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Effective c
questioning and

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First step to listen carefully: the
WILL TO LISTEN: to make yourself
available, to center yourself well, to Willing to listen
breathe, if possible to look at the
Remaining silent
REMAIN SILENT: do not interrupt
the speech, accept the silences,
listen to the end. c
FOCUS on the other, paying Focusing

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attention to the whole person (their
emotions, the

RECEIVE what is said without

judging, put aside your Receiving
assumptions. what is said
Seek to UNDERSTAND through Understanding it well
questioning and reformulation.

Keep in mind that listening does THE 7 DRAGONS OF THE LISTENING AND THEIR
not mean accepting! Dare to listen ANTIDOTES
to it in order to have a better
What do you Or?....
TO BETTER think...? What?.....
And as far as....., When? When?
Questioning well is done in a what is your positioning? To do what with it?
"funnel" way: open the dialogue,
complete the meaning and then
clarify the missing information.

Open questions and follow-up

phrases invite your
interlocutors to express The open c The pressing The factual Alternative or
themselves freely and to questions questions questions closed

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develop their answers.

Factual questions are used to

clarify certain information. But
be careful not to turn over to the
Oh yes, tell me more... Was it red or green?
Alternative or closed-ended
questions validate a Was he present?
What do you mean?
hypothesis: they are especially
useful at the end of the Can you be more
exploration of a subject. specific?
"IF I UNDERSTAND 3 types of reformulations for better dialogue

Reformulating consists in taking

all or part of what the other Clarification
expresses, in identical or different Your interlocutor has
reformulation difficulty finding words
Repeat what you have understood, starting with:
terms. (to help clarify and/or or comments that seem
"You mean that..., if I understood correctly..., in other
verify that you have words..."
confusing to you
Reformulation completes the understood correctly)
questioning and ensures that you
have understood your interlocutor.
Reformulate by focusing on the essential:
If so, it reassures him and invites reformulation (to Your interlocutor makes

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"In short, the most important thing for you is...", "Earlier,
him to continue the dialogue if refocus on many digressions or
you were telling me that..."; "To come back to your need
the subject or moves away from the
necessary. If not, it allows him to subject
for..." "I understand that you also need to talk about... I
rectify, and the dialogue can summarize the main suggest you take a dedicated time to discuss it in depth."
continue on a sound basis. points)

In the end, the purpose of the Mirror Your interlocutor says

reformulation is to obtain a YES: something, but you Reframe what you perceive of his emotions, intentions,
reformulation (to perceive something needs, beliefs, etc..:
"Yes, that's what I meant, what I make people aware of else and want to help "you look worried..., I have the impression that you want...,
want, what I need, what I feel...". an unspoken word or him/her express it. if I understand correctly, you think that.../you think that"...
No, it's nothing... you don't have
FALSE LISTENING to get angry for so little!
ATTITUDES Don't worry, it's not that bad....

Be careful, your reformulation must

be the exact reflection of the
! Beware of false
It's always like that with such a person...
thought or feeling of your Ah, I'm sure that's because of...
interlocutor. Here are some
counter-examples, with the most
frequent traps: You shouldn’t
You don't think
say that....
- minimize the situation that...
But he doesn't
- generalize, distort, interpret listen to
- judge his words anything at c Oh, yeah? Me too, I, if I were
all.... by the way, and... in your place....
- give its opinion in the form of

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of question
- want to help or reassure them:
the person may just need to be
listened to.
- give advice if the other person
does not ask you to
- to engage while talking about you.
You will be able to choose AFTER
this listening phase to intervene to
decide, guide, support, bring your
point of view...

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