander Ipsilantis (member of Phanariote)
-2nd revolt started in the southern Greece,
-Greece gained independence with
The Treaty of Edirne in 1829

Celebration today in national & international context
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control
Province of
(Yanina Eyaleti)

stayed Under Ali

Pasha (Tepedenli
Ali Pasha)

Ali Pasha was

Sanjakbai of
Trikala, Siezed
control of
3. The Early Years of Sultan Mahmut II: The Center Tries to Regain Control

Mahmut II: Establishing Power Base: 1812-20

Lost Territories:
-Egypt: Kavalali Mehmet Ali Pasha became Wali
(governor) of Egypt (1808).
-Started modernization reforms in
agriculture, education and military.
-Started conscription of Egyptian peasant
in 1822
-Started direct taxing, replacing tax farm system.
-Fought against Wahhabi insurgency in Arabian
peninsula 1811-18.
Egypt Pushes
Saudi Revolt

-Saudi family
Captures Mecca
In 1806

-1824 Another
Saudi leader
Founded The
new Kingdom

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