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Hotspot Lane

Business Plan
CIA - 3
Presented By:-
Tanay Soni(2224236)
Mukta Chhabra(2224259)
Abhishek Nagar(2224201)
Yash Gupta(2224241)
Harsh Roy(2224216)
Sneha Nagpal(2224270)

Class:- BBA HON ‘B’

Subject Name:- Developing Fluency And Clarity In English For Business

Department Name:- School of Business and Management

University Name:- Christ (Deemed to be University)

Executive summary
The mission of this multidimensional, student-led website is to reach out to the mind and soul
of every youngster, to kill their boredom, and make their pastime (idle time) interesting yet
productive. Initially starting as a blogging website, today we aim to keep this website’s content
as diversified as possible so as to cater to the needs and queries of young individuals anytime,
anywhere, relating to any topic. Our vision is to make this website a common platform for not
only students but young souls from every corner of society to exchange ideas, information,
experiences, and other such intangible assets, and then derive learnings from them together.
Hotspot lane is a multidimensional blogging cum ecommerce cum career counseling website
designed for the students by the students and of the students. This website aimed at bridging
the gap in society between colleges, government, teachers, students , career counselor,
enthusiasts , social workers and much more. In short an umbrella website with all the features
within it . Our mission is to kill boredom of youth and provide them a platform for accessing,
expressing, and exchanging ideas, information and experiences freely and fearlessly. Blogging
has grown by 12% since 2015 Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source for
gathering online information. Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than
20 billion pages.
Why Blogging as a

1. Attractive opportunities •In 2022, the Indian ecommerce market is predicted to increase
by 21.5%, reaching US$ 74.8 billion. •India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$
350 billion by 2030.

2. Policy support •100% FDI is allowed in B2B e-commerce •100% FDI under the
automatic route is permitted in the marketplace model of E-commerce.

3. Future prospects The Indian E-commerce market is expected to grow to US$ 188 billion
by 2025 from US$ 46.2 billion as of 2020. By 2030, it is expected to reach US$ 350
billion. In 2022, the Indian e-commerce market is predicted to increase by 21.5%, reaching
US$ 74.8 billion. India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 111 billion by 2024
and US$ 200 billion by 2026. Much of the growth for the industry has been triggered by an
increase in internet and smartphone penetration. The number of internet connections in
2021 increased significantly to 830 million, driven by the ‘Digital India’ program.
Market Reach
The Indian online grocery market is estimated to reach US $26.93 billion in
2027 from US $3.95 billion in FY21, expanding at a CAGR of 33%. India’s
consumer digital economy is expected to become a US $1 trillion market by
2030, growing from US $537.5 billion in 2020, driven by the strong
adoption of online services such as e-commerce and edtech in the country.

According to Grant Thornton, e-commerce in India is expected to be worth

US $188 billion by 2025.

With a turnover of $50 billion in 2020, India became the eighth-largest

market for e-commerce, trailing France and a position ahead of Canada.
According to a report published by IAMAI and Kantar Research, India’s
internet users are expected to reach 900 million by 2025 from ~622 million
internet users in 2020, increasing at a CAGR of 45% until 2025.
Next few measurable
goals till 2025
1. Becoming one of the brand Publishers of eBooks, Podcasts, audiobooks,
Multimedia Websites, and leading websites for students.
2. Earning $1,000 per month through AdSense.
3. Setting up of Consulting centers in Metropolitan cities of India for Career
counseling, and emotional and health counseling.
4. Setting up of Outlet cum laboratory in 4 leading schools in Metropolitan cities of
India for Entrepreneurship cum internship program and training and skill
development program.
5. Conducting at least 15 All India school students conferences.
6. Connecting 10000 writers all over India for blogging
7. Providing internship opportunities to 1000 students
8. The blog Content will reach 1000 articles
1. Quora
2. Reddit
3. Shiksha
4. Mindler
5. WordPress
6. LinkedIn
What is our Traffic
Generation Strategy?
The readers of the website that is mostly students usually spend time
● Asking questions on major search engines like Google
● On Facebook (in groups, on pages, interacting with the content in news feeds)
● On LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or other social media
● Reading major business publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur and Inc Magazine
● Consuming smaller industry-level publications within our niche
● Listening to podcast
● On the blogs of influencers, brands and companies .
How will we generate revenue?
● Sponsored Blog Content
● Affiliate Programs
● Blog Advertisements
● Selling Online Courses
● Physical Products
● Release a Software Tool
● Selling Your Own Services
● Writing (and Selling) eBooks
● Launching a Virtual Summit
● More Creative Business Partnerships
● Podcast Sponsorships
● Freelancing (Consulting)
● Affiliate marketing and selling digital products. Digital products, such as e-books and online courses

Other monetization techniques include:

● Selling ads directly or joining ad networks
● Sponsored posts
● Private memberships
● Events and Retreats
● Exclusive forums
● Physical products
● Digital downloads (e.g., checklists,templates, and planners)
● Apps
● Offering coaching, consulting, or freelancing servicesBlogging Platform & Hosting
Revenue Model
The offerings of value, the revenue generation techniques, the revenue sources, and the target consumer of the product offered
The Fixed and recurring investment 20,000 per month includes
1.Server cost
2.Domain cost
3.Security approval certificate
4.Professional Email accounts
5.Storage space management
6.Brute attack defense
7.Site analytics
8.Bandwidth regulation
9.Server maintenance
10.Database optimization
11.Traffic control and Spam management
12.Landing page check
13.Plugin management and updating
14.Resolving hosting issues
15.Resolving hardware malfunction
16.Anti-Malware software
17.Site backups and updates
18.Glitch fixing Malicious Script removal
19.Protection from defacement
20.DDoS defense 21.Defense against SQL Injection.
Revenue models
1.Advertising model- Google’s AdSense is one of the most common tools get ads. For most websites, AdSense will
earn about $5-10 per 1,000 page views.
2.Freemium model- The main service of website ( Blogs ) are free for everyone . In order to get advance services
such as career counseling etc one needs to pay.
3.Affiliate Revenue Model - Providing affiliate links of coaching, other services and subscription useful for students.
4. Transactional Revenue Model - To avail services Directly from hotspot lane such as online courses one need to
make a direct transaction.
5. Web Sales - Selling of products manufactured by the company directly through platform like books , ebooks ,
magazines etc
6. Direct Sales - Selling of services to the consumer through sales person through cold calling and calling leads
obtained through referrals , SEO and SMO.
7. Channel Sales (or Indirect Sales) - Providing a platform to market their products and services and offer indirect
sale services and also obtaining commission 8. Subscription Revenue Model - Providing subscription to the Job
recruiters to advertise their opportunities for a period of time .

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